Invincible Slaughter System

Chapter 384: Once upon a time, there was a white fox [5]

Since the thirteen strong men entered it, no strong men have come.

Before those thirteen powerful men, a total of 6,721 powerful men of the Emperor Heaven Realm entered inside.

Now, the only thing left is the Evil Emperor.

"Boom!" Just at sunset, when the setting sun was slanting, a violent pressure descended on the entire Uranus, making all living creatures on this planet tremble in shock.

Including the powerful people in the Emperor Heaven Realm in Tianhuang Immortal Palace.

In addition, the thirteen strongest beings also felt palpitations, knowing that the Evil Emperor was coming.

"Boom!" A ray of red and black light fell from the sky and landed outside the Tianhuang Immortal Palace in an instant.

Xiao Hou's whole body was filled with red and black magic power, and it slowly converged into his body. A pair of scarlet eyes scanned the whole place. Under Xiao Hou's eyes, everyone felt a roar in their heads, lost their thinking, and froze in place.

Only when Xiao Hou withdrew his gaze did those people wake up.

Wu Dao wore a Purple Star battle suit, purple star combat boots, and had long purple-black hair reaching his waist. He put his hands behind his back and quietly stepped on Xiao Hou's head.

"Welcome the Evil Emperor to come in person."

Here, in the Tianhuang Immortal Palace, Boss Zhu came out with a group of people behind him to greet him, and Xiao Yarou was among them.

Wudao fell from Xiao Hou's body.

Looking at Wu Dao's eyes this time, Xiao Yarou sighed in her heart. She knew very well about the Evil Emperor that in just a short time, he had turned into a world-class figure, while she was still a nobody. If Zhu Tingxue hadn't taken her in, she would have had nowhere to go.

"I have met the Evil Emperor." Zhu Tingxue and a group of beautiful women behind her all bowed and saluted.

"Is everyone here?" Wu Dao asked calmly.

"Back to Lord Evil Emperor, I guess everyone should be here. If there are people who haven't come yet, they must be people who don't take you seriously, Lord Evil Emperor." Zhu Tingxue lowered her head and said slowly.

Wu Dao nodded, "Lead the way."


"Lord Evil Emperor, may I ask if what you just said in the video is true? Are we a group of beasts kept in captivity by a super strong man?" At this time, voices like this suddenly sounded from all directions one after another.

"Let's go!" Wu Dao ignored him. Will he explain to some ants in his eyes?

"Lord Evil Emperor!" Countless people shouted outside.

Entering the Tianhuang Immortal Palace, under the leadership of Zhu Tingxue, they went straight to the Nine Heavens Immortal Palace.

Walking in a long corridor, surrounded by colorful fallen flowers, small lakes and flowing water, there were many young men and women on the grass staring at Wudao in the corridor.

The girls all became infatuated, while the talented young men showed deep admiration.

This man, after today, may become a legend.

After walking around for a while, I finally came to the outside of a huge hanging palace. I walked up the stairs to the hanging palace. The space inside was very large and filled with fragrant mist. Now it was full of people, and everyone looked solemn.

But in the front, at the top of the steps, no one dared to do it, it was empty.

After sending Wudao here, Zhu Tingxue went down.

Wu Dao led Xiao Hou from the central red carpet and walked straight in.

A pair of eyes slowly focused on him.

Finally, Wu Dao came to the top, turned around and looked down at the heroes, "I am sitting here, who of you has any opinion?"

Wu Dao's words fell, and no one below dared to speak.

"Since you haven't spoken a word, do you all have any objections to this emperor sitting here?" Wu Dao said expressionlessly.

"No! You are qualified to sit on it, we have no objection." Here, among the thirteen people sitting in the front, an old woman said with a smile.

"Yes, I have no objection at all." Everyone said one after another.

Wu Dao had no intention of sitting down, and scanned the entire audience, saying, "I see that many people still have cold faces. Do you have any objections to the chair behind me?

If this is the case, I will give you a chance to sit on the chair behind me.

All you have to do is catch a blow from my pet, and the couch behind me will be yours. "

", we have no objection." As soon as Wu Dao said this, those who had not spoken just now spoke one after another and put on smiling faces.

Just kidding, if you take a hit from your beloved pet, it will turn into ashes immediately.

A blow that can shake up the entire universe. I would like to ask everyone present, who can take it?

I'm afraid no one dares to say it's OK.

Seeing this, Wu Dao sat down on the couch behind him with satisfaction, like a high and mighty emperor.

There was a moment of silence in the field, no one dared to speak first.

The woman in white clothes, white hair, and veil sitting in the front row looked at the Evil Emperor sitting above her, and she felt a deep sense of familiarity.

That feeling has only been felt by one person.

But now, there was something about the Evil Emperor that made her feel unable to extricate herself, making her immediately think of that person.

"Are you...are you him?" Looking at the cold and ruthless Evil Emperor above, the woman in white had a lot of thoughts.

She is from the ‘Celestial Fox’ clan of the Celestial Spirit Realm in the Three Thousand Realms.

In her early years, in order to break through to the Emperor Heaven Realm, she separated half of her soul and discarded it at will, realizing the insignificance of the world.

One day six years ago, the altar came. She had no choice but to take back half of her soul and go to attend the ceremony. Otherwise, if she was blamed, her Tianhu clan would be in danger of being exterminated.

At that time, she met a man who made her feel deeply intoxicated. But who knew that she would leave him after just a few days with him, which made her feel deeply reluctant.

After the ceremony at the altar, she went to look for that continent, but there was no other continent.

She felt empty in her heart. Not long after she returned to her clan, she heard the news about the invasion of the underworld, so she came too.

Moreover, the realm has also broken through to the realm of Emperor Tian not long ago.

Now, in Wu Dao, I feel that familiar feeling that is no longer familiar. The woman in white is thinking a lot, and her beautiful eyes are staring at Wu Dao closely.

"Once upon a time, there was a white fox. Do you remember it?" During a period of silence, the woman in white couldn't help but speak.

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on her. At the same time, I was thinking about what she said.

She actually asked the Evil Emperor like this, could it be possible that they were still involved.

For a moment, everyone present became curious.

After hearing the words of the woman in white, Wu Dao's eyes narrowed and his eyes fell on her.

As soon as she said it, a memory that Wu Dao had forgotten came to his mind again.

"A white fox? I did encounter one before, but then it left me. So I forgot about it. But after you said that, I remembered it." Wu Dao had no expression on his face, and Gu Jing Wubo replied. .

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