Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1406: Work hard, give everything

At the same time, in the most exquisite and luxurious small courtyard of the Luo family mansion, Wei Haocang gobbled up food, as if he had never eaten anything in his entire life.

Wei Qing smiled and stood aside with a look of pity, and from time to time he gently tapped Wei Haocang's back, and said strangely: "You eat slowly! Don't choke!"

Wei Haocang just smirked at this, but his hands were still crazily stuffing his mouth.

at last.

A table full of various snacks was stuffed into his stomach by Wei Haocang. Wei Qingxiao poured a glass of juice squeezed from centuries-old vermicelli with distress and fed it bit by bit to his brother.

Of course, besides their siblings, there was no one else in the Abode at this moment.

After sending in various snacks, Wei Qingxiao let Luo Qifeng and others leave.

She didn't want these people to see her brother's taste like this.

Because as long as you see this look, everyone will understand that there is definitely something wrong with his brother.

Although she also knew it, it wouldn't last long at all.

Maybe it's always good to keep it secret.

Finally, the juice was almost finished.

Wei Haocang contentedly burped, and smiled at Wei Qing. After a second, he closed his eyes and snored.

Sleep when you are full, this is Wei Haocang's daily life.

Wei Qing laughed and shook his head, then raised his hand to wipe away the food residue on the corner of Wei Haocang's mouth, gently walked out of the room, and came to the outside living room.

"Come in!" Wei Qing said lightly without smiling.

The door of the living room squeaked open and Luo Qifeng walked in from outside with a smile on his face.

"Miss Wei, did you hear me when I arrived?"

Wei Qingxiao did not reveal the fact that Luo Qifeng had just stood outside the door for a long time, but only smiled faintly.

"What's the matter with Master Luo?"

Although only a small smile, Luo Qifeng was overwhelmed and dazzled.

It was not until a moment later that Luo Qifeng solemnly took out a jade slip, and said solemnly: "Miss Wei, my father is very happy for your visit, and specially prepared a reception banquet for you, which will be arranged tonight... ...."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Qing laughed and waved his hand, "Don't say it!"

"Huh?" Luo Qifeng was startled, not understanding what it meant.

"I have traveled a long distance, Master and I are a little tired, so let's skip the banquet tonight!"

"But..." Luo Qifeng wanted to say that the giants from all walks of life already knew the news, and they were all gearing up to attend tonight's banquet.

But Wei Qingxiao didn't give him this opportunity at all. She got up and left, but after walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped and said without looking back, "If you really want to hold a banquet, then choose Tomorrow!"

There was ecstasy on Wei Qing's smile, and he nodded hurriedly, "Okay! I'll report to my father now! Miss Wei, you should rest as soon as possible!"

After speaking, Luo Qifeng looked at Wei Qing and smiled fiercely.

Wei Qing smiled faintly, and nodded, "Thank you, Master Luo!"

Luo Qifeng's face instantly flushed, as if he was drunk, and his whole body became smoked, and he nodded frantically.

"'re welcome!"

"Now... can I go?" Wei Qing smiled when Luo Qifeng stood there and didn't move, and the smile on his face gradually subsided.

"Ah! Sorry, I was impolite!" After that, Luo Qifeng hurriedly turned and left.

When the door closed again, Wei Qingxiao was left alone in the living room.

She sat sullenly on top of the collapse, her eyes slightly lost.

The fact that his own brother was a fool is not known to outsiders except the Wei family.

Because this mattered the face of the Wei family, naturally no one dared to disclose such things.

Because of this, Wei Qingxiao left a cruel and cruel impression in the hearts of everyone.

No one knew that she was doing this to protect her brother!

But now, as Wei Haocang gets older and older, Wei Qingxiao can no longer protect Wei Haocang as well as before!

Because at his age, he should have developed his own power long ago!

But because of Wei Haocang's intellectual deficiency, his current performance in this area is still zero.

Compared to him, Wei Yuhua, the Third Young Master, did much better.

Not to mention the long-sleeved good dance, but also made a lot of strong people.

Even now, there are still many people who don't even know that the Wei family and the orthodox descendants like Wei Haocang exist, but think that Wei Yuhua is the well-deserved young master of the Wei family.

Because of this, Wei Yuhua is ready to move, eager to take Wei Haocang and replace him.

Wei Qingxiao is naturally aware of all this, but it is different from other methods that can be cracked.

This hand is almost unsolvable.

If Wei Haocang is still protected in this way, Wei Yuhua's position will become more stable, and it will even become an established fact later.

So this time I came to the depths of the ghost world not only to avoid the pressure of the family, but also to cultivate the prestige of my brother as much as possible.

Now it seems that this beginning is not so wonderful.

That's why Wei Qingxiao used the excuse of tiredness from the journey and turned away the banquet tonight and changed it to tomorrow.

Because she is not sure.

In the event that his brother makes a fool of himself at the banquet, all his previous efforts will be in vain.

A kind of visceral fatigue made Wei Qing smile leaning on the chair, not wanting to move.

In fact, Wei Qingxiao didn't think about giving up.

But the following facts made her wake up.

The Wei family's interests are so great that anyone can't help but develop covetousness.

If that's all there is to it.

But there is even greater interest than the Wei family, and Wei Yuhua's ambition.

Wei Qing laughed more than once and read the naked possessiveness from the way Wei Yuhua looked at him.

At that time, Wei Qingxiao understood that this was an endless battle.

If you fall prematurely, you will lose not only the benefits, but also yourself!

As for his younger brother...

At that time, it may become a pet kept by some people, or it may die.

This fact is something Wei Qingxiao cannot accept.

So she can only bite the bullet to fight!

I hope you will bless me and let my brother recover as soon as possible! I am willing to dedicate everything I have!

Wei Qingxiao began to pray in a low voice.

There was also a weak side above the extremely firm face.

at the same time.

Luo Qifeng also told his father, the current head of the Luo family, Luo Gaoyang, of Wei Qing's laugh!

"Due to the exhaustion of the journey, change to tomorrow?" Luo Gaoyang frowned slightly, Wei Qingxiao said so! "

Luo Gaoyang pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Alright, then you go and prepare!"


After Luo Qifeng left, Luo Gaoyang was silent, then looked at the elders on the left and right, and said lightly: "What do you think?"

"Haha, with the strength of this Miss Wei, how could it be possible to feel tired because of the mere rush, this is nothing more than an excuse!" An elder sneered.

"This time Wei Qingxiao led his younger brother who had never been seen in public to appear suddenly. This in itself is strange!"

"Yes, it seems that the previous rumors about the shadowy heroes should be true! This Wei family's direct descendant definitely has a problem!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the audience was quiet.

After a long time, Luo Gaoyang said in a deep voice: "Whether it is or not, tomorrow's banquet will naturally see the difference!"

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