Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 372: Phantom God Tianshan

"Master, do you really want to go? It's very dangerous there." The maid said with some fear.

"What's the danger? By the way, is there a state of suppression there?"

"Suppression. I, the aboriginal, will not be suppressed by realm in the city, but if I am outside the city, I will be suppressed by realm just like you, young master."

"At what level is the state of suppression?"

"Well, it is suppressed at the peak of the Heaven Realm. Since the Fantasy God Tianshan is not open to the outside world, even though it is in Tianhun City, as soon as it approaches the scope of the Fantasy God Tianshan, the realm will be suppressed at the peak of the Heaven Realm." The maid inform.

"In that case, why not lead it out of the range of the Phantom God Tianshan and then kill it?"

"Young master, you don't know. If we let the demon escape from the range of the Phantom God Tianshan, it will be a disaster for us. The realm of the demon is so high that you can't imagine. Once he escapes from the range of the Phantom God Tianshan, the soul of that day will be destroyed." The world may be greatly affected." The servant girl's expression was unusually solemn, "That's why we have to kill the opponent in the Fantasy God Tianshan."

"The peak of the heavenly realm? Ha." Wu Dao chuckled and stood up, "It's a coincidence. Take me to have a look."

"Ah! Young Master, do you still want to go?" The maid was stunned. She thought that after saying this to Wudao, he would not dare to go, but she did not expect that he would go again.

"Go, why don't you go?" Wu Dao waved his sleeves and said, "Lead the way."

The maid was helpless. When Qi Miao Zhenzun left, she had told herself that if Wu Dao came, she would agree to whatever conditions the other party proposed.

"Master, please follow me." The maid sighed helplessly and led the way.

Wu Dao followed her, and at the same time there was something moving in his heart.

He was not moved by this maid, but by the devil.

Oh, no, it was not about the demon, but about the phantom god Tianshi after killing the demon.

He is currently at the peak of the Heaven Realm. If he can obtain the Demon God Sky Stone, he will definitely be able to break through to the Heaven Realm.

Finally, under the leadership of the maid, the two entered a large hall. After turning around, they came to an empty room.

Here, stands a teleportation array.

It is round, like an altar, with intertwined runes, vertical and horizontal lines, and a raised groove in the center.

"Sir, come with me." The maid walked up to the teleportation array.

Wudao also followed.

On the groove, there is a compass protruding, with many tadpole-like words on it. I saw the maid scratching the compass a few times, and then put a crystal stone into the groove.

"Buzz!" At this moment, the teleportation array burst out with bright light, and after a flash, Wudao and the others disappeared here.

Wu Dao only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and then it brightened up.

"Boom! Boom! Boom... Roar! Roar..."

As soon as I came out, I heard deafening roars one after another reaching my ears. There were also violent roars.

In Wu Dao's perception, the surrounding areas are densely packed with people.

"Oh my god, the demon is so powerful this time. Can the true lords deal with it this time?"

"Damn it, what is the origin of this Fantasy God Tianshan? It can actually give birth to such a heaven-defying monster. This time, there is no doubt that another true master will fall."


Curses and exclamations came to Wu Dao's ears.

Wu Dao and the others appeared on a hill.

There are heads everywhere,

"Ahead is Huan Shen Tianshan." The maid was on Wu Dao's side, pointing into the distance.

Wudao Taimu looked around.

In the distance, there stands a group of towering, majestic mountains covered by dancing white clouds.

The continuous group of giant mountains gives people the feeling that you can never get close to them.

In fact, this is not a feeling, but it is true.

The group of phantom gods in the Tianshan Mountains can indeed be seen but cannot fly.

Although it is close at hand, it seems far away.

That’s why it was named ‘Huan Shen Tianshan’.

However, the demons that come out of it can come out to cause trouble.

A golden barrier separates the inside from the outside world.

"Boom, boom, boom..." A fierce battle was going on inside.

There are a total of 120 true masters, holding different weapons, performing various techniques, and fighting fiercely with a red-black ape, which is as high as a tall and full of red-black mad energy.

There was a violent battle, and the whole world was trembling. The ape, holding a long red and black stick, looked invincible. It was so violent that it had red eyes and huge fangs. It was fighting to the death with 120 true deities. Every stroke of the stick carried a majestic power that suppressed playthings, and the 120 true masters were all extremely hard to beat.

"Damn it, how come the monster that came out this time is so powerful? Even 120 of us can't fight it to a draw." A true master was blown away by Mo Yuan with a stick, roared, and charged again. Come forward.

Among them, Wu Dao also saw Qi Miao Zhenzun. He was holding a red sword, and his whole body was gushing with blazing mad energy. He rushed to the front. The sword was like a heavenly sword that imprisoned the sky, forming a red sword field, covering the demon. Yuan.

In the red sword domain, the sword light was crisscrossed, strangling everything, filled with the meaning of heaven, and it even temporarily suppressed Mo Yuan.

"Nanimo, your swordsmanship has reached its peak." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Zhenzhen Nanimo suppressing Mo Yuan in the Heavenly Sword Domain.

"Everyone, I can't suppress it with my current sword domain. Stop being ink, quickly store up your peak attack, and launch it the moment the sword domain breaks open." Nanami yelled.

"Okay!" Everyone responded solemnly. Immediately, they all took out their special skills from the bottom of the box. Their whole bodies were filled with monstrous energy fluctuations. The energy in their bodies was roaring. They started to use their strongest techniques, blessing them with the thoughts of heaven, and their eyes were fixed. Staring at the crimson sword realm that rendered half of the sky, he could launch his most powerful attack at any time.

"Boom!" With an explosion, Qi Miao Zhenzun shook his body, opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of old blood. At the same time, the sword field he released exploded into pieces, turning into a shower of light.

"Roar." Mo Yuan roared and rose into the sky.

"Kill!" At the same time, the remaining 119 true masters shouted in unison, and in the turmoil of the world, they all launched a blow that had reached its peak.


In a burst of turmoil, the attacks of 119 true masters covered the sky. The bright ripples of mad energy were dazzling and boundless. One technical realm after another enveloped the heaven and earth. The terrifying aura fluctuations stirred up, and Mo Yuan was instantly submerged. , and made a miserable roar.

"Buzz!" However, at this moment, a red and black energy beam burst out from the Illusion God Tianshan, penetrating into the bright ripples of mad energy in the sky.

"Roar!" Then, a roar that seemed to be able to roar down the stars in the sky echoed from inside.

"Boom." Then, a crimson-black surge surged away from the ripples of the explosion, breaking away from all obstacles.

"It's over."

Seeing this scene, all the True Masters felt despair.

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