Twenty minutes ago.

Located on the battlefield of the ruins.

The Human World Guards watched nervously at the three armies that were about to decide the outcome.

They have never seen such a fight.

Asuna can probably also understand that Yan Country has a lot of people, and the number of players has always been a lot. In addition to a lot of things, but also a lot of miscellaneous play.

Alo later also poured into a large number of players from Yan Country, and the adaptability and leveling speed that they showed was far beyond what the players from Beijing and Northern Capital could compare.

They have been exposed to these types of games since they were young, and RPG games are as easy as eating for them.

And those who can get in touch with such games for the first time must be hardcore players.

But even so, being able to show such cohesion for the first time really made her unimaginable.

After all, YY and voice channels are not popular in Keizaka North, and communication is unilateral.

Players from the Yan Kingdom like to form groups and fight in groups, and such a big event, shout in the major post bar, there will be a commander before going out, and such players are the most proficient in large-scale battles.

"It's almost over..." Renli said to Asuna after falling off the dragon's back.

"Yeah..." Asuna's forehead slowly dripped cold sweat.

The cohesion displayed by the players of the Yan Kingdom is not much worse than that displayed by the Human Realm Guards after long-term training, and there are at least about 28,000 in number.

And now they only have less than 7,000 people. With such poor combat effectiveness, how can they fight?

Suddenly, a guard hurriedly ran from the rear to the two of them and said: "Report 14. Report!! Your Excellency Asuna, Your Excellency Renley, from the south... a large number of dark knights gathered in our direction. It seems that there are close to three thousand people!"

"What?!" the two exclaimed.

"Those dark knights who descended from the sky are coming towards us...!"

Standing in front of the battle, watching the movements of the fighting armies, now the player of Yan Country has won the final victory.

Players in the Northern Federal Nations and the Southern Peninsular countries were killed by them without leaving a piece of armor.

Now, they are chanting No.1 in the country of Yan, and those who violate our server in the country of Yan will be punishable even if they are far away.

After all, the news released by Crete, corresponding to Yan Country and the South Peninsular countries, claimed that the games independently developed by the players of that country were invaded by the players of the North Capital Kingdom of Beijing during the test.

The spearhead suddenly became very profound.

"Fighting back and forth, dead end, last fight..."

Lina was wearing a purple armor and placed one hand on the hilt of the sword at her waist. Then she pulled it out and pointed at the Yan Kingdom player legion that was less than two hundred meters away and shouted:

"Everyone draws their swords! No matter how many enemies there are, we must defend the human world to the death! We never survived by the power of gods! Follow me!"

Four thousand melee soldiers simultaneously drew their swords or brandished broadswords and rushed out.

"Asuna... the rear will be handed over to you... we are holding on to the front!" Renri said, turning his head to look at Asuna.

Asuna nodded solemnly, and quickly rode a white horse to the southern end of the ruins.

Looking at the dark knight leading the flying dragon, Asuna squeezed the hilt of the sword tightly.

She could only use the terrain to manipulate the densely packed area.

Just when she raised her hand to prepare to manipulate the terrain, Shasta riding on the flying dragon raised the white flag.

Finally came to her as quickly as possible and shouted: "We are here to support the Human World Army! My troops will bypass the flanks and will not cause chaos to you."

After all, I saw that the Dark Knights did bypass from the right side and cut straight to the battlefield.

"The Dark Knight will actually help us?!"

"How is this going!"


Most of the soldiers of the Human World Guards couldn't understand.

Shasta looked at Asuna and said, " are the same as Han Yu-sama and the emperor. Are you from outside?"

"Please don't get me wrong, I just want to repay Master Han Yu's kindness. He made an agreement with me. After the war, he will give the DarkTerritory races freedom, equality, and business resources... It's a pity that the emperor is just a selfish careerist. ."

After all, Shasta pulled the reins and flew forward.

"Burn it!" following his order.

The flying dragon opened its mouth and breathed, and the flame instantly engulfed hundreds of players.

Although I still don't understand the situation, since the visitors are friends, with such a strength, even if it is a gap of 1 to 1.8, it can at least hold on for a while.

"Kill the one who is riding the flying dragon first. The damage is too high. Disperse your position and avoid it. I think the opponent will use magic or something."

"Fuck? Is there magic? Can we use it?"

"Fart, we are all newbies, how do you use them? The Beijing North Capital has taken root here, so how do we play for newbies."

"For nothing."

"Wdnmd, I'm up, it's a second after the fire, what can I say."

"Listen to my command, take the dragon first. If you can't touch it, rush into the opponent's camp and kill it first. This kind of large-scale damage will definitely affect your comrades. As long as you rush in, he won't dare to use it, drag him first!"

Various voices came from the player camp in Yan Country.

Although Shasta's first round of attacks worked, they soon responded.

The Human Guards fought with it.

Although most people hacked it in a nonsensical way, they were better than the number of people.

Lina wandered through the battlefield, taking advantage of the lightness of Serrut's flow, and constantly took off the enemy's heads.

But when she really started to kill, she realized that the war was not as easy as usual competitions at all.

It consumes too much physical strength, three or four are okay, if a swarm of swarms surrounds her, she will be knocked down no matter how strong she is.

The warlock team continued to chant sacred arts and launch fire elemental attacks.

But... the casualties of the Human Realm Guards are too great.

Prior to this, relying on the terrain advantages of the canyon and Han Yu's tactical command, the Human World Guards actually did not directly engage with the subhuman forces of the Kingdom of Darkness.

They have limitations.

Even if the training is intensive, the priority is actually not much higher than the priority of these players' accounts.

Really fight, there are not so many bells and whistles, only you die or I die.

The moves and routines cannot be recalled at all in the fight for their lives.

Only by constantly slashing, and only by letting the opponent fall, can you stand.

A strong smell of blood wafted on the battlefield of the ruins, and scarlet blood was splashed on the idol.

This is supposed to symbolize a sacred place, but at this moment it is as graceful as hell.

Whether it was the Human Guards or the Dark Knights, under such a fierce attack, the damage was extremely heavy.

But fortunately, there are fierce generals such as Renley and Shasta, who can exert their strength and quickly harvest the lives of the enemy, so that others can have the courage to continue fighting.

"Really...I don't want to kill her a little bit, she looks so good.."

"Who knows if it's a big man in the back, even if it's not a paper man."

"Don't be so deadly about your words, such a beautiful character image does look like an otaku pinched out."

Several Yan Nation players surrounded Asuna, looking at her cheeks and discussing in a low voice.

"This figure... I'm really serious, I haven't touched a woman when I grew up, so let's just say it."

"Now the ratio of men to women in Yan Country is 4 to 1. Can you meet? I don't even have a girlfriend. I won't say that she is mine! Even if it is cut, I have to touch it."

After all, the player wearing the red helmet rushed straight to Asuna.

Just when he was within one meter of Asuna's distance.

A sword light flashed across in an instant.

Asuna directly beheaded him with extremely fast drawing speed.

"Oh, it's pretty strong, but it's just a novice account, otherwise I won't take it anymore, together!"

Several players rushed up at the same time.

Their positions were scattered and their speeds were different, which caused Asuna a certain amount of confusion.

She quickly took out the sword and beheaded the three people in front of her first, but when she turned her head, one of them was about to cut her with the sword.

Asuna Huarong paled and dodged back hurriedly.

When the sword is less than one centimeter away from her.

A white light flashed across, and along with a figure falling, the player died instantly.

"Yo~ Asuna, I'm sorry for being late!"

I saw that standing in front of Asuna was an extremely familiar figure.


Asuna covered her mouth in surprise and almost cried.

"And us!"

Klein, Agil, Lisbeth, Silica, and nearly two thousand other players from the northern capital of Keizaka transferred from Alo.

"Tsk, another batch is here, and it looks like it's from the northern capital of Beijing."

"They really don't give up. Seeing that their equipment seems to be a transfer account, right? This group of people is really willing, but it is. This game is indeed possible."

"No matter how much he is, we are too crowded and we are done!"

Players of Yan Kingdom were not affected by this.

On the contrary, the nervousness of the Human World Guards was raised again.

They didn't feel relieved until Asuna informed them of the situation.

"How did you... come in... I didn't tell you that it was..." Asuna calmed down her excitement and asked when she looked at the crowd.

"Hey, you forgot, there is a good daughter by your side." Lisbeth laughed.

"You guys... Xiao Yui is crying because of you, how can you bear it?" Klein smiled.

"Yui Yi..." Asuna suddenly realized when she heard her daughter's name, she couldn't help crying.

Asuna bowed and said, "I'm sorry... everyone... I worried you..."

"We are good friends, aren't we, we should help each other! Now that you are in an emergency, how could we just ignore it!" Lisbet said.

"Yeah, sister Asuna, leave it to us."

"Mmm, don't always bear everything alone, and sometimes rely on us." Yuuki patted Asuna on the shoulder and smiled.

Asuna said with tears in her eyes, "Thank you... everyone..."

"So, are the enemy forces the guys in red armor? Are they all players?" Agil asked.

"Yes.. Now there are only more than 20,000 Yan Nation players left, but their combat effectiveness is very strong.." Asuna said.

Aigil stroked his chin and meditated, "Are you Yan Nation player...well.. Anyway, come on!"


After all, everyone turned and rushed into the battlefield. .

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