With that said, Wei Qing laughed and picked up the wine glass on the table, drank it with his head up, and then put it on the table with a loud voice, looking at Luo Xuan coldly.

"So, what do you think?"

There was a trace of killing intent in the words that could not be suppressed.

In fact, if it wasn't for not wanting to reveal the true appearance of his younger brother, Wei Qingxiao had already directly acted and killed Luo Xuan in his palm.

But in full view, she could only endure forcibly.

So this glass of wine, she drank extremely badly.

Luo Xuan was also stunned. He didn't expect Wei Qingxiao to come to such a hand and just wanted to talk.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Luo Qifeng sank his face and said coldly, "Xuan'er, can't Ms. Wei respond in person? After drinking this glass of wine, please step back!"

Even though Luo Xuan was unwilling in every possible way, but the matter was over, she had to drink a glass of wine, and then smiled at Wei Qing.

"Thank you Miss Wei for her face, the little girl stepped back!"

This is very humble, but only a few people can appreciate the subtle atmosphere in it.

For example, Xue An not far away showed a faint smile after seeing this scene.


At this time, Luo Jian led Ren Tianqi over and said in a low voice: "My lord, this is Ren Tianqi, the second youngest of the Ren family. It is in a similar situation to me. I have already told him what you have said, and he is willing to join!"

"My lord!" Ren Tianqi bowed slightly.

"Ren Family?" Xue An was startled slightly, "Who is Ren Tianyun from you?"

Ren Tianqi smiled bitterly, "Back to my lord, Ren Tianyun is my eldest brother!"

Xue An laughed meaningfully, "Yes! In that case, I will give you a chance!"

"Thank you, my lord!" Ren Tianqi let out a sigh, feeling cold sweat in her palms.

Although Master Xue looked like a white-clothed boy on the surface, Ren Tianqi could feel that under this delicate and even weak appearance, it contained extremely terrifying power.

So Ren Tianqi never dared to get too close from beginning to end, because that feeling was really terrifying.

At this time, Luo Jian looked at Luo Xuan who was leaving with some hesitation, and asked in a deep voice: "My lord, what shall we do next?"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Don't worry, don't you think this drama is very lively? Let's watch it first!"

At the same time, Luo Xuan returned to her seat, sneered at everyone on the stage, her eyes flickering, she didn't know what she was calculating.

But in any case, this episode is just over.

The banquet continued down.

Especially when Luo Gaoyang expressed his congratulations on behalf of many rich people, the atmosphere reached a climax.

Next, it is free time.

It is also the busiest time for a banquet.

Wei Qing's heart raised his throat with a smile.

Because at this time, it is also the time when my brother is most exposed.

But she can't always follow her brother.

Because Wei Qingxiao could clearly perceive that Luo Gaoyang and many other wealthy elders looked at his younger brother's eyes a little wrong.

If you continue to follow like a babysitter, it will definitely arouse greater suspicion.

At this time, Luo Qifeng said to her with a smile on his face: "Miss Wei, shall we go there for a drink? Many wealthy children would like to get acquainted with you!"

With that, Luo Qifeng pointed to the distance.

Pan Yongge, Mo Jing and many wealthy direct descendants are all together, waiting for Wei Qingxiao.

This is also a very normal part of the rich banquet communication.

Wei Qingxiao couldn't refuse because of emotion and reason.

Therefore, she nodded hesitantly, "Wait a minute, I will say a few words to the young master!"


Wei Qing laughed and took a deep breath, leaning in Wei Hao's ears, and whispered: "Brother, sister, go out, you just sit here and don't go anywhere. If someone comes to talk to you, you will be cold. Look at him! Don't talk, understand?"

Wei Qingxiao has told her brother more than once about these precautions.

But because he was worried that he would forget, Wei Qingxiao gave another order.

Wei Haocang grinned, and muttered in a voice that only Wei Qing could hear: "Hmm!"

Wei Qing laughed and sorted out his emotions, and said lightly: "Let's go!"

When she and Luo Qifeng left, Wei Haocang was left alone on the table.

At this time, the eyes of many women became hot.

That is the young master of the Wei family!

Which wealthy daughter is not tempted?

But before people could react, Tan Xiyao had taken the lead to stand up and walked to the table swayingly. She smiled and said, "Little girl Tan Xiyao, I have seen Master Wei!"

no respond.

Wei Haocang faithfully followed his sister's instructions, sat there without squinting, and did not respond to all the surrounding words.

This reaction made Tan Xiyao startled slightly. If it were other wealthy daughters, she would now back down in embarrassment.

But Tan Xiyao is different. The environment in which she grew up has created her character that never stops until she reaches her goal.

So she directly sat next to Wei Haocang and chuckled: "Why doesn't Young Master Wei speak? Is it because of the low status of others?"

Wei Haocang remained silent.

Such a reaction made Tan Xiyao gritted her teeth secretly.

In her opinion, Wei Haocang simply looked down on his identity, so he ignored him.

But she still didn't want to give up, so she stretched out her hand and took out a delicate food box from behind.

After it was opened, there were plates of exquisite snacks.

Under the pungent scent, Wei Haocang's dull eyes released light instantly, staring at the food box blankly, without moving.

Sure enough!

Tan Xiyao was secretly happy, and then smiled: "Master Young Master, I heard that you like food the most, so I prepared these snacks. They are all fine products with good color and fragrance. I hope you will like it!"

Wei Haocang's body twisted slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as if he was struggling.

Tan Xiyao was amused, and then she picked up a piece of cake in her hand and chuckled softly: "Master Young Master, why are you hesitating? Just eat it if you want! This is all for you!"

After speaking, he sent it to Wei Haocang's mouth.

Wei Hao stepped back like a snake, and said vaguely: "Sister...fight!"

Ok? What do you mean?

Tan Xiyao didn't understand what Wei Haocang was talking about, but this did not prevent her from continuing to deliver pastries to Wei Haocang's mouth.

"Oh, Master Young Master, you can taste it! I promise, after you taste it, if you are not satisfied, I will leave immediately!" Tan Xiyao said greasyly.

She thinks she knows the tempers of these big and young people very well. Sometimes, if she is a little bit coquettish and coquettish, she will get more pity and attention.

As for snacks, it was nothing more than something Tan Xiyao prepared to get close to Wei Haocang.

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