Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 338: Suppressing the Jin clan with one hand

"Oh my God! Is the Evil Emperor really going to that place!?" In that dark room, the middle-aged manager stood up with a look of shock.

That place is not something you can just go to if you want to. It is easy to get out but difficult to get in. If there is no treasure in that place to guide you, once you get out, it will be difficult to go back.

Now the Evil Emperor said he was going to that place to kill the nine members of the Jin family. How could the middle-aged manager not be horrified? Even he couldn't go to that place.

"Immediately activate the highest authority I can mobilize and project the scene from the Jin family in that place to me." The middle-aged supervisor gave an order and sat down again. He wanted to see what the Evil Emperor just said. Is it real.

He was looking through a light screen, so he couldn't directly sense how terrifying the Evil Emperor was, but there was no doubt that he was terrifying for being blown up by a superior god without even moving his hand.

And the 'evil family', the middle-aged manager began to think about it.

"Hiss! What a powerful evil emperor, tearing apart the void. He can actually tear apart the void. It's so terrifying!"

"Xie Family, who among you has heard of it? I wonder what level the Evil Emperor has reached, and what is the place he mentioned?"

"Tian Xie's background is really terrifying! What is his relationship with the Evil Emperor? Is it a father-son relationship?"


The surrounding area was in a state of excitement, filled with heated discussions from the crowd.

"You want to continue?" At this time, Wu Dao looked at Boss Zhu in the distance and said coldly.

Boss Zhu looked at Wu Dao with a very complicated look. Although he had fought with the opponent for so long just now, fortunately he did not show murderous intentions or have any thoughts of killing the opponent, otherwise he would have been doomed.

Zhu Tingxue never expected that he was the direct descendant of the Evil Emperor. It was so shocking. Boss Zhu shook his head, suddenly showed a charming smile, and said: "How dare I do something to you evil family members again, even if you give me a few more courages!"

Wu Dao glanced sideways at Boss Zhu and stopped looking at her. He had really asked the Evil Emperor to go to that place.

I just spent 200,000 Tu Cangsheng points to let the system scan the coordinates of that place, and spent another 100,000 Tu Cangsheng points to let the Evil Emperor descend.

It took another 50,000 Slaughter points to scan the Jin family.

The life value of 470,000 people was reduced by 350,000, leaving 120,000.

Wu Dao's move is to show Chaos, it can be said to make Chaos afraid!

"His Majesty."

"Brother Tianxie."

Long Yuxian and Xia Ningyu flew up.

"How is it?" Wu Dao asked.

"Thank you Brother Tianxie, I have cut off Helian Tianxue's head." Xia Ningyu breathed a sigh of relief. When the Evil Emperor didn't come just now, she was frightened, fearing that something would happen to Wu Dao.

Wu Dao nodded. The reason why he agreed to Xia Ningyu's killing of Helian Tianxue was not to help him specifically, but to prepare a scene that would shock the world.

I believe that soon, the news here will spread to every living planet and every big family.

At that time, no matter who talks about the Evil Emperor, his expression will change, and when he sees Tian Xie, he will be cautious and polite.

This was Wu Dao's purpose. Without this purpose, he would not have agreed to Xia Ningyu to kill Helian Tianxue. This had nothing to do with him.

"Master Tianxie, if you don't mind, you can come sit down at Tianhuang Immortal Palace and I'll treat you." At this time, Boss Zhu's voice came.

I saw her flying over too and said with a slight smile.

"The first floor of the Central Heavenly City was also built by you?" Long Yuxian was a little surprised.

"This must be the daughter of the leader of the Purple Dragon God Clan, Long Yuxian! Nice to meet you." Boss Zhu said very friendly: "Unfortunately, I am also in charge of the Tianhuang Immortal Palace."

"You still know me?" Long Yuxian was a little surprised.

It is true that Long Yuxian is one of the eight beauties in the starry sky ruled by her Purple Dragon God Clan, but outside of that starry sky, she is not so famous.

Each god clan rules the endless starry sky and countless life planets or continents.

Zhu Tingxue only had a chance encounter with Long Yuxian. She would not search for this person in her mind, not because she was innocent.

Zhu Tingxue looked at Wu Dao and said with a smile: "Just think of it as compensation for what I did to you just now, okay?"

Zhu Tingxue now regretted offending Wu Dao. The feeling the Evil Emperor gave him was unrivaled even by his own father. Moreover, the Evil Emperor also said that he would come to that place to kill the nine clans of the Jin family and directly tear the void apart. Gone, I don’t know if it’s true. If this is true, then the Evil Emperor is really terrible.

"Let's go!" Wu Dao said nothing more.

"Master Tianxie, please come with me!" Zhu Tingxue's attitude was very low.

A few people left, leaving countless people discussing in the surrounding areas.

Outside the universe, there are three thousand realms. The creatures living in the three thousand realms are very tyrannical and are not at the same level as the creatures in the universe.

Anyone born in the Three Thousand Realms will be baptized by God.

The degree of baptism that can be received depends on how high one's talent is. For some very talented beings, after being baptized at birth, once they start to embark on the path of martial arts, their combat power will become very terrifying.

Only the creatures in the Three Thousand Worlds can receive the baptism of heaven, so the creatures in the Three Thousand Worlds are almost countless times more powerful than the creatures in the universe.

Therefore, the creatures in the three thousand realms inside are very disdainful and look down upon the creatures in the universe.

It is very difficult for outsiders to enter the Three Thousand Realms. Unless you break through the divine realm and reach the heavenly realm, it is possible to enter the Three Thousand Realms. But that's just a possibility.

Therefore, this three thousand realms are only known to the top powers in this universe.

The big clans in the universe are very afraid of people who come out of it, and even want to please them without disobeying them in the slightest.

And those gods still want to have a relationship with them. For example, if they send their daughters out, it is best to be favored. If they can be taken to the Three Thousand Worlds, that will be a great thing.

In a certain big world, in a certain area, there is an endless island shrouded in divine mist.


At this moment, a big hand covering the sky and the sun, shrouded in purple-black evil energy, descended from the sky, blasted the void, and suppressed it like a world-destroying force.

"Who are you yelling at?" Continuous roars of shock and anger echoed throughout the world.

Is it useful to shout?

the answer is negative.

The big hand that covers the sky covers the endless floating islands. The purple-black evil energy emits energy fluctuations that reach the sky, crushing the void, driving boundless roars, and suppressing them.

The roar of "Boom Ronaldon" was loud, and the suspended island was caught in the palm of the palm by the big hand at this moment. All the material was evaporated, and nothing left.

After a while, the big hand disappeared, the void closed, and everything returned to calm.

It's just that the huge floating island just now no longer exists, it is completely empty.

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