The look on Xue An's face instantly became very strange.

He certainly knew who Zhuge Zang was.

The heavens are the first fortune-telling, one-handed hexagrams are said to be able to know the whole world.

Although in Xue An's eyes it seems to be a sacred stick, because of its strange and inexplicable methods, no one dares to provoke it among the heavens.

Even those who are in charge of the Void Master must give three points of courtesy to him.

However, Xue An has a very good relationship with him, so when he was in Amaterasu Star Territory before, Xue An also took care of his family.

But the problem is that Zhuge Zang's whereabouts have always been elusive, even Xue An can hardly find him.

Then how did he come from the ghost world and meet this Zang Xueling?

These questions lingered in Xue An's mind.

Zang Xueling shuddered and looked pale.

Because until now, Xue An is still pinching her neck.

Even with her strength, she doesn't need to breathe at all.

But under Xue An's control, she felt that she was slowly being separated from the world.

Once completely stripped away, she will be like a fish out of the water and become the object of being slaughtered.

That feeling made her tremble all over.

But she did not dare to defy the slightest.

Because she knew very well how terrifying the delicate and weak youth in front of her was.

That is the existence that once suppressed all the powers of the heavens and couldn't raise their heads!

At this moment, Xue An suddenly released his hand.

Zang Xueling plunged and fell into the void, panting heavily.

The people who had mentioned their hearts to their throats could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

In any case, Xue An did not kill anyone.

At the same time, Xue An stood in front of Zang Xueling and said blankly: "Now tell me what is going on and how do you know that old **** stick."

Zang Xueling nodded, took a deep breath, and then began to talk about the past.

Actually the whole thing is very simple.

Although Zang Xueling is also a ghost race and is in charge of this plane, she holds different ideas from other ghost races!

For those killings and **** things, she is very disgusted! Therefore, under her rule, this place has nothing to do with the world, and the human race and the ghost race live in harmony, which can be called a peach blossom.

It was in this situation that Zang Xueling happened to meet an old man passing by here.

At that time, Zang Xueling didn't know that this was the Zhuge Zang that shook the world and made countless big people bend their waists.

She just thought that the old man was very strange, because many things he said hit Zang Xueling's heart directly, and nothing was impossible.

In this case, Zang Xueling naturally respected him in every possible way.

Zhuge Zang also lived on this plane for some time.

But one day later, Zhuge Zang suddenly told Zang Xueling that he was leaving!

Zang Xueling naturally stayed.

Zhuge Zang just smiled at this and told Zang Xueling.

After this period of observation, he found that although Zang Xueling was a ghost, he had a good temperament, so he decided to help Zang Xueling.

Then Zhuge Zang told Zang Xueling all the things about Xue An.

When I heard that the god-fire ghost master in the ghost world is actually the red lotus immortal queen who stuns the heavens.

Zang Xueling was utterly shocked.

Then Zhuge Zang told her that the ghost world will soon be uneasy, but no matter what happens, remember not to oppose Xue An and Xue An's friends.

After speaking, Zhuge Zang left without a trace.

But Zang Xueling always remembered Zhuge Zang's words, so he resolutely refused the invitations of those rich men later.

After saying all this, Zang Xueling smiled bitterly: "My lord, including that Liao Zhai was also given to me by Immortal Zhuge! What I said is true, I dare not make half words false!"

Xue An was silent for a moment, then nodded, and said lightly: "Get up!"

Xue An can of course hear the truth.

In fact, if Zang Xueling hadn't really seen Zhuge Zang, it would be impossible to say his words and deeds so specifically.

What does this old **** stick want to do? Xue An said something in his heart.

"Yes!" Zang Xueling stood up tremblingly, her face still horrified.

"You said there are rich men to deal with you, who are they?" Xue An asked in a deep voice after turning around.

"My lord, this Luo family is indeed a wealthy family, but it is only a branch of the Luo family that has been stationed in this plane. The real Luo family is still in the depths of the ghost world, and as far as I know, not only The Luo family, the Mo family and the Pan family in the depths of the ghost world also participated in the encirclement and suppression operations!" Zang Xueling said without hesitation.

She has always been happy to dig holes for the enemy!

"Jing family and Pan family?"

"Yes! And I think this little sister should be very clear about the specific situation of these two families!" Zang Xueling looked at Luo Jingting who was sitting on the ground in the distance.

Xue An didn't change his expression, appeared directly in front of Luo Jingting, looked at her quietly, and suddenly said, "Do you hate me very much now?"

After hearing Xue An's words, Luo Jingting was shocked all over, and finally recovered from the shock and dazedness, and then looked at Xue An blankly, his eyes suddenly showing grief and anger.

Although he didn't speak, his eyes explained everything.

Xue An smiled, "It's not surprising that you hate me. After all, in your eyes, I killed your mother and the people of your clan! Even if they are unpredictable and even use you as a tool, they are your clan after all, right? ?"

Luo Jingting's face was as cold as ice, and he nodded, "Yes!"

Then he paused, and then slowly said: "Do it!"

As she said, she slowly closed her eyes.

"Do it? What do you do?" Xue An asked with a smile.

"Don't you want to kill me?"

"Kill you? Why should I kill you!"

"Huh?" Luo Jingting suddenly opened his eyes, a trace of confusion appeared on his face.

She has prepared for the worst.

She also knew that she was definitely not the opponent of this young man based on her own strength, so she would rather die.

Xue An laughed, "I think you should have made a mistake. I killed them not because I wanted to kill, but because they deserved to die!"

Xue An gave Luo a startled smile, "What's more, do you really think you have the blood of the Luo family?"

"What are you talking about?" Luo Jingting was Xue An said indifferently: "Ghosts are already extremely difficult to give birth. Do you think they will be willing to use their direct children as tools?"

Luo Jingting's complexion instantly turned pale, because she thought of an extremely terrifying fact.

From childhood to adulthood, only Luo Li took care of herself and never met his father.

And Luo Li is also true to herself...

All this rushed to Luo Jingting's heart, making her cold.

At the same time, Zang Xueling also landed closer and smiled at Luo Jingting.

"My lord is right, your life experience is definitely not as simple as you think, and if you want to know the real situation, the best way is to go to the Luo family in the depths of the ghost world to ask what happened!"

It may be because of Zang Xueling's breath. After hearing Zang Xueling's words, the confusion in Luo Jingting's eyes gradually subsided, and finally he nodded heavily.

"Okay! I'm naturally going to ask more clearly!"

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