With the participation of the players from Keizaka North Capital, although the situation was relieved for a while, after all, they only had two thousand people. Even if they changed their accounts, a lot of data was not in common with Under.World.

Their priority is actually only a little higher than that of the Dark Knights, and the only value is in the equipment.

But in this game where there is no pain limit, it will be painful to die for a while, and it's one thing whether you can persist in fighting with the will.

The tacit cooperation between Yuuki and Asuna quickly blazed a trail in the battlefield.

In less than ten minutes, the two teamed up to eliminate three hundred players.

But compared to such a large number, such a ratio is too low.

The remaining 28,000 players of Yan Nation have only lost four thousand for nearly half an hour from the beginning of the battle.

The Human Realm Guards and the Dark Knights paid almost the same proportion of the price to achieve all of this.

Looking at the players from the northern capital of Beijing, who were killed less and less, there were loud shouts of victory from the players of Yan Kingdom, and Yan Kingdom NO.1 echoed in the ruins.

The battle situation showed a one-sided trend, and the Human Realm Guards and the Dark Knights retreated one after another and retreated to the interior of the ruins.

When Klein dragged his wounds to join Asuna and Yuuki, his arm was about to break, the blood flow continued, and his destiny dropped to less than a thousand points.

Agil’s situation is a little better, but it’s not optimistic. Although Lisbet and Silica’s cooperation did not suffer serious injuries, they were shocked by the force and both hands were numb and almost unconscious. .

After retreating to the ruins, the bow and arrow team cooperated with the warlock team to light a long line of fire to temporarily block the advance of the players from the country of Yan.

"Klein, how are you..." Asuna came to the injured area and looked worriedly at Klein who was being treated.

"Yeah.. It's really ugly.. The other members of Fenglinshan Mountain did their best.. Unfortunately, they lost four people in the end.. War or something, it's much harder than BOSS. 〃` ." Klein smiled helplessly.

"Of course... this is... the real war... You can rest for a while..." Asuna said.

"Master Klein, please lie down and I will treat you." The nun named Shuna crouched beside Klein and said softly.

"Ah... ok..."

Klein's face flushed, and she glanced at her a lot, only to find that although she speaks the Kyosaka Kita language, she does not look like the traditional Kyosaka Kita people, and this appearance seems to be only shown in the game.

"That...what's your name?" Klein asked.

"Yes, Lord Klein, my name is Shuna."

"What is Shuna...hmm...it's a nice name, are you an aboriginal?" Klein asked.

"I am a nun from the Congregational Church," Shuna said.

It is said that Klein was outrageous in his heart. Although he had obtained a lot of information from Yui before he came, after personally talking with the artificial Shaoguang, the shock was unparalleled.

Compared with the cold tone of the NPC machine, such a humanized tone makes it hard to believe that she is an AI.

When Shuna treated Klein, the line of fire pulled by the Warlocks and Archers had been extinguished, and the enemy's offensive started again.

At this time, the black hood Vasak, who had been hiding behind the Yan Nation player forces, quietly entered the ruins infield. At this time, the last line of defense guarded by the Human Realm Guards and the Dark Knights.

It was a huge disc site, large enough to hold thousands of people, surrounded by huge stone pillars, and several statues of gods standing there.

Vasago's black hood made a rustling sound and approached, and Asuna noticed the fast-moving person.

In the black hood, he couldn't see through from this distance, and he could only barely see the strong and distinct jaw and the curly hair that came out of his head.

With a twisted smile at the corner of his mouth, he said to Asuna, "Oh, long time no see, shone."

Hearing this voice and looking at this image, as well as the looming smiling coffin sign on his arm, Asuna took a breath and opened her eyes wide and said: "It's you?! PoH!"

"I really miss the name. I didn't expect you to remember it. I'm very happy."

And at this moment, Klein, who was being treated by Shunai, roared with anger in his pupils: "Asshole.. Are you asshole?! You murderer!"

Asuna bit her teeth, clenched her fists, stared at him and asked, "So are you here for revenge?"

PoH looked down at Asuna silently. Asuna noticed that his shoulders were shaking slightly.


Suddenly, PoH's body bends and smiles frantically.

After a while, he put away the ridicule like an attack, raised his fingers and circled, snapped his fingers and said, "I'll tell you all right, I will tell you the secret of the smiling coffin base to the Raiders team. Oh me."


Asuna, Klein, Agil, Lisbeth, and Silica stare at PoH with wide eyes at this moment

"Why?! Why!!!" Klein stood up frantically and walked towards him, but was held by Agil.

"Although I want to see the number one reason why monkeys kill each other."

"But the biggest reason is that I just want you to become murderers."

"All of you put on a great brave and nest in the forefront of the Raiders team."

"Before the incident, I had ordered the cadres of Smiling Coffin to kill a few more. It's a pity that I couldn't kill Han Yu in the end. I saw the expression of the man named Kirito the black swordsman. Wow, it was just like. Superb view!"

"You don't even know how wonderful he looked for revenge at the time."

"You can't even think of the predicament when Han Yu, known as the strongest sword of Shadowless Shadow, was surrounded by more than a dozen cadres and exploded with a bursting crystal. Every scene is a superb view. It's a pity that his life is as strong as a cockroach. It would be nice to be able to kill him (Li's)."

After all, PoH licked the blade of his friend Zhan Buding and sneered.

Asuna recalled that night when Han Yu returned to the Forest House in embarrassment.

Han Yu kept telling her that it was okay, but never thought that such a thing would happen.

With a dozen bursting crystals, if she is a little careless, she will be separated from Han Yu forever.

Thinking of this, Asuna was terrified.

At this time, PoH's voice came again: "I wanted to kill you and that guy before it was over, but I didn't expect it to end on the 75th floor."

"But this pain will continue here now, oh, here, it will be very painful to be chopped off. Compared with the painless death in sao, that kind of death is already very merciful."

PoH gently turned the dagger in his hand, "You Zhan Pao Ding" and shouted a decisive word when he was secretly active in the Sao era

"Its.show.time!" Exhausted.

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