Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 383: They are coming one after another, don’t dare to neglect [4]

Wu Dao is now even more convinced that this universe may have been created by some great power, and the life and death of the creatures in it are all determined by that great power's thoughts.

Some things can only be known after you reach an absolute height.

Wu Dao can think of so many things, completely from the Tianhunxu God Realm.

As for why he had such an idea, we won’t mention it for now.

"Soon, I will figure it out. Xiao Hou, let's go." Wu Dao leaped over Xiao Hou's head, "Go to Uranus."

Xiao Hou roared and flew away quickly.


In fact, the scene of Xiao Hou bombarding the wall of the universe just now has been captured by the insect eyes of chaos.

Wu Dao also sensed it, but did not stop it.

This picture was immediately circulated in Chaos. Coupled with the shock just now, everyone who belonged to Chaos was horrified after watching this video.

What Wu Dao said was also captured.

Are the seven universes and three thousand realms just a cage?

Is it a cage created by a super strong person, and they are the beasts kept in captivity by that strong person?

After listening to Wu Dao's words, no matter who it was in the chaos, there was silence for a while.

The words of Wu Dao have great credibility.

In the universe, outside the big world, what kind of scene is that?

Why does the universe have a near end?

What Wu Dao just said echoed in the ears of the powerful man in the chaos.

The more they thought about it, the more they realized how reasonable what the Evil Emperor just said was.

They are just a group of animals in captivity.

"BOSS, do you want to release this video?"

"Let it go! Let the world see it."

In the dark room without any light in the Chaos headquarters, such a low voice sounded.

"Evil Emperor! He is really not a mortal." A slender figure walked out of the darkness.

This man looked to be in his early twenties, with a head full of black hair and a shawl. He was slender and dressed in black. His facial features were handsome and fair, and his eyes were as old as the well. After leaving a word, he disappeared here again. .

Chaos began to circulate, and the scene captured just now was spread out, and it was spread as big news. Anyone who had the Chaos Light Ball would be reminded.

The entire third universe is now experiencing a commotion. What happened to the vibration in the universe just now?

People in both the Yin and Yang realms were all discussing it, with expressions of surprise and uncertainty on their faces.

The scene just now was really terrifying.

And at this moment, the video captured by Chaos leaked out

"Oh my god, it turns out that the movement just now was caused by the Evil Emperor. I'm telling you! It really scared me to death just now." When he saw who the person in the video was, the people from the third universe, Da Songyi tone.

"Well! Is that Demon Yuan the Evil Emperor's mount? Oh my god, it's too powerful!? Every bombardment causes the entire universe to turbulence. If it is allowed to hit a few more times, the entire universe will not be able to survive. Is everything going to end?”

"Is he the Evil Emperor? I originally thought he would be a middle-aged man, but I never thought he would be such a handsome man. He looks so graceful and graceful."


Watching the video just released by Chaos, the whole universe exploded, including the underworld and the Three Thousand Realms. However, those ordinary people were attracted by the Evil Emperor's figure and ignored what he said. Those big shots heard what Wu Dao said clearly, and for a moment they were all extremely shocked.

That was the Evil Emperor, and his words were full of weight.

It can be said that this video directly caused a sensation in the underworld and the yang world. Everyone was confused by what the evil emperor said.

"Is this really true? We are just beasts raised by a super strong person. Ha, is this too funny!?

"The Evil Emperor's words are 60% likely to be true. I really can't imagine what kind of strong man can open up a world like the Yin Realm and the Yang Realm, and can his methods reach the sky? And I think, now I know this Yes, will they be killed?"

Words that are not said are like throwing a stone into a calm lake, causing waves to rise and making it difficult to remain calm.

From the video, we also know that the Evil Emperor is about to come to Uranus. The leaders of the Yin and Yang Realms are on their way, and they cannot let the Evil Emperor wait.

Now we know how terrifying the Evil Emperor is. That Demon Yuan alone is already unbelievable.

Even the all-out bombardment of the Emperor Heaven Realm cannot make the entire universe turbulent. As for that Demon Yuan, not only did the universe tremble, but it almost collapsed. It is conceivable that it must have surpassed the Emperor Heaven Realm.

People from both walks of life feel very heavy right now.

Who can be in a good mood knowing that he may be a beast in captivity?

Knowing that the Evil Emperor was about to arrive, the Tianhuang Immortal Palace was surrounded by people. To describe it as a huge crowd was not an exaggeration.

The purpose of people coming here is to ask the Evil Emperor himself how true what he just said is.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." As time passed, groups of terrifying big shots came to the Tianhuang Immortal Palace. They did not stay, and were welcomed into the Tianhuang Immortal Palace one after another.

Among them are those who are strong in the Yin realm and those in the Yang realm.

Many people arrived at almost the same time.

After knowing how terrifying the Evil Emperor was, no one dared to neglect him and came as quickly as possible.

Soon more than five thousand terrifying figures arrived, and they were all at the pinnacle of the Emperor's and Heaven's realms, as well as those from both the underworld and the underworld.

Continuously, more than 6,000 powerful figures at the pinnacle of the Emperor Heaven realm came one after another, and were welcomed into the Tianhuang Immortal Palace. No one dared to cause trouble.

"Boom!" This time, the entire Uranus was trembling, and more than a dozen figures, like the sun descending, fell from the sky at a very fast speed, and landed outside the Tianhuang Immortal Palace in the blink of an eye.

Thirteen people, including six old men, four old women, two young men, and a woman in white clothes and white hair.

Among the thirteen people, six were from the underworld, because they could not feel any life fluctuations yet.

Seven people from the Yang Realm.

After arriving, the two sides looked at each other and walked into the Tianhuang Immortal Palace.

Knowing that the Evil Emperor was coming soon, both the strong men from the Yang Realm and the Yin Realm came here one after another without any hesitation.

They have finally figured out that the Evil Emperor is probably a terrifying existence that has transcended the realm of the Emperor and Heaven. Who dares to neglect him?

No one dares to neglect.

"The thirteen strong men who entered just now are so terrifying! In front of them, I feel like I am facing the whole sky."

"The Emperor Heaven Realm experts who are definitely standing on top of this world have all arrived in just a short moment. It seems that the Evil Emperor already has full weight in their hearts, so they don't dare to neglect him."

"The goddess in white is also among them!"

People outside Tianhuang Immortal Palace were talking a lot.

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