Invincible Starts From God-level Plunder

Chapter 793: Missing the sixteenth, reluctantly winning the championship!

Jiang Shenfeng held the heavenly secret disk in his hand, high above the sky, his voice was loud and clear, just like Huang Zhong Dalu, and like the shocking heavenly voice. It was as if all of this was really under his control, and Gu Tianyi molested Jiang Yunxin earlier, and Jiang Shenfeng assisted him in imprisoning this person with the five-finger mountain transformation magical power, just to deceive people's eyes and ears.

Moreover, according to him, the uncontrollable abnormal number is also the most dreaded existence for a person like him who is in charge of the sky. Therefore, this is the only way to go.

This statement, coupled with the scene where Gu Tianyi and Gu Linger were fighting at the moment, has already been believed by most people.

After all, Jiang Shenfeng's mysterious appearance like an expert outside the world is really too bluffing.

It's just that Gu Tianyi and Gu Ling'er fought like this for more than an hour within the five-finger mountain magic power?

Young man, very good and very energetic!

"Hmph, I don't even bother to be an enemy to those rats who have to hide their heads and show their tails even in battle, and use all their tricks. In this battle, although we lost, we still refuse to accept it. If we have the chance, we must compete with Your Excellency again!"

Gu Ling'er has returned to that cold state.

With a wave of his hand, the nine fox tails were gathered, and the terrifying cold air disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Gu Tianyi also withdrew his supernatural power, greeted Jiang Shenfeng, and removed Wuzhi Huashan's great supernatural power.

"Since I have conceded defeat, the battle is over, please be merciful and let the two of my clan go."

Gu Linger stared at Jiang Shenfeng. Although she was almost a big gap away, Gu Linger was not afraid at all.

Moreover, she has the coercion of a strong man from the previous life, which makes Jiang Shenfeng secretly startled.

"Haha, there is no rush to let him go, at least wait for the referee to announce, right?"

Gu Tianyi laughed.

Hearing this, Gu Linger gave him a sideways glance, her beautiful eyes were full of disgust and disdain,

"The prodigal son, I have recorded what happened today. One day, I will let you, and you, pay the price for what you did today."

This girl acted as if she was real.

If he didn't know in advance that it was a fake, even Gu Tianyi would not be able to recognize it.

That's fine, even Gu Tianyi, who knows her best, can't tell the truth from the fake, and the others can't even tell.

"Haha, okay, I'll wait. But next time, the girl will not be so lucky. I, Gu Tianyi, still lack a concubine."

Gu Tianyi continued to laugh.

At this point, the battle that lasted for more than an hour was truly over.

Although there were many twists and turns, the battle was finally completed with a result that everyone could accept.

Gu Tianyi's gaze passed through many crowds, and finally met Zhang Tianlin's gaze. Glancing at each other, the first lord of the Yanhuang Sword Sect stood up and announced loudly:

"Congratulations to Yanhuangjian, who won the second place in the foreign aid battle."

Everyone: "???"

Congratulations to the Yanhuang sword lineage? I was wrong.

No, what Zhang Tianlin said was congratulations for winning the second place, but... he was first in the past, but he fell to the second place, so what is there to congratulate?

When Gu Zhen heard this, his face was already full of displeasure.

This Tianlin must have done it on purpose!

The other suzerains also had different expressions, and they didn't support Zhang Tianlin's approach very much.

You have won everything, and you are still attacking the ancient suzerain like this. After all, you are also the second suzerain of Yanhuang Sword Sect, and you will work together in the future. If the quarrel is too stiff, it will not be conducive to the unity of the sect.

Zhang Tianlin didn't care about other people's gazes, his eyes flicked around, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

At this moment, he is undoubtedly the focus of attention, and his every move is clearly noticed.

Gu Tianyi and the others obviously won, but you put on such a face, why?

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Zhang Tianlin achieved his goal. He cleared his throat, sighed, and said: "The Bafang Daoist lineage, in the foreign aid battle, missed the 16th place and won the championship with pain. Alas, the heights are too cold , it's too cold."

Everyone: "???"

The suzerains: "????"

Gu Zhen: "?????"

Do people say?

You want the sixteenth place so much, come, come, I will give it to you!

I've seen cheap and well-behaved ones, but I've never seen one that's as good as this.

Even Gu Tianyi couldn't help giving Zhang Tianlin a thumbs up, Zhang Zongzhu, you are tall, you are really tall. Compared with you, this way of pretending to be coercive, what the younger generation has comprehended is just the superficial.

"Everyone, is there anyone else who wants to challenge?"

Zhang Tianlin asked.

"Zhang Tianlin, what do you mean? This round of fighting is over. It is reasonable to call a truce for an hour before proceeding to the next round of challenges. Besides, the two adults of the Immortal Clan were suppressed on the battlefield. Since the battle It's over, they should be released."

"They have never shown their full strength in this battle. After resting for an hour, they will fight against Gu Tianyi and others. It is still unknown who will win."

Gu Zhen said coldly.

However, Zhang Tianlin seemed to be unable to hear his words, and continued to ask: "Everyone, do you still want to challenge?"

All the foreign aid groups around the battle stage looked at each other in blank dismay. Four rounds of the challenge had passed, and all the fights that should have been fought had been fought. The current ranking was in line with their strength.

As for Baizhi and Qingli, it doesn't matter whether they have displayed their strength or not, anyway, they are being suppressed by Jiang Shenfeng now. Let it go or not, it's up to me.

Seeing that he couldn't say anything about Zhang Tianlin, Gu Zhen turned to Gu Tianyi and shouted angrily:

"Gu Tianyi, hurry up and let the blind man go, and let the adults of the Immortal Clan rest for an hour, and then compete with you."

Hearing this, Gu Tianyi smiled.

Let them go, let them recuperate, and fight us again, does Lao Tzu look like that kind of person with problems?

Just suppress them here, how good?

As for Gu Ling'er, she pretended to be ferocious on the surface casually, but she didn't want to go into this muddy water. Qing Li saw that Gu Ling'er was fine, the anger in her heart naturally dissipated.

As for the militant among the three, Bai Zhi, who is now frozen into an ice sculpture, and can't even fart except for rolling her eyes twice.

say? That's even more free.

Zhang Tianlin pretended not to hear, and Gu Tianyi didn't respond. Gu Zhen suddenly felt that he deserved to be the second suzerain.

"Gu Tianyi, you don't talk about martial arts!"


Whatever he says, just ignore him anyway.

"Since you are no longer challenging, according to the rules of the Dao Discussion Conference, the foreign aid battle is over. The first place is the foreign aid team of the Bafang Daomen, and it deserves its name. However, surprisingly, the second place The name turned out to be a foreign aid team from the Yanhuangjian lineage. I will not comment too much on this."

Zhang Tianlin said.

Everyone: "..."

It's a little too obvious what you're targeting.

"Now that the battle is over, you can let go of the suppression of the two of us."

Gu Linger said.

When she spoke, Gu Tianyi felt that it was almost done, so he asked Jiang Shenfeng to release the suppression for Baizhi and Qingli.

"Haha, congratulations to Uncle Gu for winning the foreign aid battle for the Bafang Taoist lineage. This is a great achievement."

"Uncle Gu won the Yan War first, and then the Foreign Aid War. This Dao Discussion Conference is definitely a top achievement."

"My Eight Directions Daoist lineage has the Gu Shishu joining, it is really flourishing, Sansheng is lucky."

When Gu Tianyi got off the stage, everyone came forward to congratulate him, and Gu Tianyi also bowed his hands in response.

When walking past Gu Zhen, he still looked at him provocatively, his eyes full of sarcasm.

This look made Gu Zhen tremble all over, and a ferocious killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Stinky boy, you are too deceitful, if you don't kill you, what face will the old man have!"

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