Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 371: The evil family was despised

Xie Wuchen descended on the battlefields of the divine realms far away from the four living planets governed by Chaos one by one, bringing Wudao's words to them word for word.

After hearing this, they all retreated.

The battlefield in the Heaven Realm is at the very edge of the universe.

Here, the battle was fierce and violent, the scene was chaotic, the dazzling ripples of mad energy swept across this universe, and the violent heavenly aura was so vast that it caused a great collapse in this endless universe.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Countless powerful people in the Heaven Realm collided in this universe, using their strongest techniques to kill their opponents.

The huge roar like thunder exploding from the sky is endless, and the ripples of mad energy are so bright that they rumble and bloom, and the scene is horrifying.

There was no nonsense on both sides, they only used all possible means to kill their opponents. This was a big melee, and no one dared to be careless in the slightest.

"Poof!" The battle was fierce. On the side of the Yang Realm, a strong man in the Heaven Realm was accidentally attacked from behind. He was blown up by one blow and turned into a ball of blood mist.

This is not a one-person battle. If you are careless, you will die here.

On this battlefield, there were an unknown number of people in the Heaven Realm. In the fierce melee, everyone's eyes were red with blood.

Either you die or I die.

Nowadays, only one realm can exist between the Yang Realm and the Yin Realm. If we don’t fight now, will we have to wait until the Yang Realm is defeated?

It is impossible for the two worlds to coexist.

"Okay, let's stop for a moment."


At this moment, a voice came, coupled with a pressure so powerful that it caused the whole universe to collapse.

Such a strong pressure immediately suppressed all the heavenly realms on this side of the battlefield, making them unable to move, causing them to look at each other in shock, and they all turned around.

I didn't know when a man with long purple-black hair in black clothes had arrived.

"A member of the evil family!!" When they saw the person coming, some of the powerful people in the heavenly realm recognized Xie Wuchen. They were powerful people from the chaos, so they naturally recognized him.

"Hmph, you dare to interfere in our battlefield in the heaven realm? Do you want to break the contract?" Someone shouted from the underworld.


"Bang!" After Xie Wuchen finished speaking, the person who just shouted exploded into pieces.

"you wanna die."


When Xie Wuchen finished speaking, the person who just spoke also exploded.

After killing two people to show off his power, all the powerful men in the heavenly realm on the other side of the underworld looked at Xie Wuchen with expressions of anger and daring to speak.

"A bunch of trash." Xie Wuchen glanced at the underworld army and said disdainfully.


"Bang bang bang."

Just as Xie Wuchen finished speaking, there were many strong men in the heavenly realm glaring at them angrily on the other side of the underworld army, and they were about to shout angrily, but as soon as they said a word, they all exploded and died.

"Whoever dares to say one more word, I will kill you all." Xie Wuchen glanced at the audience, raised a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, and said coldly.

There was silence in the whole place. No one dared to say anything, whether it was on this side of the Yin Realm or on the other side of the Yang Realm.

"Not bad." Xie Wuchen chuckled and nodded with satisfaction, "Prick up your ears and listen. I'm here with the Evil Emperor's personal words."

"In the name of the Evil Emperor, I will stop the war between the Yin Realm and the Yang Realm immediately.

If any party does not follow it, it will be an enemy of my evil family.

Enemies of my evil family are usually destroyed. "

"Think carefully, if one side retreats and the other side continues to pursue, then they are the enemies of my Xie family." Xie Wuchen chuckled, and then disappeared here with overwhelming pressure.

"Retreat." On this side of the Yang Realm, a man in white shouted. He is the leader here.

"Why are you withdrawing? Who are the Evil Family and the Evil Emperor? Are they bullying us because of their high cultivation? If possible, he should go to the battlefield of the Void Realm to have a look."

"Yes, he is really crazy. Who is the evil family? Who is the evil emperor? Retreat? Brothers, do you want to retreat?" Someone yelled on the side of Yang Realm.

"Kill, kill the bastards in the underworld."

"Kill! Who is the evil family? Who is the evil emperor?"

"Kill!" The army from the underworld also rushed over.

"Boom!" In an instant, the two parties were fighting together again.

In the Heaven Realm on this side of the Yang Realm, most of them are people from the Big World, the Evil Emperor and the Evil Family. They don't take it seriously at all. How could they retreat just because of a word from a person they have never met?

"Damn it." There were still many strong men from Chaos here, but now that the situation was out of control, they couldn't help but cursed secretly, gritted their teeth, and said: "Follow me to evacuate. This is what the Chaos headquarters means. If you want to fight, we Chaos will not." I’ll accompany you.”

The strong men belonging to Chaos withdrew from this battlefield one after another and left quickly.

"Coward, the Xie family is nothing. If you are missing a few, it will be a lot, but if you are more, it will be nothing. Get lost." Many people in the Yang Realm yelled angrily.

The vast grassland stretches as far as the eye can see, with green grass swaying in the wind. Here stands a small thatched house.

Wu Dao walked straight into the thatched house, and the scene in front of him changed.

The spiritual spring gurgled, the rockery meandered, and the small waterfall flowed. Wu Dao walked onto an arch bridge and came to a long corridor.

Finally, I arrived at the same courtyard as last time and found that there was no one there.

Wudao walked to the pavilion, sat down at the jade table, poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and said calmly: "Why, old man Qimiao, aren't you welcome?"

"Sir, are you the Evil Emperor?" At this moment, a maid hurried over from outside.

Wu Dao turned around and saw a maid trotting over in a hurry.

Wu Dao frowned and said, "Old Qi Miao looks down on me, the Evil Emperor, so much? What a coincidence that a little girl like you comes to see me."

"Sir, you misunderstood." The maid ran over, stopped outside the pavilion, and said hurriedly: "Sir, my true respect is not here. "

"Not there?" Wu Dao raised his eyebrows, "Where have you gone?"

"Huan Shen Tianshan, it is said that a demon was born there, and Zhenzun also went to help suppress it." The maid said truthfully.

"Devils, are there also demons in the Heavenly Soul Realm?" Wu Dao was a little surprised.

"Young master, you don't know. Huan Shen Tianshan is the birthplace of demons. Every time a demon comes out of it, it will be a catastrophe. I wonder if the real one will fall in order to suppress that demon this time." The maid said with a heavy expression.

"But, after killing that demon, it will turn into a fantasy god sky stone."

"Illusion God Sky Stone, what effect does this have?"

"The Fantasy God Sky Stone contains the purest energy in the world, which can be quickly absorbed and refined without any impurities. A single Fantasy God Sky Stone can sustain a true master's uninterrupted cultivation for hundreds of years." The maid informed. .

"Really? That's really interesting. I wonder if you can take me to have a look?" Wu Dao became curious.

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