Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 323: Sheep Ginseng Fruit

Chi Chi Chi

The moment Wu Dao left, where he had just stood, the void was suddenly cut by a terrifying and mysterious force, like paper cracks appeared.

Such an unexpected scene made Wu Dao break into cold sweat in shock, and his pupils shrank sharply.

If he was even that slow, he would be cut into pieces.

He could never resist the power that could cut open the void.


But in the next moment, the sense of death crisis came to mind again, and Wu Dao's heart trembled. At the last moment, the Evil Emperor stepped out of Jiuji and disappeared out of thin air.

Still the same, the moment he left, where he had just stood, the void began to be cut into cracks one after another. It was really scary.

Cold sweat appeared on Wu Dao's forehead, and the next moment, he suddenly disappeared from the same place. At the moment of disappearing, the void was cut open again.

This time, Wu Dao felt a little frightened. The scene that happened was so weird.

Next, I saw him teleporting continuously. After each teleportation, the void would be cut open where he stood, which was very terrifying.

In the end, I teleported dozens of times. It was even harder than Wu Dao, so I had no choice but to withdraw from this area.

Nearly twenty miles away from the big lake, the strange events stopped.

At this time, Wu Dao, with a face full of surprise, asked the system but the system remained silent.

He took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on the sheep-shaped fruit that exuded divine radiance on the small tree rooted on the big lake.


Wudao disappears in place


There is a barrier outside the Great Lake, blocking Wudao's progress

Without thinking too much, Wudao disappeared immediately.

And where I was just now, the void was cut open again...

"Is this really not allowed to be taken?" Wu Dao's face looked a little ugly.

Those sheep-shaped fruits are exuding divine radiance. You can tell at a glance that they are not ordinary things. How could Wu Dao give up?

Finally, Wu Dao took a deep breath, with a terrifying look in his eyes, and decided to give it a last try.

The six yangs are added to the body, and the secret method of reversing chaos in the heavens is activated.

In an instant, his state reached its peak, and all the fluctuations in his aura were suppressed within his body.

The next moment, Wu Dao disappeared out of thin air.


Then there was a loud noise in the distance

The barrier of Dahu was not destroyed by Wu Dao with one punch.

At the same time, Wudao disappeared again

And where he was just now, the void was cut open

Boom boom boom

Just like that, Wu Dao teleported while bombarding the invisible barrier beside the big lake with all his strength.

Every time he teleports away, a force that can tear the void comes with him.


Finally, after bombing hundreds of times, there was a loud bang and the invisible barrier of the Great Lake exploded.

Wu Dao felt happy and relieved at the same time. It rushed into the big lake at the fastest speed, swept past the small trees rooted on the big lake like lightning, and then disappeared here.

A closer look revealed that the sheep-shaped fruit on the tree was gone.

But Wudao has already left the scope of this area.

I saw that his face was a little pale, his breathing was a little rapid, and his chest was heaving violently. He was really close to the limit just now. If the barrier could not be broken, he would give up.

"The SS-level restricted area is really scary and dangerous." Wu Dao lamented. At the same time, he was thinking that the SSS-level restricted area, maybe even he could not break it now. Just this SS-level restricted area was so difficult for him. SSS Level, he couldn't imagine it now.

If I don't stay here longer, I will turn into a stream of light and disappear into the sky.

After he left, it was still so peaceful here.

When they arrived at the periphery, they found that 2 million death warriors were still fighting against the fierce sheep, which left Wu Dao speechless for a moment.

It seems that even the Death Warrior cannot conquer the SS-level restricted area. It's too scary.

I don’t know, if the crowd knew that this was an SSS-level restricted area, their jaws would definitely drop.

Note: No one has ever seen even S-level restricted areas. Even A-level ones are very rare and difficult to attack. Even if the Gods want to win an A-level restricted area, they have to pay a high price.

Like an SS-level station, there is only one A-level restricted area map.

Only SSS-level stations have SSS-level restricted area maps.

You can imagine how rare and terrifying an SS-level restricted area is.

"Oh my god, what kind of restricted area is this, and what level is it? How come there are so many ferocious sheep with peak emperor power and nine-star combat power."

"Definitely S-level or above! Just now, His Majesty the Evil Emperor casually killed tens of millions, and now there are still more than four million. I dare to ask, in this area where only the peak of the Great Emperor can exist, which force can attack it? ? I think no one can do it except Immortal Evil Dynasty."


Seeing the fierce battle between the death warriors and the ferocious sheep in front of them, the crowd was very shocked. The number was too much, and it made people tremble and felt that they could not attack them at all.

If they knew that there was an emperor-level ferocious sheep with Yiyang combat power in the depths, I wonder what their expressions would be like.

"We've got the stuff, move out!" Wu Dao shouted loudly as he watched the battle in the distance.

Without any unnecessary words, the death warriors followed Wu Dao's will and retreated while fighting. In fact, their battle was also very difficult. The sheep herd's combat power was not much different from theirs, and their number was half that of them. It was no wonder that they were not struggling. .

And Wudao also disappeared in place

The army of death is also retreating

The crowd is shaking

Because the saying "no way" has been obtained!

Return to the City of Kings, in the study.

Wu Dao took out a sheep-shaped fruit and studied it.

It's about the size of a palm, and its whole body is white, with a faint secret power flowing on its surface, but I don't know what effect it will have after taking it.

There are a total of twelve small trees, each with 3 pieces, for a total of 36 pieces.

This is it; if you look at the universe, if you look at the Yang Ginseng Fruit, just one of it can make countless people fight for their lives.

Because its efficacy is extraordinary.

Taking one Sheep Ginseng Fruit, no matter what height or age you are, it will immediately turn you back to twenty-eight years old, and it will also strengthen your body to a very terrifying level. The stronger the person who takes the Sheep Ginseng Fruit , the effect will be even more incredible.

For example: You are an old man who has lived for millions of years and is about to run out of life. As long as you take a sheep ginseng fruit, you can immediately go back in time and return to your 28th year, and you will be full of fighting power. , plus sheep ginseng fruit will also push your combat power to the next level.

It's so unbelievable that once one is revealed, countless people will have their heads ripped apart just to get it.

Especially those who are old and immortal, may have to fight for it even if they have lost all their money. Some of them are more extreme and may directly rob them.

When the sheep ginseng fruit appears in the world, no one will be tempted!

If one is born, it will cause a sensation in the entire universe, and countless immortals who have been in seclusion for many years will come out to fight for it.

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