Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1399: The Luo Family Benzong

Xue An is no stranger to the depths of the ghost world.

When he was in the ghost world, he had been to this world more than once.

But now the times have changed, and when I set foot on this world again, many things have changed their appearance.

All the things of the past have been dissipated, and the depths of the ghost realm are now occupied by powerful people from everywhere.

These strong men are all amazing in strength, but without exception, everyone is full of resentment.

This violent and cruel power even changed the world, making it all smog.

So the moment after Xue An stepped into this world, his brows frowned imperceptibly.

But although many things have changed, one thing has not changed.

Wangui City is still the most prosperous and important capital in this world.

Almost all wealthy families live here.

This also makes this city of thousands of ghosts quickly developed into a super city.

So when Xue An and his party came outside the city of Ten Thousand Ghosts, what appeared in front of them was a city standing on a plateau, like a city suspended in the clouds.

And the wall, which was as high as a hundred feet tall and dark, exuded an extremely cold power, which made people tremble and dare not look directly.

Despite the towering city walls, standing outside the city, you can still see the pavilions and palaces in the city straight into the clouds.

That is where the rich and powerful people live in the city.

If you are a less powerful person, you will not dare to move forward if you just rely on the momentum of this ten thousand ghost city.

But to Xue An, all of this seemed like a breeze, and he moved forward without even lifting his eyelids.

In this trip to the depths of the ghost world, in addition to Luo Jingting, Wen Muling also followed.

Compared with Luo Jingting's silence, Wen Muling was obviously more excited.

As the surviving Shadow Guard, she was thinking about revenge all the time.

However, due to limitations in strength, he has not been able to do so.

But now following Xue An, let her finally see hope.

Especially this time, the place is second only to the central ghost world.

Seeing the soaring black air over the city of Ten Thousand Ghosts, Wen Mu Ling secretly clenched his fists.

Master Mingjun, I am here to avenge you!

at last!

Xue An and his party arrived in front of a very large mansion in Wangui City.

Xue An stood with his hand in his hand and said lightly: "Is this the Luo family?"

Luo Jingting raised his head and looked at the mansion. There was a complicated light flashing in his eyes, panic and anxiety.

But in the end, she took a deep breath and nodded slowly, "Yes, this is where the Luo family's main clan is!"

Luo Jingting had been here with Luo Li, so he was very impressed here.

But this impression is by no means a good impression.

Luo Jingting still remembers the lofty faces of the descendants of the Luo family when the fashionable and young self followed Luo Li into the area.

And Luo Li, who had always been arrogant, instantly transformed into a kowtow worm that nodded and bowed his waist. The look of humility and kneeling could hardly get rid of Luo Jingting's heart.

So no matter how much she encouraged herself on the road, when she really stood in front of the Luo family mansion, she still couldn't help trembling all over, and her heart was full of fear.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth, "Let's go! Go in and see!"

After that, I stepped into it.

Luo Jingting froze in place.

Wen Muling followed close behind, but when she passed by Luo Jingting's side, she said softly: "Miss Luo, follow up!"

As soon as this remark came out, Luo Jingting was shocked and hurriedly followed.

The Luo family residence occupies a very large area, with several gates alone, and the gates are towering and majestic.

In front of the door, there are also powerful and powerful Yin soldiers and ghosts guarding.

Such a battle is enough to scare many people off.

Xue An didn't even look at it, and walked straight in.

The guards were taken aback for a moment, and then they shouted in shock, "What are you doing? Can you break in here?"

At the same time, a fierce-looking ghost general saw that Xue Annai was a human, and couldn't help laughing a few times, then brandished a long whip and drew straight towards Xue An.

The long whip made a numbing scalp breaking through the air, and it was so strong that it seemed to shatter the soul of a person.

This is how the Luo family acted regardless of the fact that the Luo family acted like this.

Xue An didn't seem to see the whip, and continued to walk forward without squinting.

There was a cruel smile on the ghost general's face, as if he had seen this young man in white clothes smashed into his body with a whip.

But at this moment, the whip in the air suddenly stagnated, and then it disintegrated directly in the air.

The ghost general was stunned. Before he could figure out what was going on, he realized that his arm was a bit strange and couldn't help but look down.

Then the scene that caught his eye made him terrified.

He saw cracks spreading along the broken long whip, covering his palm in an instant, and extending upward at a very fast speed.

With a few crisp sounds, the ghost general's palms turned into fragments and fell one after another.

"No..." The ghost howl hurriedly and violently.

Because this kind of fragmentation does not only affect the body, but penetrates into the soul, the sharp pain is enough to make people collapse.

But this ghost general is worthy of being an elite. Seeing that the situation is not good, he cut off that arm without hesitation, trying to break the spreading crack.

But all this is just his wishful thinking.

When the arm fell to the ground and turned into powder, countless cracks instantly appeared in the whole body of this ghost general.

The ghost stood froze in the same place, staring blankly at the expressionless white-clothed boy in front of him, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes.

Then... he collapsed like a toppled building block.

In an instant, the janitor who had just flaunted his might turned into fragments all over the floor, and his soul was lost.

At this time, everyone in front of the door looked stupid.

"You...what did you do?" Guijiang pointed at Xue and tremblingly said.

Although no one had seen any movements of the boy in white, the more it was, the more frightening it was.

After all... the unknown is always the most terrifying.

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at the group of ghost soldiers and ghosts.

Wherever they looked, these people were shocked and then retreated.

At this moment, there was a tumult in the gate, and then a young man came out from it.

When they saw this man, the guards all looked happy, and then all bowed to salute.

"I have seen Master Seven!"

That's right!

The visitor was Luo Jian, the seventh youngest member of the Luo family.

I saw that his face was like a crown jade, and his appearance was good. When he stood in front of the door, he had an air of grace.

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