Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1405: Hide the facts, the young master of the Wei family

Wei Qingxiao nodded slightly, and said lightly, "Are you Luo Qifeng?"

If anyone else dared to speak to Luo Qifeng in this tone, he would have been slapped to death by Luo Qifeng.

But when Wei Qing said it with a smile, it seemed so natural that even people didn't notice anything unusual.

All this is because the speaker is the eldest lady from the Wei family!

The gap between status and status is like crushing.

This also shows how powerful the Wei family is.

Luo Qifeng, who was so strong that he always had an eye above the top, showed a look of honor after hearing that his name was actually known by Wei Qingxiao.

"Yes, the humble is Luo Qifeng, the eldest son of the Luo family!"

Wei Qing smiled and nodded, and said lightly: "This time I am following the young master to patrol the Quartet, just passing by you, so I will stop by and take a look! So don't be too formal!"

"Yes, yes! I'll understand!" Luo Qifeng's cold sweat came down.

There is only one possibility for Miss Wei to call her Young Master, and that is that this young man is the current Young Master of the Wei family.

If it is true, then this status is too noble!

Noble enough, Luo Qifeng feels that his identity is not enough, he should let his father and even grandfather come out to greet him!

In fact, the Patriarchs of the Luo family and many families really thought so at the beginning.

But Wei Qingxiao knew his brother's temper very well, and was very irritable when he saw the old men, so they were strictly forbidden to come and only sent young children to meet him.

This is also the reason why there are only young children in this gathering, not a family elder.

After hearing Wei Qing's laugh, everyone looked at Wei Haocang, who was held by her, and their eyes were different from just now.

In addition to awe and curiosity, there is more enthusiasm that can melt people away.

Of course, such enthusiastic eyes generally come from women.

Among them, the hottest one is naturally the nearest Tan Xiyao.

When she heard that she was the young master of the Wei family, she really wished to post it now.

But helplessly, the identity gap is too big, and she can only look forward to "foreign" and sigh.

But just when Wei Qing was talking with Luo Qifeng, Pan Yongge and Mo Jing with a proud face.

Wei Haocang suddenly became impatient.

Although before coming, Wei Qingxiao had discussed with his younger brother more than once, asking him to be obedient.

But for Wei Haocang, whose intelligence is only equivalent to that of a three-year-old child, it has not been easy to persist until now.

I saw his body writhing, and at first the amplitude was a little small, but slowly it got bigger and bigger.

at last.

Wei Haocang said with the clearest speech he could achieve: "Sister, I want to eat something delicious!"

This sentence made the originally solemn atmosphere instantly strange.

Wei Qing laughed and sighed inwardly, knowing that this was already his brother's limit, so he nodded gently.

"Well, let's go eat now!"

"Hmm!" Wei Haocang's face showed an extremely bright smile.

Wei Qing smiled and turned his head to look at Luo Qifeng who was a little surprised, and said lightly: "Master is a little hungry, let's go eat something! Have I got the snacks you prepared in advance?"

"Ah...yes, yes! Already ready! Please come with me now!" Luo Qifeng instantly awoke, nodded and said, before leading the way.

This sudden scene shocked the audience.

No one knew what was going on.

However, after Luo Qifeng and others led the Wechsler sisters to leave the square, there was a violent commotion in the audience.

"Mom, Miss Wei's family actually came here in person. I didn't expect it!"

"Who said no, I didn't even dare to breathe just now, for fear that I would be disturbed again by this Miss Wei who is known for her eccentric temperament!"

"That's right, the aura in people's body, tusk! It's really scary!"

"The point is that this time, there is also the young master of the Wei family! And listening to the tone of Miss Wei just now, this teenager is probably the young master of the Wei family!"

"Hi! This identity... is really horrifying!"

"But how do I feel that this young man is a little weird! Moreover, in front of so many people, he said he was hungry and wanted to eat! This..."

"What do you know? Of course there are quirks of this or that kind of eccentricity like someone like that! What's so strange about this!"

Tan Xiyao suddenly remembered something amidst these discussions, and turned around and yelled at her little maid: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and send a letter to the family, saying that Young Master Wei is here, and she seems to like all kinds of things. All kinds of snacks, let them hurry and get ready to deliver them!"

"Yes!" The little servant girl trembled and hurriedly went down to prepare.

And Tan Xiyao's words also reminded many people present that people have contacted their families through various means and asked to have a variety of food and delicacies.

In this chaotic situation, Luo Jian thoughtfully looked at the figure of Wei's brother and sister who had gone away, the brilliance in his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Above the small building, Xue An didn't raise his head. After drinking the last cup of tea, he breathed out, and then murmured something with a smile.

"Huh? Sir, what did you say?" Wen Mu Ling asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing!" Xue An smiled slightly, then turned to Luo Jingting and said: "Clean up, I guess someone will come to visit soon!"

Luo Jingting was taken aback, not understanding why Xue An said that, but now she has almost blindly followed Xue An's words, so she nodded, then turned and went downstairs to clean up.

"My lord, what are we going to do next? Kill these two Wei's lackeys?" Wen Mu Ling asked bitterly.

Xue An shook his head took a deep look at Wen Muling, and slowly said, "Of course the grudges back then have to be reported, but I hope you don't lose your heart because of this, understand?"

Wen Mu Ling stunned, then shuddered all over, nodding hurriedly, "Yes!"

Xue An chuckled lightly, then leaned on the collapse, stretched lazily, "All we have to do now is wait!"


"Yes, because since they are here with great fanfare, they naturally have to do something. This is what we have to wait for!"

Wen Mu Ling suddenly realized, "You mean the banquet?"

Xue An smiled, spreading his hands, "Who knows!"

"Hey, it must be so!" Wen Mu Ling gave an expression that I knew, and then turned away excitedly.

Xue An looked at her back who was excited because of the hope of revenge, smiled lightly, and said playfully.

"If this is to let you know the truth, what expression would you have!"

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