Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 373: Casually torturing Demon Yuan

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"Roar." Mo Yuan was baptized by the energy beam flying from the Phantom God Tianshan. He seemed to become more abnormal. With it as the center, a red and black round ball area was formed. The fluctuation of the aura made the real people present Zundu felt a tremor.

"How could this happen? If Huan Shen Tian Shan hadn't intervened just now, that demon Yuan would have been killed by us! Did Huan Shen Tian Shan do this on purpose?"

"Damn it. Once this demon leaves here, no one in my third soul realm can resist it. I can only ask the strong men from the upper realm to come down and suppress it."

"What should we do? If we let it come out, our third soul world will definitely be killed and devastated."

"Damn Illusion God Tianshan, there is really nothing we can do. We can't suppress it, so we have to escape immediately; otherwise, we will perish here."


Looking at the Demon Yuan in the distance, the faces of all the True Masters were not very good. The aura emanating from the other party was so powerful that they could not help but tremble.

"Oh my god! Is it over? Zhenzun adults seem to be powerless. Why is Mo Yuan so powerful this time!"

"Cheating, Huan Shen Tianshan cheated! Originally, Mo Yuan was about to be killed."

Countless people outside the venue also noticed something was wrong and became frightened.

On the hilltop, watching the Demon Yuan inside exuding overwhelming demonic power, Wu Dao had a smile on his lips.

"Let's go! Any unnecessary resistance will only cost you your own life." A true master said solemnly.

"Let's go! We are the guardians of the entire third world, and we cannot perish here."

All the True Masters made a decision and were about to leave.

However, at this moment, a slightly sarcastic laughter echoed out; "Haha!"

This laughter echoed in everyone's ears, making people look at the stage one after another.

Then he saw a very handsome man standing on a hilltop wearing a Ziyun battle suit and Ziyun combat boots, with long purple-black hair hanging over his shoulders.

Even the 120 true masters inside looked over and their eyes fell on Wu Dao.

"Yes! It's him." Qi Miao Zhenzun and others quickly recognized Wu Dao. Frowning, he laughed disdainfully. What did he mean? Do you look down on them?

At this moment, Mo Yuan seemed to be accumulating strength and did not take action.

Wu Dao ignored all the gazes, slowly lifted his feet off the ground, and slowly flew into the golden barrier.

For a moment, Wu Dao felt that the long-lost vast power at the peak of the heavenly realm was back.

"Ha!" Wu Dao let out another disdainful chuckle, and then disappeared out of thin air.

Wu Dao ignored the group of true masters and appeared outside the red and black demon territory emitted by the demon Yuan.

"Interesting." Looking at Mo Yuan with red eyes and stern fangs inside, Wu Dao raised a strange arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Roar!" Seeing that Wu Dao dared to despise him so much, Mo Yuan roared furiously at Wu Dao; it seemed to mean get out!

"My temper is quite strong. Little beast, how about surrendering at the feet of this emperor?" Wu Dao showed a plain smile and spoke calmly.

"Holy shit."

As soon as Wu Dao said this, everyone was dumbfounded.

Even the True Lords were startled.

What did they hear?

How dare he ask that Mo Yuan to surrender under his feet?

Is he seeking death, or is he really capable?

You must know that the monsters that come out of the Phantom God Tianshan are close to invincible at the same level of combat power.

How could he have the confidence to make the other party surrender?

"Fuck, who is that person? He is really arrogant, utters arrogant words, and is looking for death. Is there something wrong with his brain?"

"What a ridiculous comparison! I didn't see Mo Yuan, the true lords, could do nothing. How dare he treat each other with such contempt and seek death!"


The crowd outside was completely excited, thinking that Wu Dao was seeking death.

Qi Miao Zhenzun frowned, "Evil Emperor, come back quickly, it is not what it is now. You can deal with it..."

"Shut up." Wu Dao scolded without looking at them.

"Roar!" Mo Yuan roared at Wu Dao even more violently than before.

"Boom!" Then, he was completely angered by Wu Dao's words. The Demon Realm retracted, violently rose up, and swung the red and black long stick to hit Wu Dao head-on.

This stick carries the artistic conception of being fast, accurate, ruthless, domineering, powerful, crazy, and violent. It is so tyrannical that it approaches Wu Dao's forehead in an instant.

However, at this moment, Wu Dao disappeared from the spot and appeared aside, with a calm and gentle look, without even moving a hand.

People's eyes widened again. In their opinion, he was bound to be beaten to death by this stick. Why did he hide away?

"Awesome." At this moment, all the True Masters opened their mouths and said, with extremely shocked expressions on their faces.

To be able to dodge so calmly under such a violent blow from Mo Yuan is like a monster.

"Little beast, I will give you one more chance to surrender at my feet, otherwise, I will beat you until your parents don't even recognize you." Wu Dao said scornfully with a hint of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

"Roar! Boom!"

Mo Yuan's response to Wu Dao was an angry roar, coupled with a stick filled with red and black demonic energy, which he blasted towards Wu Dao's waist.

The world was filled with violent and violent aura fluctuations in an instant. Those with low cultivation levels would explode and die in an instant.

Even the True Masters not far away felt a sense of terror.

However, the next scene made everyone widen their eyes and open their mouths, with an expression of disbelief as if they had seen a ghost. Wu Dao's three-color punishment power circulated in his right hand. When the long stick filled with red and black magic power approached, he grabbed Mo Yuan's long stick with one hand.

"Boom" exploded due to the powerful collision of energy. Here, it was submerged by billowing red and black ripples of chaotic mad energy.

Wu Dao was the first to be swept in.

But for Wu Dao, this explosion ripple can be dissipated with just one breath, so it is nothing to be afraid of.

"Bang!" As soon as he grabbed the long stick, Wu Dao stepped forward. The three-color punishment power of the sky flowed in his left hand, and a palm hit Mo Yuan's chest before he could react.

"Poof!" Mo Yuan felt as if he was hit by an immortal evil mountain. He opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably.

The long stick has been seized by Wu Dao.

"Boom!" Suddenly, Wu Dao threw the long stick in his hand.

The target was none other than Mo Yuan, who was flying across the sky. He was approaching at such a fast speed that he was still in front of his chest.

"Boom!" The long stick hit Mo Yuan's chest hard, and there was a huge roar immediately.

The man and the stick flew towards the distance like a rapidly teleporting atomic bomb.

Finally, it landed with a loud bang, the earth shook violently, and a mushroom cloud rose up.

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