After a while, Ren Tianqi sat on the chair in the corner with a dejected face, sipping alcohol.

"Don't want to say something?" Luo Jian said lightly.

Ren Tianqi trembled all over, and then smiled bitterly, "What? Didn't you see? My family and the elders and patrons of the Tan family have already come, but who has taken care of how I feel?"

Speaking of this, Ren Tianqi twisted her hair painfully, her eyes were full of light of choosing someone, "I really want to kill that **** now, can you believe it? My strength can't even beat her!"

Ren Tianyun's words had already brought a hint of crying, and he was obviously on the verge of collapse.

Luo Jian was silent for a moment, then slowly raised his head and said lightly: "Brother Tianqi, do you... want to change?"

As Ren Tianqi said, Tan Xiyao is indeed very excited now.

As the concubine of the family, she never had a chance to get ahead, and the best ending might be to be treated as a commodity and traded to people in other families.

Such as her marriage to Ren Tianqi, the second son of the Ren family.

But she didn't expect good luck to make people. This time her sister Tan Feiwen followed Ren Tianyun on business trips, but she never returned.

That's why she was qualified to participate in this gathering.

At the beginning, Tan Xiyao just wanted to get along with the direct descendants of the Luo family or some other wealthy family.

She even considered that if she couldn't do it, she would try to get in touch with the seventh master Luo Jian from the Luo family.

Anyway, as her heart is higher than the sky, marrying anyone is better than marrying Ren Tianqi.

But I never expected that the Wei family of the Central Ghost World would suddenly come, and it would be the young master of the Wei family.

Such a big gift suddenly appeared in front of him, how could Tan Xiyao let it go.

After hearing Tan Xiyao's thoughts, the people of the Tan family did not hesitate to express their support.

After all, compared with the benefits that can be obtained, offending a concubine of the Ren family is nothing at all.

So she didn't have time all day today, she was always dressing herself up crazily, just thinking that she could shine at this banquet.

It would be perfect if you could take this opportunity to get in touch with the young master of the Wei family!

Because of these thoughts, Tan Xiyao's thoughts about connecting with Luo's family are much weaker. As for Ren Tianqi...

She didn't even bother to take a look at all.

But she didn't know what Ren Tianqi had experienced at this moment.

When Ren Tianqi listened to Luo Jian's whisper, her eyes gradually widened, and then looked at Luo Jian with inquiring eyes.

"What you said... is all true?"

Luo Jian nodded solemnly, "Of course it is true!"

Ren Tianqi let out a sigh of relief, and said solemnly, "But... is this really possible?"

Luo Jian was silent for a moment, and finally slowly said: "I think it is possible, and even if it fails, can our situation be worse than it is now?"

This sentence moved Ren Tianqi, he pondered for a moment, and then nodded heavily.

"I understand, what is needed from me!"

"Have you really considered it? After all, once a decision is made, your family..." Luo Jian asked.

"The family...hehe, do you think the family regards me as a child of the Ren family?" Ren Tianqi showed resentment, "They will always only have Ren Tianyun in their eyes. I am just a dispensable substitute!"

"So I think about it! I'll join!"

Luo Jian nodded, "Okay! Then you are ready to wait for the adults to come, choose the opportunity!"


Ren Tianqi swept away the decadence just now, and her cold gaze swept across Tan Xiyao who was scratching her head in the distance, with murderous intent in her eyes.

As for other slander or slander, he didn't bother to bother about it.

At this moment, Luo Xuan wore a long dress and walked in domineeringly.

Her arrival caused many women to lose their voices.

After taking a glance at the audience, she went straight to a corner, and then sat down silently.

With this momentum, Tan Xiyao and others' voices were much lower.

But before everyone recovered, Luo Qifeng walked in first, and behind him were Wei Qingxiao and Wei Haocang.

The appearance of their group caused a silent uproar in the audience.

Especially when they noticed Luo Qifeng, whose eyes were always higher than the top, the smile and compliment on his face at this moment was even more shocking.

But Luo Qifeng was too lazy to pay attention to this, he said with a smile: "Miss Wei, it seems that people are almost there now! Please take a seat!"

As he was talking, with Luo Gaoyang, the Patriarch of the Luo family, headed by, many wealthy Patriarchs and elders greeted him.

"I have seen Miss Wei, Master Wei!"

"Yes, welcome Miss Wei to come to our guest!"

These greetings come and go one after another.

Wei Qing smiled and nodded, "Thank you!"

But she could notice that many people's eyes were focused on Wei Haocang.

After all, Wei Haocang's current status is the young master of the Wei family!

Thinking of this, Wei Qing couldn't help sighing with a smile, and then said with a smile: "Master, he usually seldom speaks, but he is also very happy to see you now!"

Many people were happy when they heard the words and nodded at Wei Haocang to show respect.

But a few people such as Luo Gaoyang secretly glanced at each other, and they all saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

In their eyes, this Wei Haocang at first glance seemed to be facing the wind, with extraordinary bearing, and seemed to have no problem.

But Wei Qingxiao's explanation seemed weird.

It's okay not to talk.

This is understandable for the nobles to talk less.

But why should she explain?

And the young master of the Wei family seems to be not focusing on everyone, but in the distance!

What's in the distance?

Luo Gaoyang followed his gaze unmovingly, and saw that in the distance was a huge dining table full of various delicacies.


Despite the doubts in his mind, Luo Gaoyang did not show any signs on the surface. Instead, he smiled with great enthusiasm: "In this case, please come to your seat!"

When I said that, I personally lead the way, UU reading www. led Wei's brother and sister to the high platform.

Everyone's eyes focused on Wei's sister and brother.

Especially Tan Xiyao, the gaze that looked at Wei Haocang almost melted away, and she wanted to take the initiative to post it now.

Luo Xuan stared at Wei Qingxiao with cold eyes, especially when she saw Luo Qifeng and Wei Qingxiao walking side by side, chatting and laughing from time to time, she was even more jealous.

But these subtleties are only seen by a few people such as Luo Jian, others are not even aware.

Ren Tianqi asked in a low voice anxiously at this moment: "Seventh Master, the banquet is about to begin, why haven't people come yet?"

"Don't worry, it should be here soon!" Luo Jian was also a little nervous, but said calmly.

The voice just fell.

Seeing Luo Jingting walked in from outside the door a little timidly.

And behind her is Xue An, who is neither humble nor humble, walking slowly.

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