Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 339: Miracle Medicine【2】

"Hiss!" A gasping voice sounded in the dark room.

What was played back on the light screen was a big hand that covered the sky descending from the sky, directly sweeping away the huge suspended island, and the void there was crushed. You can imagine how powerful the big hand that covered the sky was. fear.

"F*ck! How terrifying is the Evil Emperor? I... The Jin clan has at least ten heaven-defying figures who have transcended the heaven realm. Under that big hand, there is no resistance at all. This... Do you want to be violent again? What?" The middle-aged manager was shocked.

"To be able to crush the Jin clan to death so easily, how far has this... this evil emperor reached? Is it true that, as he said, it is a level that we will never be able to reach in our lifetime?" The middle-aged manager murmured, with a look in his eyes. All horror.

"No, such a shocking scene must be shown to them. It will shock them and let them know that this evil emperor cannot be easily offended." The supervisor was very excited: "No, everyone must be allowed to see it." Everyone in the universe knows it.”

The disturbance caused by Wu Dao has now spread to all living planets, and there are also videos.

Evil Emperor! God evil!

These two names are going to be famous.

Especially the Evil Emperor, who made countless people fear and fear him.

Especially those gods, they knew Jin Haofei's identity very clearly. He came from the big world, and the family behind him was also terrifying.

And the Evil Emperor dares to be so presumptuous, he definitely has the power to reach the sky and has no fear.

Moreover, the Evil Emperor seems to be coming to the world to kill the nine Jin clans. I don’t know if it is true or not.

However, at this moment, the light brains of all those who possessed the light brains promulgated by Chaos began to tremble.

As long as there is a big event, the light brain will vibrate to notify the owner.

People took out their optical brains, a light screen popped up, and a message appeared on it

"The Evil Emperor came to the world and wiped out the Jin clan with one hand. Video included! Produced by Chaos!"

As soon as this news came out, countless people clicked in, and one thousand Chaos Coins were consumed.

Regarding this piece of news, people who don’t know the big world only clicked on it when they saw the word "Evil Emperor".

The gods and the top forces who knew the big world were horrified and hurriedly clicked in.

Although this video only lasts for 1 minute and 20 seconds, anyone who has watched the content of the video cannot calm down for a long time.

Especially the top powers in the universe were extremely shocked.

The Evil Emperor can enter and leave the big world freely, and he can easily wipe out a seemingly terrifying family force in the big world. How amazing is this?

"What is the origin of the Hissing Emperor? Isn't this too terrifying? Is he still a human?" Some top forces gasped.

"It's really shocking, the Evil Family, what kind of family is this? How could such a powerful person appear? Isn't this Evil Emperor also a strong man in the world!?" Some top forces made a judgment.

"Tian Xie looks so similar to the Evil Emperor. He is definitely the Evil Emperor's son. The Evil Emperor and Shenlong have never seen their tail. We have to make good friends with this Tian Xie!"


After watching this video, no matter who it is, it is extremely shocking and cannot calm down.

This video was also circulated among the higher-ups in Chaos, shocking the hearts of one strong person after another in Chaos.

At the same time, I finally understood why the BOSS would directly open a black gold account for the Evil Emperor. It turns out that the Evil Emperor is such a terrifying existence!

Tianhuang Immortal Palace. This is the first building of the Central Tiancheng, with restaurants, teahouses, piano shops, inns and other entertainment places.

In an extremely luxurious private room.

The huge round table was filled with various delicacies and wines, and Wudao, Long Yuxian, and Xia Ningyu were tasting them carefully.

Speaking of the delicacies of Tianhuangxianque, it is really enough to touch people's sense of smell and tongue. There is nothing to say about the taste.

"Your Majesty, that person just now." Long Yuxian asked cautiously.

"You want to know?" Wu Dao finished the food in his mouth, looked at her, and said calmly.

"No! I'm just curious." Long Yuxian shook his head.

She didn't dare to inquire about unethical things. Long Yuxian just couldn't bear it anymore, so she spoke.

The appearance of two Evil Emperors really aroused her curiosity to the highest level.

"Brother Tianxie, what is your relationship with Lord Evil Emperor? Lord Evil Emperor is so powerful! He swept away the Jin clan in the big world with one hand." Xia Ningyu asked curiously with her big eyes flashing.

They also watched the video just now and were all shocked.

Unexpectedly, the Evil Emperor actually went to the big world and crushed the Jin clan to pieces with one hand.

So domineering.

Seeing them looking curious about the baby, Wu Dao said coldly: "Do your own thing well. Knowing too much about some things will not be good for you."

"Yes!" The two women didn't dare to ask any more questions and responded obediently.

At this time, the door of the private room was opened, and Zhu Tingxue walked in quietly.

She came after watching that video.

After reading it, her heart was shaken with shock. The Evil Emperor was too powerful and powerful, and Tian Xie was very likely to be the Evil Emperor's biological son. She had to befriend him.

"Master Tianxie, I wonder if the dishes at Tianhuang Immortal Palace are to Master Tianxie's taste!?" Zhu Tingxue walked over and looked at Wu Dao who was so calm and said with a smile.

Wu Dao raised his eyes, glanced at Zhu Tingxue, and said, "Not bad. By the way, is it night now? Prepare a room for me."

Wu Dao planned to rest for a night and go see the B-level bounty issued by Chaos tomorrow. To participate in the Chaos Ranking Competition, you still need to complete ten B-level tasks, and you can sign up directly at that time.

Also, if he kills the common people, he will ruthlessly destroy several living planets when the time comes.

In this way, his massacre life value will skyrocket in an instant.

"Master Tianxie's room has been prepared a long time ago. Come here, Tingxue has something to tell Master Tianxie." Zhu Tingxue said with a smile.

"Oh! What's the matter? Let me tell you." Wu Dao took a sip of wine, picked up the tablecloth, wiped his mouth, and said nonchalantly.

"I got news in the morning. I heard that there is a magic medicine on the Earth Planet. After my verification, it is 80% possible. I believe that many gods, top forces and even hidden families have come there now. . I wonder if Young Master Tianxie is interested." Zhu Tingxue said after finishing her work.

"Magic medicine?" Wu Dao's heart moved. This magic medicine is useful to him. It is reported that every kind of miracle medicine and every kind of peerless physique, how can one's heart be unmoved if there is no way?

Miraculous medicines are very rare even in the big world. It doesn't mean that it is easy to grow miracle medicines in any prosperous place.

The birth of a miracle medicine requires the right time, right place, right people, and both are indispensable.

To be honest, Wu Dao was moved.

It can be said that everyone who heard this news was moved.

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