Xue An smiled, and then directly got on the mount.

Now, even Yan Meishu couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

She had never seen this Zhaoyeyu lion so docile.

How is this going?

Could it be said that Xue An has the special ability to make the beast bow its head?

As if feeling Yan Meishu's doubts, Xue An smiled at her slightly, "This mount is good, very obedient!"

"Ah... yes... very obedient!" Yan Meishu said dumbfounded.

"Let's go!" Xue An slapped the mount, and the Zhao Yeyu lion moved forward steadily.

Yan Meishu took a deep look at Xue An's back, and then urged his mount to follow.

Yan's residence is not far from the city lord's mansion.

If you ride a horse, you can reach it with a cup of tea.

But when they came to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, an unexpected thing happened.

He saw that He Chuncai was wearing a white robe, sitting on a straddle with a spirit beast, waiting at the door for Yan Meishu's arrival.

When he saw Yan Meishu's figure, he rushed over excitedly, and just thought of saying hello, he saw Xue An on the side at a glance.

This made He Chuncai's complexion instantly extremely ugly.

"Cousin, how did he follow this second lady's dinner?"

Yan Meishu's complexion was also very ugly, and she didn't expect He Chuncai to come, so she said angrily: "Can you control it? It's you, why did you follow?"

He Chun just smiled complacently, "I didn't come here, I was invited by the butler to also come to the dinner party!"

With that said, He Chuncai proudly showed the invitation card in his hand.

Yan Meishu's complexion instantly became ugly.

She is not a fool, and Yu Ren must have done so by the second wife.

And they have only one purpose in doing this, and that is checks and balances.

After all, for the fringe cities, a strong and united Yan family is not in their interests.

But at this point, she couldn't say anything, she could only snorted coldly and dialed the horse to the city lord's mansion.

She took the lead, and Xue An followed along.

But at this moment, He Chuncai stopped his way, then looked at Xue An gloomily, and sneered: "Boy, do you think it's OK to get my cousin's favor? I tell you, it's useless. Meishu can only belong to a strong man like me, and someone like you is pure wishful thinking!"

Xue An stopped Zhao Yeyu Lion under his crotch, and then said with a faint smile, "A strong man like you?"

He Chuncai nodded proudly, "That's right! So I advise you, if you are acquainted, you'd better leave here as soon as possible, and run as far as you can! If you are obsessed with understanding, when you are splashed with blood, Don't say I didn't remind you!"

Xue An looked up and down this He Chuncai with a weird look, and then said with a dumb smile: "It sounds like a great deal, but I think it's better to leave it to you!"

"You..." He Chun didn't expect that Xue An would dare to refute his words, and his expression changed drastically.

At this time, Xue An waved his hand indifferently, interrupted He Chuncai's words, and then said lightly: "My patience is very limited, so I just remind you once, from now on, you'd better roll as far as you can. , Otherwise, don’t blame me if you are scared to cry then!"

He Chuncai was speechless by Xue An's remarks.

At this time, Xue An urged his hip mount, Shi Shiran walked into the city lord's mansion.

When his back was gone, this He Chun just regained consciousness, and then said angrily: "If you don't have any cultivation level, you dare to be so arrogant. I want to see how you scared me to cry!"

Having said that, he also angrily followed into the city lord's mansion.

The scale of the banquet this time was not large, it was a banquet that Zui Meng had specially prepared for Yan Meishu.

But despite this, the banquet hall is still brightly lit.

The representatives of the major forces in the fringe city were all present.

So when Xue An, Yan Meishu and others walked into the banquet hall, it was already brightly lit, singing and dancing.

The drunk dream lady hasn't arrived yet, and only the housekeeper Yu Ren is here to preside over the situation.

When they saw Yan Meishu in full costume, everyone couldn't help but brighten up.

Knowing that this should be Yan Meishu, the rising star of the Yan family caravan.

The Yan family's strength may not be the strongest, but it must be the richest, so the eyes of the entire banquet hall gathered.

At this moment, Yu Ren stepped forward and said with a smile: "Ms. Yan is really beautiful and beautiful, please come to your seat!"

As he said, he greeted Yan Meishu and walked up.

Yan Meishu was taken aback, then subconsciously turned to look at Xue An on the side.

Xue An just smiled at this, and then made a gesture to please.

Yan Meishu nodded at the edge, "If that's the case, then it's annoying!"

There was nothing surprising in the whole process, only some sharp-eyed people saw the scene when Yan Meishu just looked at Xue An, and they couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

Who is this boy in white?

Why make the Yan girls so important?

Yu Ren also looked at Xue An in surprise, but when he found that Xue An didn't have any fluctuations in his cultivation, he immediately lost interest and led Yan Meishu onto the high platform of the banquet hall.

The whole time, Xue An is like the air.

Such a scene made He Chuncai who came in afterwards secretly refreshed, couldn't help but smile coldly at Xue An, and then walked onto the high platform of the banquet hall with a proud look.

Xue An just smiled at this, and then walked to the refreshment area of ​​the banquet hall, chose a few things he liked, and began to feast on.

This made many people who were curious about Xue An couldn't help shaking their heads secretly.

This kind of banquet is used for communication, and no one has ever come here to eat.

Although this young man looks good, he seems to be a bumpkin who has never seen the world before.

At this time, the girls who were eager to try also became uninterested.

But Xue An was unaware of all this and still ate for himself.

With this attitude, Yan Meishu, who looked at him from time to time, couldn't help being a little disappointed.

Could it be that it was all my own illusion before that this Xue An is useless at all except that he looks good?

Her heart was calculating ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly, there was a low noise from the door of the banquet hall, and then everyone bowed their heads.

"I have seen the second lady!"

With the voice, I saw a beautiful makeup girl coming.

The grace and majesty is like a blooming rose, which makes people afraid to look directly.

But behind her, there was also a man with vertical eyes and an evil face also followed in.

If the second lady is like a rose, then this man is like a poisonous snake, spitting out a snake letter and preparing to choose someone to eat, which makes people shudder!

The audience couldn't help but feel a little horrified.

After seeing this man, Xue An slowly put down the dinner plate in his hand, and his eyes gradually became cold.

Is there a vertical eye?

Haha, it seems that my guess is right!

If this is the case, then go to death!

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