Invincible Starts From God-level Plunder

Chapter 794 You don't talk about martial arts!

When Gu Tianyi walked past Gu Zhen, a ferocious aura erupted.

As the second suzerain of the Yanhuang Sword Sect, Gu Zhen is second only to Tianlin, the first sect advocate, and possesses a super powerful sword spirit such as the Yanhuang Sword, and all the means he controls are from the Yanhuang Domain top existence.

He suddenly made an attack, and a fiery and fierce aura condensed around him.

With a snap, very quickly, a Yanhuang Sword Wuhun suddenly solidified in the breath like a sea of ​​fire.

Gu Zhen's cultivation seems to have reached the peak of the first level of the pseudo-martial god, and he is more than a star and a half stronger than the Shuangjue Sanren who is also a pseudo-martial god.

The frenzied aura directly pushed the people around Gu Tianyi back again and again, and with a terrifying and powerful sword, he stabbed towards Gu Tianyi impartially.

Gu Tianyi's tyrannical soul has already formed the embryonic form of divine consciousness. Gu Zhen shot out in anger, without hiding his momentum at all. Therefore, even if it was a sneak attack, Gu Tianyi had already noticed it the moment he made a move.

It was too late to say it, but at the moment before the Yanhuang Sword under the control of the false Martial Lord descended, a bright starlight burst out from behind Gu Tianyi. Under the light, countless sword feathers are condensed and intertwined, neatly arranged, forming a star-studded wing.

The moment Tianxing Fengling appeared, it closed beside Gu Tianyi, turning into an unbreakable feather shield.


Accompanied by a sound of gold and iron interlacing, the starlight and the crimson flames intersected each other, and the strong and sharp blade touched the sky star phoenix feather. Where the blade struck, a little crack appeared.

Immediately, the cracks expanded towards the surroundings, and with a snap, the Heavenly Star Phoenix Feather shattered directly, turning into little fragments of starlight and dissipating in the space.

In this short period of time, Gu Tianyi had already activated the thunder method, and the golden thunder spread along the blade of the Yanhuang sword towards Gu Zhen.

This is Geng Jin Shenlei, Gu Tianyi has accumulated a large amount of metallic power in the thunder abyss in Gu Tianyi's body, and the thunder technique displayed at this moment, even the strong pseudo-martial gods, dare not resist it head-on.

When the Shuangjue Sanren fought against the divine thunder, they only used the thunder talisman and the thunder formation to restrain the thunder. Otherwise, with the strength of Shuangjue Sanren, even if he is undefeated in front of Shenlei, he will still suffer some injuries.


The thunder sounded, and the Yanhuang Sword in Gu Zhen's hand shattered under the eyes of everyone. It turned into a ball of fiery flames, got rid of the thunder, and merged into Gu Zhen's right fist.

At this moment, everyone around also reacted, Zhang Tianlin got up and cursed angrily:

"Gu Zhen, you sixty-nine-year-old guy sneaks up on young people and doesn't talk about martial arts!"

After all, the aura was shaken, and the powerful aura of the second level of Wu Zun broke out. The golden light protects the body, the thunder surges, and Dacheng's golden light mantra and heavenly thunder rectification, urged by the strong Wu Zun, are many times more powerful than those performed by Gu Tianyi.

But at this time, Gu Tianyi waved his hand and said: "Sect Master Zhang, in today's battle, I, Gu Tianyi, will definitely stand up in the Yanhuang Sword Sect. Gu Sect Master has opinions on me, so let's do it now. Is it? That's good. It's much more open and aboveboard to do it on the bright side than to stab a knife in the back in the future."

"Today, I have the right to challenge me as the ancient suzerain. I accept this challenge. Gu suzerain, please enlighten me!"

Between hands, Gu Tianyi took out a few pieces of spiritual jade from the Qiankun bag, and after refining them in an instant, he used the strong spiritual power in the spiritual jade to re-condense the Tianxing Phoenix Feather.

The Yanwu Tianlong Transformation, the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu and the Golden Light Mantra were cast simultaneously, and Gu Tianyi's momentum rose, vaguely reaching the peak of the fifth level of Wuwang.

The reason for such an improvement is because Gu Tianyi's body already contained huge energy. Most of these energies are metallic energies devoured by Gu Xiaoyu, and they are also integrated into Gu Tianyi's body through the Heavenly Demon Emperor Seal.

A small part of it entered Lei Yuan and became the energy that drives Lei Fa. Most of it is still hidden in Gu Tianyi's blood, like a huge treasure house.

These rounds of battles kept Gu Tianyi's blood and spirit in a state of excitement. In this state, the treasures in the body are gradually developed.

If this state can last for another day, Gu Tianyi is sure to be able to break through another level above this divine peak.

Therefore, when Gu Zhen launched a sneak attack, instead of being angry, Gu Tianyi was extremely excited.

Good guy, someone gave me a pillow when I fell asleep. This is Gu Zhen, the second suzerain of Yanhuang Sword Sect, he is simply a baby with leveling experience tailor-made for Gu Tianyi.

Gu Tianyi, who was in a state of excitement, looked forward, with longing eyes, as if saying four words: Come and cut me!

"Good boy, I really don't know how to live or die. Since you want to die, the old man will help you."

"The fourth supernatural power, Yan Huang's heavy fist!"

Gu Zhen was also excited.

When he shot just now, he was absolutely out of anger, and he made a crazy move when he couldn't help it. Regardless of whether Gu Tianyi is injured or not, Zhang Tianlin can take this opportunity to attack Gu Zhen.

This matter, whether big or small, depends on Zhang Tianlin's determination.

However, what surprised Gu Zhen was that Gu Tianyi actually tried to die, not only to prevent Zhang Tianlin from taking action, but also to compete with Gu Zhen.

He is Gu Zhen, the suzerain of the Yanhuang Sword Sect, the Yanhuang Sword Lineage.

Although Gu Tianyi also had the record of defeating the false Martial Venerable, how could he, as a lone cultivator, be able to compare with his suzerain, who had a good root.

A face to face is a heavy punch.

This punch was destructive and powerful, even in the face of the ordinary martial king Jiuzhong, he might be able to beat him to death. Seeing this scene, most of the people present were sweating for Gu Tianyi.

Jiang Yunxin pinched the hem of her skirt nervously, her eyes were full of panic,

"Master, why don't you persuade him? No matter how powerful he is, he is still a junior. How can he be the opponent of the long-famous ancient sect master of Yanhuang Sword?"

Gu Xiaoyu on the side also looked at Zhang Tianlin and nodded repeatedly.

"Haha, if you are concerned, you will be confused. The time you two have been with him is definitely longer than the time I have known him. Even I can see that he is a man who never fights uncertain battles." People. If he was not fully sure, how could he say so easily that he wanted to fight Gu Zhen."

"Look carefully, he will surely win this battle. And, I promise you as a teacher, if Gu Tianyi is in trouble, at this distance, I am still sure to save him from Gu Zhen and keep him safe and sound." of."

However, before Zhang Tianlin finished speaking, he saw a scene that shocked him.

I saw Gu Zhen's heavy fist hitting Gu Tianyi's face straight, but Gu Tianyi stood where he was, with no intention of hiding.

"He wants to use the Golden Light Mantra and the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art to forcibly resist Gu Zhen's fourth supernatural power?"

Zhang Tianlin was shocked.

This kid is probably living in a dream.

Gu Zhen is not a fool, if you, a boy of Wuwang Wuzhong, took over the fourth supernatural power with the golden light of body protection, then what kind of suzerain is he still, go home and pick up the child.

But the next moment, an even more shocking scene happened.

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