Although Xue An's murderous intent gradually rose in his heart, it didn't show any signs on the surface, and even his spiritual thoughts didn't fluctuate at all. He just looked at the red prison **** general quietly, even eating something in his mouth.

In this case, the Red Prison God would naturally not be aware of it.

In fact, his attention at the moment has been completely attracted by Yan Meishu in full costume.

Different from the dusty women in the city lord’s mansion, Yan Meishu is a lady of everyone, and the elegant temperament on her body makes Chi Prison coveted, and a pair of greedy eyes stares at Yan Meishu. He refused to give up even for a moment.

This naked, undisguised greedy gaze made Yan Meishu's hair stand upright, extremely uncomfortable.

However, Mrs. Drunk Dreams personally arrived, and she could only bite the bullet and greet her.

"I have seen the second lady!" Yan Meishu politely saluted the drunk dreamer.

Not to mention anything else, this kind of demeanor alone is enough to kill most vulgar fans in seconds.

Even Drunk Meng's eyes flashed a hint of appreciation, and then nodded, "Girl Yan is polite! Your Yan family has been doing business in a city on the edge of me for many years, and my relationship with your father is also very harmonious. It’s a family friend, so you don’t have to be like this!"

Even though he knew that these words were polite, Yan Meishu was secretly relieved.

She had followed her father to meet this Madame Drunken Dreams several times, but Yan Meishu was just a daughter of a wealthy family who followed her out to meet the world, and she was not qualified to speak to an existence like Madame Drunken Dreams.

This time I was in charge of the caravan for the first time, and Yan Meishu was naturally very grateful for this Madam Drunken Meng to give face.

At this moment, He Chuncai also leaned forward with a shy face.

"He Chuncai, nephew of Yan's family, met the second lady!"

This introduction seemed very ingenious, at least it made Zuimeng a little startled, and then nodded in a dumbfounded smile, "It turns out that it is Mr. He, who has been admiring his name for a long time, really disrespectful!"

The words are polite, but there is always a hint of sarcasm in and out of the words.

It's a pity that this He Chuncai didn't notice anything unusual after hearing Drunk Meng's praise.

In his opinion, this drunken dream is a great figure who can be counted throughout Li Hentian, and even the second wife of Lord Tianjun.

He Chuncai is almost floating if he can get the praise of such people.

"Hehe, the second lady is really polite, miss me..." He Chuncai was about to continue boasting.

At this moment, I saw Chi Prison walking from behind Drunk Meng in stride, ignoring He Chuncai, who nodded and bowed, squeezed him aside, and then smiled at Yan Meishu.

"This must be the daughter of the Yan family! Tsk tsk, it's really pretty tight!"

While talking, Chi Prison's eyes turned back and forth, unscrupulously looking at Yan Meishu's figure.

Yan Meishu's face turned pale, and she was really angry in her heart, but although she had never seen this red prison, judging from his aura and his appearance with Drunk Dream, she was obviously a big man.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, she forced herself to suppress the unhappiness in her heart and nodded at the red prison.

"Thank you for your praise!"

With that, she had to withdraw.

But Chi Prison didn't give her this opportunity at all. Instead, she deceived her and went directly to Yan Meishu not far from her. Then he smiled and said, "Thanks? How are you going to thank me?"

The rude behavior of the Red Prison made Yan Meishu furious, because the Red Prison was so close now.

So close that I can even feel the airflow when he speaks.

How could Yan Meishu, who had received strict etiquette education since childhood, accept it?

As a result, Yan Meishu took a big step back, her face getting colder, and said coldly: "My lord, what do you mean?"

As she said, she turned her gaze to Madame Drunken Dreams aside, hoping that the gentle and majestic second lady could speak to stop the man's rude behavior.

But at the moment, Drunken Dream was turning around and chatting with a few people on the side happily, as if he hadn't noticed what happened here.

Yan Meishu was taken aback for a moment.

At this time, Chi Prison grinned and said: "What do you mean by asking me? Haha, I don't like going around in circles. Let me put it straight. I think you look good. The key is to be a young man. Why not just follow me, uncle I will love you well!"

" are shameless!" If Yan Meishu could barely suppress the anger in her heart before, she finally broke out after hearing such rude words from Chi Prison.

At the same time, not only Yan Meishu, but He Chuncai, who was forcibly squeezed aside by the Red Prison and whose heart was full of dissatisfaction, couldn't help being angry at this moment.

He hadn't seen this red prison, and he didn't know his identity, but seeing how this red prison just came in with Drunken Dream, maybe it was a guard or something.

And a guard in a small area dared to be so rampant, which naturally made He Chuncai full of irritation, and he also wanted to take this opportunity to show off in front of Yan Meishu, so he sneered and walked forward.

"Boy, don't you know the price before you **** speak? You dare to talk to my cousin, I..."

Before he finished his words, Chi Prison slapped it impatiently.

There was a crisp sound.

This red prison was directly fanned out more than ten feet away. After landing, he struggled for several times and couldn't get up.

This slap fan was so powerful that it made He Chuncai at least be stunned for several seconds to recover, and then roared: "You dare to hit me? Do you know who I am?"

Chi Prison smiled arrogantly, "I care who you are, do you know who I am?"

He Chun, who was originally full of anger and wanted to attack, was stunned when he heard the words, and then asked a bit visibly, "Who are you?"

"My name is Chi Prison! This little lady, I fell in love with, why? Do you have an opinion?"

Red prison!

Hearing this name Whether it is He Chuncai or Yan Meishu, they all feel silly.

They are all too familiar with this name.

In fact, throughout Li Hentian, few people didn't know the name of the God General of the Red Prison.

Li Hentianjun's first **** general, known as the first in cultivation, the first in killing, and the first in bloodthirsty.

Such a character, let alone Yan Meishu, even if it is her father, the head of the Yan family must bow down honestly.

It can be said that the status of this red prison may not be as noble as Zui Meng, but the strength and prestige are far better than her.

But the more so, the more Yan Meishu's heart sank.

Is it him? Why does he appear in the fringe city? And why did you appear here with Madame Drunken Dreams?

Yan Meishu was thinking.

And He Chuncai also gradually recovered from the sluggishness at this moment.

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