Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1408: Know how to be in awe

Luo Jingting's words made Luo Jingting chill.

She had no idea that he could guess so many things just by meeting.

And Xue An seemed to have expected everything.

The whole process seems to be a fool alone.

At this time, Xue An laughed, "Yes, it seems you are really smart!"

"Thank you, sir!"

At this moment, Xue An suddenly asked: "Then I will ask you now, do you want to control the Luo family?"

When this question came suddenly, Luo Jian was shocked and looked at Xue An in amazement.

"grown ups……."

"Don't be surprised, I will ask you, do you want it or not?" Xue Anyou said.

Luo Jian was lost in thought.

The reason why he visited here late at night was just to get acquainted with this hidden master. He didn't expect to ask such a question, so he was so shocked.

But through Xue An's strength just revealed, there was a glimmer of hope in Luo Jian's heart.

What if... what if it really becomes?

Xue An didn't urge, just looking at Luo Jian quietly.

After a while, Luo Jian breathed out slowly, then solemnly nodded.

"Of course! But..."

Before he could say what it was, Xue An interrupted him without hesitation, "Very well, then the matter is settled!"

Luo Jian's eyes widened and looked at Xue An blankly.

What does it mean?

Want to know how easy it is to control this Luo family?

Although the Luo family is not comparable to the big giants in the Central Ghost Realm, their strength is quite impressive.

Coupled with the presence of Luo Qifeng and his party members, the Patriarch of the Luo family and the elders are a big problem that is hard to avoid.

With so many difficulties, there is only such an understatement in his mouth?

"What? You don't believe me?" Xue An said slowly.

"Ah... letter! Of course!" Luo Jian nodded in response.

Xue An laughed and changed the conversation, "As the Seventh Young Master of the Luo Family, you should also have some power of your own!"

Luo Jian nodded, "Yes!"

"Well, I hope you will clean up yourself after you go back now. Those who have done a lot of wrongdoing... you should know how to do it yourself!"

Xue An's tone was indifferent, but Luo Jian sensed a strong killing intent from it, so he nodded in response without hesitation: "Yes!"

This decisiveness caused Xue An's expression to relax a little, then stood up and walked slowly to the window, "You are a smart man, you should be able to guess why I asked you to do this!"

Looking at Xue An's back, Luo Jian suddenly thought of something, and his whole body began to tremble, and his eyes appeared in awe never before.

" mean..."

"Yes, tomorrow's banquet should be very lively! Isn't it?"

Luo Jian finally stopped speaking, but bowed his head deeply, expressing his awe of the young man whose name he still doesn't know.

"Go! I'll give you one day, I hope you won't let me down!" Xue An commanded lightly without turning his head.

Luo Jian bends down and bows, then quietly stepped back, finally walked down the stairs and disappeared into the night.

The second floor became quiet again.

Luo Jingting's expression was distressed, and everything that happened during this period of time was clearly beyond her understanding.

As a girl who has never experienced the sinister heart, she can only stand aside blankly.

Wen Muling looked at Xue An's back, but he stopped talking a little.

"Just say anything!"

Wen Mu Ling hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "My lord, why do you value this Luo Jian so much?"

"Is it important?" Xue An shook his head, "I didn't value him!"

"Huh? But you just..."

"Did you know? A giant like the Luo family can't be killed at all! Even when Mingjun and I were in the ghost world together, these giants were not completely wiped out, and once the things that suppressed them were gone, , These giants will start to do evil immediately!" Xue An said suddenly.

"Then you..." Wen Muling said in his heart, why do you want to support Luo Jian in the upper position?

Xue An smiled, "As you just said, I actually didn't mean to value this Luo Jian at all! It's just that he is still awed and has never committed any crimes, so I will Give him this chance!"

Speaking of this, Xue An turned his head and looked at the night outside the window, and said lightly: "Darkness is endless. Now I can make them pay, but after killing a wave, another wave will grow out. In this way, I might as well find someone who knows restraint and awe to take charge of all this, so that at least the evil can be restrained, understand?"

Hearing what Xue An said, Wen Mu Ling suddenly realized, and then leaned over and said: "Understand!"

At the same time, in another courtyard of the Luo family's residence, Luo Xuan sat panting on a chair. The house was in a mess, and the exquisite utensils had been smashed to pieces.

And Luo Xuan's pretty face flashed hideous colors from time to time.

At this moment, a maid walked into the room with trepidation.


"How's it going?"

"Master, he has gone back to his room!"

"Huh? You mean he didn't stay with Wei's brother and sister?"


Luo Xuan's face suddenly glowed with brilliance, hehe smiled and said, "Okay! It's great! Hahaha!"

The maidservant looked at Luo Xuan who seemed to be trapped in devilishness, and whispered, "But there is one more thing!"

"What else?"

"Young Master invited the distinguished guests to the dinner tomorrow!"

When Luo Xuan heard the words, his face instantly became gloomy, his eyelids beating frantically, and then he began to pace back and forth in the room.

The little maidservant did not dare to look up.


Luo Xuan, who was lowering his head and wandering, suddenly thought of something, and began to smile nervously.

The laughter was harsh and unpleasant, making the little servant girl pale and shivering all over.

"Hehe, what **** Miss Wei family, do you really think I am a fool? The so-called young master of the Wei family today has a big problem! Humph, if you are honest then, if you dare Get involved with my elder brother, then don't blame me for being rude!"

That's right.

This Luo Xuan has always had a deformed love for her elder brother Luo Qifeng.

Before that, she didn't take it too seriously because she thought it was someone from the Wei family who was visiting here.

But I never expected that it would be a young lady from the Wei family.

And when she greeted her this afternoon, Luo Xuan clearly saw the obsession on her elder brother's face, so she was so jealous.

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