Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1413: Kill everyone and the news will not leak...

In this situation, the cake in Tan Xiyao's hand touched Wei Haocang's lips intentionally or unintentionally.

This originally inconspicuous action shocked Wei Haocang.

In fact, it is not easy for him to survive until now.

Because there are many delicacies in the banquet hall, the aroma of these delicacies tortured Wei Haocang all the time.

Had it not been for Wei Qingxiao who had been suppressing him, he would have been unable to control it.

But the cake that touched the lips was like the last straw that crushed the camel, finally causing Wei Haocang to lose his mind.

His expression suddenly became extremely hideous, he opened his mouth abruptly, and completely bit the piece of cake in one bite.

Tan Xiyao let out a miserable cry, because one of her fingers was also bitten off together.

Tan Xiyao trembled under the severe pain.

However, Wei Haocang completely lost his reason and threw himself directly to the table, grabbed the plates of delicate snacks on the table, and stuffed it frantically.

That hideous and terrifying eating appearance made the otherwise lively banquet hall instantly quiet.

Everyone looked at this Wei Haocang who looked like a beast in amazement, and didn't understand what was going on.

Xue An sighed leisurely, with a trace of pity in his eyes, and whispered softly: "It's hard for you!"

In the dead silence of the audience, Wei Qingxiao, who was talking to everyone, noticed that something was wrong, suddenly turned around, and the scene in front of her made her expression instantly turn blue.

Because the thing she worries the most has happened!

Tan Xiyao held her injured hand with one finger missing, and looked at Wei Haocang, who was devouring something in her mouth with horror.

And everyone's faces gradually became weird.

Now even a dull person can see that the young master of the Wei family is in a very wrong state.

How could normal people eat like this!

Luo Gaoyang, the head of the Luo family, and the others looked at each other, and they all saw the clarity in each other's eyes.

The rumors are true.

The young master of the Wei family really has a problem.

In this strange atmosphere, Wei Qing's expression changed with a smile, but he did not delay his feet. Instead, he walked quickly to the table and slapped his hand up.


The crisp slap in the face echoed in the banquet hall.

Tan Xiyao screamed, and was directly fanned out, hitting a table, smashing all the utensils on it.

Many people's complexions changed slightly amidst the sound of clattering.

Wei Qing smiled lividly, looking at Wei Haocang who was still lying on the table and eating, suddenly felt very tired.

I tried my best, and finally I got some improvement, but it still fell into this situation.

She forced herself to endure the sadness in her heart, stepped forward and grabbed Wei Haocang's wrist, and whispered: "Cang'er, stop eating! We should go now!"

When Wei Haocang had an attack, only Wei Qing's smile could restore his peace.

So when he heard Wei Qing's smile, he gradually calmed down, and then he grinned silly, ignoring the oil stains and residue on his face.

Wei Qing laughed and forcibly endured the tears that were about to come out, and said lightly: "Sorry, there was an accident today, so let's go first!"

After all, she grabbed her brother's wrist and walked out.

This sadness and loneliness moved Luo Jian.

Luo Xuan almost laughed out loud.

That's good!

I don't believe that after seeing this so-called Wei family a fool, my elder brother dare to have other ideas!


Seeing Luo Qifeng looking at the back of Wei Qingxiao's sister and brother with a look of astonishment, a little struggling flashed in his eyes, but in the end he lowered his head and stopped looking.

As the eldest son of the Luo family, Luo Qifeng is not a fool.

This Wei Qingxiao was indeed worth pursuing before, because she had everything she needed.

Looks, family background, etc. are even better than myself.

But now the basis of all this does not exist.

Because her brother is actually a complete fool.

In this case, you can imagine Wei Qingxiao's situation in the Wei family.

Combining the previous rumors about Wei Qingxiao, we can know that her younger brother will be her culprit.

And she has no retreat at all!

If this is the case, then Wei Qingxiao is no longer an object worth pursuing, but a bomb that will explode at any time.

Because if you want to pursue her, you have to bear all her pressure.

That is simply unimaginable!

So Luo Qifeng wisely chose to retreat, even faintly lucky.

Fortunately, I knew it early, otherwise I would really be on the thief ship!

Tan Xiyao was also fortunate, even though she lost a finger, she slapped again.

But she thought it was worth it.

Because if it weren't the case, you might have lost your life.

So the banquet hall, which was still lively just now, fell silent.

Everyone looked at Wei's brother and sister with strange eyes, but no longer had the awe and admiration before.

Wei Qing smiled secretly and gritted his silver teeth, holding his younger brother's hand, and immediately walked out of the banquet hall.

At this moment, Xue An sitting in the chair suddenly chuckled.

"Are you planning to leave like this?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the audience shook.

Everyone looked sideways, wanting to see who the speaker was.

Wei Qing laughed and turned around suddenly, and said coldly, "Who is talking?"

Where the eyes of all parties converged, Xue An sat calmly, looking at Wei Qing in the distance with a smile, "I said it!"

"Who are you? What did you just mean?" Wei Qing asked with a cold voice with a smile on his face.

"It's not interesting, I just want to remind you that if you step out of the door of this banquet hall, then within a few days, the news that your brother is a fool will spread throughout the ghost world! At that time, all you have for so many years Efforts will be spent!"

"Have you thought about this result?"

Xue An's words made Wei Qing smile and his eyebrows rose instantly.

Of course she thought about these things.

But what can she do?

Even if today's banquet goes through safely, what about the future?

Who dares to say that this kind of thing will not happen in the future?

The only thing she can do now is to take one step at a time.

"Of course I thought about it, but what can it be?" Wei Qing said coldly with a smile.

"Don't you want to change all of this?"

Xue An’s words shocked Wei His pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle, staring at Xue An, "How to change?"

Xue Anhao leaned back on his chair in his spare time, looked around the audience, and then said lightly: "It's very simple, kill all the people here, then the news will naturally not leak!"

Speaking of this, Xue An smiled at Wei Qing slightly, "Such a simple truth, you shouldn't understand it!"


Before Wei Qingxiao could respond to this, the whole banquet hall was already boiling.

"Where did the madman come from? How dare to say such madman?"

"Isn't that the Seventh Young Master Luo Jian and the Ren's second trash master? Why are they with this guy too?"

"I heard that this guy seems to be Luo Jingting's personal guard!"

"Huh, a guard who is a side of the Luo family, dare to be so arrogant? Really looking for death!"

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