Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1411: I drank this cup for the young master

"It's her! Why did she come?" Many people in the banquet hall recognized Luo Jingting, and they all looked strange.

Because Luo Jingting's identity is just a collateral child, it stands to reason that he is not qualified to participate in a banquet of this level.

Under these suspicious or disdainful gazes, Luo Jingting trembled and his face was pale.

At the same time, Luo Xuan in the distance also noticed this scene.

When she saw that the person who came was actually Luo Jingting, she was taken aback, then smiled coldly, winking at the few men beside her.

These subordinates stepped forward and stopped Luo Jingting's path.

"Stunned girl, do you have any invitations?" The man in the lead said quite politely.

"Invitation?" Luo Jingting was a little surprised.

"Yes, this banquet is only eligible for the children of the wealthy family. If you don't have an invitation card, I'm sorry, you can only ask you to go out first!"

With dry lips, Luo Jingting couldn't help but looked sideways at Xue An, wanting to ask him what to do.

But he didn't expect Xue An to stand down and ignore it at all.

"Why? Surprised girl, don't you want to leave?" Another man said coldly.

But he was not as polite as the man just now, and his words were full of ridicule.

Luo Jingting's complexion changed.

At this moment, Luo Jian walked over quickly and said in a deep voice: "Sister Jingting was invited by me, why? Is there a problem?"

Hearing this, these men were all startled. When they turned their heads and saw Luo Jian, the expression on their faces immediately became very exciting.

"Seven...Seven masters!" These men were very respectful.

It should be understood that although Luo Jian does not have the identity and status of Luo Qifeng, he has always been respected because of his wide network, high prestige, and kindness to the people.

At least not that Luo Xuan's subordinates can afford it.

Luo Jian ignored these people at all, and just smiled at Luo Jingting.

"Why did Sister Jingting come now? The banquet is about to begin! Come with me!"

After all, he turned sideways slightly, leading Luo Jingting into it.

The people who had just stopped Luo Jingting stood aside in a very embarrassing way. They didn't stop, nor did they stop. They could only watch Luo Jingting and his party walk into the banquet hall.

Luo Xuan in the distance naturally saw this scene.

Especially when she saw Luo Jian personally bringing Luo Jingting into the court, a look of doubt flashed in her eyes.

At this moment, Luo Jian seemed to feel something, raised his eyes and glanced at her, then the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a hint of meaningful smile.

Somehow, after seeing Luo Jian's smile, Luo Xuan felt cold all over and couldn't help but shiver.

When she reacted, Luo Jian led Luo Jingting away.

At this time, Luo Xuan's face couldn't help showing a strange look.

what happened?

With Luo Jingting's identity, how could it be impossible for Luo Jian to lead the way in person?

What the **** is this Luo Jian doing?

Although Luo Xuan was puzzled, compared to the huge banquet hall, this was nothing but a very inconspicuous little disturbance.

At least most people in the banquet hall didn't even notice it.

All their attention was attracted by Wei's brother and sister sitting on the high platform.

Luo Xuan also left these things behind, and looked at Luo Qifeng who was constantly talking with Wei Qingxiao on the stage, burning with jealousy in her heart.

Gradually clenched his hands, and then heard Peng's sound, he actually crushed the armrest of the seat, and then Luo Xuan suddenly stood up.

"Miss!" Several entourages were taken aback, trying to stop them.

"Don't worry about me! I have a sense of measure!"

With that, Luo Xuan picked up a wine glass on the table and walked towards the high platform step by step.

People's attention was focused on her instantly.

Luo Qifeng, who was racking his brains to talk with Wei Qingxiao, found that the atmosphere was different and couldn't help raising his head. Then, when he saw Luo Xuan approaching with a bright smile, his heart sank.

He knew his sister too well. He couldn't help feeling a little nervous when he saw her suddenly coming, and then he winked at Pan Yongge and Mo Jing.

The two stood up knowingly and greeted Luo Xuan.

"Sister Luo Xuan, what are you going to do?" Pan Yongge said with a smile.

"Yeah! I haven't seen you in a few years, sister Luo Xuan seems to be pretty again!" Mo Jing said with a smile.

Luo Xuan smiled and said, "The two brothers are really good at talking. Didn't I see the young master of the Wei family come here, do you want to go to toast a glass of wine! Why? Can't it?"

Although the words were directed at these two people, Luo Xuan's gaze stayed on Luo Qifeng.

Luo Qifeng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard that it was just a toast.

No matter how mischievous my own sister, but the other party is from the Wei family of the Central Ghost Realm, I believe she still has this point.

So he nodded without moving his expression.

Pan Yongge and Mo Jing shrugged and stepped aside.

"In that case, please!"

But Luo Qifeng didn't notice. When he heard that Luo Xuan wanted to toast Wei Haocang, Wei Qing smiled with a gloomy expression.

At this time, Luo Xuan had strolled to the table, the smile on his face became brighter, and then fluttered.

"Luo Jian's daughter Luo Xuan, I have met Master Wei, Miss Wei!"

In any case, Luo Xuan's etiquette is impeccable.

Wei Qing laughed but did not move at all, but looked at Luo Xuan coldly without saying a word.

Under Wei Qingxiao's gaze, Luo Xuan only felt her scalp numb, but the jealousy and hatred in her heart made her not shrink at all. Instead, she raised her cup and smiled at Wei Haocang who was sitting idly by.

"Young Master Wei is indeed handsome and handsome, and he is well-deserved! The little girl admires you very much, this cup, the little girl respects you!"

With that, Luo Xuan held the cup in her hand and gave in.

The banquet hall became quiet.

Luo Gaoyang, the head of the Luo family, looked at each other with several elders, and then lowered his eyes unmovingly, without any intention of blocking.

Facing Luo Xuan's The young master of the Wei family, Wei Haocang, sat on the chair with a sluggish expression, without any movement.

Now, the atmosphere became embarrassing and weird.

Many people can't help but frown slightly when seeing this scene.

The Wei family is indeed powerful, but it won't even give up this little face!

The toast is also the daughter of the Luo family!

Even Luo Qifeng couldn't help being a little surprised.

Luo Xuan lowered her head, but she was very proud in her heart.

I see if you will pick up this glass of wine or not!

From the first time I saw Wei Haocang, Luo Xuan felt that there was something wrong with Master Wei.

This time I did it deliberately, just to test the guess in my heart. If it's not easy, then let the Wei brothers and sisters not come to stage.

At this time, Wei Qingxiao laughed suddenly, "Master, he never drinks alcohol! So I will drink this glass for Master!"

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