Deep in the ghost world.

If the shape of the ghost world is similar to an onion hugged tightly together, then the depths of the ghost world are where the core is wrapped.

Here is only one step away from the central ghost world, the core of the entire ghost world.

This has also led to the fact that those who can gain a firm foothold here are among the few giants in the entire ghost world.

Among the wealthy families that are as numerous as the stars, the most famous families are in particular.

Among them, there is this Luo family.

As Zang Xueling said, the Luo family stationed on her plane is just a branch of the towering tree of the Luo family.

The real Luo Family is a behemoth with countless strong men.

It is the existence that countless people dare not look up.

And at this moment.

Luo Qifeng was leaning against the collapse in a cave in the depths of the ghost world, enjoying Maggie's gentle massage.

This is another courtyard of the Luo family, but its magnificence is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

As the main line of the Luo family, this is just a very humble property for him.

The luxury of the Locke family can be seen from now on.

At this moment, there was a burst of chattering and laughter from outside the door, and then two people opened the door and walked in, sitting unceremoniously on chairs.

Two men walked in. They were all dressed in splendid clothes and had extraordinary temperaments. They were obviously rich children.

One of them looked at Luo Qifeng who was lying on Maggie's lap enjoying a massage, and he smiled, "Brother Luo can really calm down!"

Luo Qifeng knew who was coming without even opening his eyes. He couldn't help but said indifferently: "Why are you two free to come to me?"

"Hehe, Brother Luo didn't know yet, right?" The person who spoke first said with a wink.

"what do you know?"

"Huh! Don't you know? There is a big event!"

"Oh, big event?" Luo Qifeng opened his eyes all of a sudden, sat up and waved her hand, this Mei Ji bowed and retreated like a ghost.

Luo Qifeng knew very well that what could bring these two people together and called it a major event was absolutely extraordinary.

Because of the two people speaking, one is the youngest of the Mo family and the other is the direct line of the Pan family.

In terms of strength and background, they are not inferior to their own existence.

That's why he is so solemn.

Seeing this, Mo Jing chuckled, "It looks like Brother Luo really doesn't know! Yes, we also happened to know the news in advance, and then we rushed over without stopping, but counting the time, now your news should be It's almost here!"

As soon as the voice fell, a black light suddenly flashed across, and then stopped in front of Luo Qifeng.

Luo Qi [Long Teng Novel Network] Feng's expression condensed, because he saw that this was a secret technique used in the family to convey extremely important information.

What can be worthy of such an excitement?

He took it without hesitation, and when he opened it, his pupils shrank instantly, and even his hands began to tremble slightly.

Pan Yongge, who has been silent since entering, said indifferently: "Brother Luo, what do you think of this matter?"

Luo Qifeng crushed the divine mind letter in his hand, and then said after a moment of silence: "What do you two think?"

"How to look? Hey, how else to look at it? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Mo Jing is almost dancing, his face is full of excitement.

"That's the Wei family, which ranks first in the Central Ghost Realm! This time there are direct children among them. If we can seize this opportunity, the strengths of our families will not be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds, but they all have it. A great backer!"

Luo Qifeng looked at Pan Yongge, "Where is Brother Pan?"

Pan Yongge was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "Mo Jing is right, we really can't offend the Wei family, and if the other party really has direct disciples to come, it is indeed a good opportunity! But I always I don’t think it’s that simple!"

Luo Qifeng nodded, "Yes! The Central Ghost Realm has always regarded itself very high, and the Wei Family is a well-deserved leader in the Central Ghost Realm. How can such an existence suddenly come to us?"

"Oh, don't care about him! Anyway, the other party is coming, and has notified us in advance, which shows that it is giving us a chance! So no matter what purpose this Wei family has, we must entertain!" Mo Jing said grinningly.

Luo Qifeng and Pan Yongge looked at each other, and finally both nodded.

Because they knew it, Mo Jing was right.

Regardless of the purpose of the other party, the most important thing is to entertain.

"What do you two mean?" Luo Qifeng asked.

"It's very simple. My old man has already handed over all the power to me. He has only one sentence, and he must do a good job in this reception!" Mo Jing said.

"I am almost the same!"

Luo Qifeng nodded, "Well, it should not be too late, we will start preparing now!"

After all, he stood up and led the two people to the place where the Luo family's main sect was.

If the other courtyard just now is magnificent, then this Luo family home can only be described as shocking.

Rows of exquisite buildings are lined up, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Although it was not the first time I saw him, Mo Jing couldn't help but sigh, "What a luxury! It seems that the reception of the children of the Wei family this time must be done by Brother Luo!"

Pan Yongge also nodded, "It's really good!"

Luo Qifeng chuckled, "Don't worry, two of you, since we all know about this, it's naturally a shared benefit. When the time comes, the three of us will receive it together!"

"Hahahaha, Brother Luo is really bold!" Mo Jing smiled very happily.

But this laughter is a bit sincere, it is not known.

When Luo Qifeng and the three returned to the Luo family's home, the entire Luo family quickly began to act.

Countless servants began to tidy up this mansion that was already exquisite enough.

Not only that, people from Pan and Mo's family also came here For a time, the whole Luo family became extremely lively.

Naturally, this big battle has also attracted the attention of all parties.

After inquiring, an extremely shocking news spread like wildfire.

"What? The Wei family of the Central Ghost Realm should have direct children to come?" After hearing this, a wealthy family was shocked and inexplicable.

"No wonder the Luo family moved all the way, and the Pan Mo family spared no effort. It turned out to be the reason!"

"Then what are we going to do? How can all three of them be taken over by such good things?"

"Strange, what kind of status is the Wei family? I heard that many of those direct descendants have been promoted to ghost emperors, and even half of the strongest ones have already stepped into the palace master state. How can such an existence suddenly come to us?"

For a time, opinions were divergent, and the depths of the entire ghost world were also disturbed.

Under this situation, in a certain corner, the space oscillated, and then Xue An and Luo Jingting walked out one after another.

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