Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1409: This intriguing dinner, finally...

With this undercurrent surging, the night finally passed.

By the time it broke the next day, the city of thousands of ghosts began to become lively.

Those who came here before were all young children of the rich.

But when the respective families heard that the Wei family was not an ordinary young master, but the real young master of the Wei family, and they were going to hold a dinner tonight.

Patriarch elders of various wealthy families waited to hear the wind and rushed here all together.

Because of this, the entire Luo family is even more lively, and the people in charge of the reception are simply too busy.

"Hey, where's the Seventh Master? Who of you sees the Seventh Master coming?" asked a tired, breathless Luo family.

"I'm also looking for the Seventh Young Master! They said that they hadn't seen the Seventh Young Master's shadow since this morning, and no one knew where he went!" said a person next to him.

"Strange, the Seventh Young Master has always appeared at this time, what happened today?" Someone asked with a puzzled look.

In the past, as long as the Luo family held major events, it was usually Luo Jian who was in charge of receiving them.

Although this is a chore, Luo Jian has always done his best because he can accumulate contacts and cultivate prestige. It has never been the same as this time, even without a personal shadow.

When many people were surprised and suspicious, the day passed quietly.

Wait until the sun is about to set in the afternoon.

Luo Jian just appeared in front of everyone.

After seeing him, many Luo family children rushed up.

"Seven brother, what are you doing here?"

"Yes, Brother Seven, why haven't you seen you appear this day?"

In these questions, Luo Jian's slightly pale face showed a faint smile.

"Today I suddenly had something wrong, so I delayed some time. Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Everyone responded, and the trace of grievance in my heart also disappeared.

After all, Luo Jian is also the seventh young master of the Luo family anyway, he has already apologized, what else?

But from the beginning to the end, no one noticed the faint blood emanating from Luo Jian.

When the crowd dispersed, Luo Jian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, while the hands caged in his sleeves trembled slightly.

In this day, hundreds of ghosts died under his hands.

Most of these ghost races are Luo Jian's own forces.

It can be said that he is completely slashing his wings by doing this.

If before today, someone told Luo Jian that you would attack his own people tomorrow, Luo Jian would definitely think that the speaker was crazy.

But today, he really did.

And the reason is because of those words of Xue An.

Thinking about it carefully, even Luo Jian felt a sense of absurdity.

Just because of what a person who has only met twice said, I paid such a high price.

Is it worth it?

This question lingered in Luo Jian's mind.

For a moment, he even had a trace of regret.

But when Luo Jian remembered the way Xue An looked at him, his whole body was stiff again.

And Xue An's sentence, do you want to control the Luo family?

Also let Luo Jian's heart gradually calm down.

He finally made up his mind.

Don't regret it if you do it. As for the result... it's tonight!

at the same time.

Wei Qingxiao gently tidied up Wei Haocang's clothes.

I have to say that Wei Haocang's skin is extremely good.

Especially when he put on this well-prepared gown, he looked even more handsome and handsome.

But the premise is that he cannot speak.

Once he speaks, the momentum that he has accumulated with great difficulty disappears instantly.

Such as this moment.

Wei Haocang fiddled with his clothes a little awkwardly, dissatisfaction appeared on that handsome face, and he said vaguely.

"Sister, uncomfortable!"

"Hey! Just bear it for a while!" Wei Qing laughed and hurriedly held Wei Haocang's wrist to stop his movement.

The only thing Wei Haocang heard was his sister's words, so he hummed a few times and stopped talking.

"Cang'er, do you remember what my sister said to you? We are going to meet many people later, but you can't talk, just keep silent and look at everyone!"

Wei Haocang nodded, "Remember...remember!"

"Here, then you will learn with me again now!" Wei Qing smiled tirelessly and taught his brother again, until finally satisfied, then nodded.

"Very good! Remember not to talk, not to eat! Remember?"

"Hungry!" Wei Haocang said suddenly and very wronged.

Wei Qing laughed and chuckled, "Cang'er, when you are hungry, you will have to bear with it. When it's done, my sister will prepare a lot of delicious food for you, and I promise to let you eat enough, okay?"

A smile appeared on Wei Haocang's face and he nodded obediently.

"Let's go!" Wei Qing laughed holding one of his younger brother's hands and took a deep breath. The aura of the whole person instantly became cold, and then he stepped out.

Luo Qifeng had been waiting outside early.

When she saw Wei Qing, who had changed his outfit but was still glamorous, smiled, his eyes lit up, and then took a few steps forward and said with a smile: "Miss Wei, I have been waiting here for a long time. Now the banquet hall is already Get ready, let's go now!"

Wei Qing smiled quietly and nodded slightly.

"it is good!"

at the same time.

Dressed in full costume, Luo Xuan walked down her show building and said lightly: "Let's go! It's getting late!"

Not only her, but with the beginning of the Hua Deng, people from various wealthy families came in and crowded the huge banquet hall.

But this time the banquet hall was divided into two distinct areas.

On one side are the Patriarchs and elders of various wealthy families headed by the Patriarch of the Luo Family.

On the other side are young children.

In this way, the two parties do not interfere with each other.

At this moment, everyone was talking and laughing with their friends.

The topic is nothing more than today's banquet, and the upcoming Wei family.

However, in these voices, there will inevitably be some unharmonious voices.

For example, some wealthy direct descendants gathered together and looked at the lonely Ren Tianqi standing aside in the distance, gesticulating, and bursting into unbridled laughter from time to time.

"Tsk tusk, did you see it? That's the second young master of the Ren family, the one who watched his fiancé hook up with others, but didn't dare to say anything!"

"Hey! This guy dared to come to the banquet, it's really interesting!"

"Shhh! Didn't you see that his face was almost cannibalistic?"

Ren Tianqi's face is indeed extremely ugly now. He stared at the costumed Tan Xiyao in the distance, who was chatting and laughing with a few girlfriends, his teeth were almost crushed.

Of course he knows the reason why Tan Xiyao is so excited, but the more he is like this, the more he feels that his face has been slapped countlessly, with fiery pain.

Just as he was about to explode, someone patted his shoulder lightly.

Ren Tianqi turned to look, but saw Luo Jian smile at him slightly.

"Brother Tianqi!"

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