The audience fell in awe.

Because in the middle of this ghost, there is a Wei character written in ghost text!

The Wei family finally arrived.

And above the small building, Wen Mu Ling opened her eyes sharply, staring at the ghost ship, her eyes showed an incomparable killing intent, and her whole body trembled slightly with excitement.

"My lord... it turns out to be the Wei family of the Central Ghost Realm!" Of course, Wen Mu Ling would not forget the Wei family.

When Mingjun died, this Wei family did a great job.

Xue An put down the tea cup, glanced at the ghost in the distance, and said leisurely: "I saw it! Don't worry, let's watch it first!"

"Yes...Yes!" Wen Muling dared not defy, and replied in a deep voice.

As for Luo Jingting, she was already stunned when she saw the Wei character.

at the same time.

An escalator slowly stretched out above the ghost, and then many servants and maids walked out of it.

Although they are subordinates, these people are full of surging ghost power, and they are obviously strong.

Seeing this scene, a flash of horror flashed in the eyes of many people.

Even the subordinates are so tyrannical, this Wei family really deserves its reputation.

When these servants and maidservants came out, they stood on both sides in a tacit understanding, standing on both sides, waiting for something.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Qingxiao walked out of the ghosts.

The moment she appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone's eyes widened instantly, and they stared at this scene dumbfounded.

As for the young men, even their heartbeat speeded up.

Even Luo Qifeng, who claims to be "well-informed", couldn't help but be astonished for a moment, but he immediately regained consciousness, and then his eyes showed ecstasy and fiery light.

Because he recognized the person.

Wei's parents and daughter, Wei Qing, who is known for his lonely and unrestrained temperament, smiles!

She actually came!

In terms of appearance, Wei Qingxiao can be called stunning, especially when she is dressed in black, she not only shows a slim figure, but also adds a capable and mature temperament.

But all this is a little eclipsed by her eyes.

In those eyes, there was a calmness that was suffocating.

But it is this kind of calm gaze that gives people a condescending look, which makes people afraid to look up.

How could Luo Qifeng's beautiful face and such a strong aura not make Luo Qifeng's heart be moved.

What's more, the other party is Wei's parents and daughter!

If you can kiss Fangze, the benefits are not too much!

At this moment, this idea was not only surging in Luo Qifeng's heart, but almost all the men present began to think about it.

But at this moment, Wei Qingxiao suddenly stretched out his hand among the ghosts, as if waiting for something.

What is she going to do?

Everyone was taken aback!

But seeing a smile on Wei Qing's glamorous and unparalleled face, he walked out with a well-dressed teenager.

When I saw this young man, Xue An, who was drinking tea leisurely on the small building in the distance, instantly turned the tea cup in his hand into powder, and even the tea dripped to the ground.

But Xue An didn't notice this at all. He just stared at the young man, and a very complicated luster flashed in his eyes.

Wen Muling and Luo Jingting were all taken aback by this sudden change. They all exclaimed, "My lord!"

Xue An slowly recovered his calm, and then leaned back on the soft collapse. He looked at the two siblings in the distance meaningfully, and said lightly: "Interesting! Really interesting!"

As he said, he flipped it over, the tea in his hand evaporated, and then picked up another teacup, quietly watching the scene in the distance.

Wen Muling and Luo Jingting didn't understand what Xue An was talking about, but he could tell by his reaction. It should be a very important event, so Qi Qi silenced and didn't dare to speak.

However, at the moment when Xue An was shaking, Wei Qingxiao, who was leading her brother down, suddenly felt a sense. Huo Ran raised her head and looked in the direction of Xiaolou, but she was looking here. At the time, Xue An had narrowed his eyes and started drinking tea with his head down again.

So as far as she could see, she didn't notice anything unusual.

Wei Qing's smiling face couldn't help showing a hint of doubt and solemnity.

If she hadn't just felt an extremely powerful gaze, she would even think that all this was her own illusion!

But Wei Qing laughed and believed that he would never make a mistake. Just now, it was clear that an extremely powerful force was spying on him in this direction.

But why did it disappear suddenly again?

Could it be that he discovered that he was spotted and left?

If this is true, what a powerful perception and speed?

Otherwise, how could it disappear in such a fast time?

From the beginning to the end, Wei Qingxiao didn't think about whether it would not move at all.

Because in her opinion, it is simply impossible.

To completely cover up such a powerful force, the strength required far exceeds people's imagination, and it is even impossible to achieve it.

But she never expected that in Xue An's hands, nothing is impossible!

All this happened very quickly, and even when many people hadn't noticed it at all, Wei Qingxiao had returned to normal.

Even Luo Qifeng didn't notice anything unusual. In fact, his attention at the moment was all attracted by Wei Qingxiao's temperament, so he was naturally flawless to think about other things.

Only one person noticed the scene just now, and even noticed the shock in Wei Qing's smile.

Because of this, he looked at the direction Wei Qingxiao had just looked at, and after a moment of contemplation, a very strange look appeared on his face, but soon, he bowed his head deeply and hid it. All the same.

At this time, Wei Qingxiao had led her younger brother down the Her every possible care during the walk and her deliberate highlighting caused a silent uproar in the audience.

If Wei Qingxiao can be treated with such care, the identity of this young man will naturally be revealed.

Except for the Wei family’s direct children, who can get this treatment?

So in an instant, countless scorching eyes focused on this young man.

Among them is Tan Xiyao who originally had a marriage contract with Ren Tianqi, but has been dreaming of making it to the sky.

Her gaze was so soft that it could melt into the water, staring at the young man Wei Qingxiao was holding, wishing to rush up and have a good conversation with the young man.

Because of such an urgent thought, she didn't even notice the silly look on Wei Haocang's face.

At the same time, Luo Qifeng, Pan Yongge, Mo Jing and others all greeted him.

Especially Luo Qifeng, whose face was full of excitement, bowed his hand at Wei Qing with a smile, "It turns out that Miss Wei came here in person. The Luo family is really honored!"

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