Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1414: Ok... what a beautiful firework!

These talks almost lifted the roof of the banquet hall.

Xue An was unmoved at all, but quietly looked at Wei Qing with a smile.

Wei Qing's expression changed with a smile.

To be honest, Wei Qingxiao did have this idea.

But this is not the central ghost world, but the depths of the ghost world.

I traveled this time to avoid family pressure, so I only took a few people.

And the opponent is almost all the giants in the depths of the ghost world.

Such a huge disparity in strength makes this idea extremely naive and ridiculous.

Therefore, Wei Qingxiao could only choose to leave sadly.

Now hearing what Xue An said, countless thoughts flashed through Wei Qing's smiling mind.

Who is he?

Why do you say that?

What is his purpose?

These thoughts were entangled, leaving Wei Qingxiao silent.

Xue An seemed to be able to see through her thoughts, and said lightly: "You don't have to guess my identity, I just ask you, do you want to change this result?"

Wei Qing smiled and nodded, "Of course I want to, but so what? Can you help me achieve it?"

The tone was full of sarcasm.

Xue An smiled, "Okay! Then I will help you realize this idea!"

At this time, many people in the banquet hall simply turned back laughing.

"Come here, drag this nonsense guy out and kill it. The province has dirty the ground here!" An elderly Luo cried out in a deep voice.

In an instant, more than a dozen guards rushed forward to try.

But before they rushed closer, Luo Jian stepped forward and blocked everyone.

"I see who dares to come over!"


When everyone saw this, they couldn't help taking a breath.

How is this going?

How could the seventh young master of the Luo family help this madman?

When Luo Qifeng saw this, he became very angry, "Old Qi, what do you want to do? Could it be that you want to rebel?"

This is the end of the matter, and Luo Jian has already given it up, "Yes, I just went the other way!"

Many people were stunned by the scene before them.

Luo Gaoyang, the head of the Luo family, was furious, "Bastard! Get me arrested!"

These guards still hesitate.

at the same time.

Ren Tianqi also stepped forward and stood side by side with Luo Jian.

"Master Seven, don't forget there is me!" Ren Tianqi said with a smile.

The director of Ren Jiajia in the crowd was also taken aback when he saw this, and then roared: "Ren Tianqi, what do you want to do?"

Ren Tianqi showed a sneer, "What do I want to do? Father, I'm naturally going the other way!"


The crowd is almost frying!

No one can figure out what is going on.

At this moment, Luo Xuan suddenly jumped high, pointing at Luo Jingting who was standing behind Xue An and cursed.

"It's you who made the ghost, right? I said that you shouldn't be taken in at the beginning. Sure enough, the wild species is the wild species! How dare to fight our Luo family!"

This is extremely ugly.

Luo Jingting's complexion instantly paled, not because of the harshness of these words, but because Luo Xuan's words proved a fact.

He really is not a member of the Luo family!

Everything is fake!

It turned out that I was just a wild species that nobody wanted!

These thoughts rushed in, and Luo Jingting almost fainted with the great sadness.

Xue An suddenly sighed softly: "Don't be sad, these are their faults, not yours! Understand?"

Hearing Xue An's words, Luo Jingting calmed himself down and nodded heavily.

And Xue An smiled and said: "And it's good to know your origin. As for the Luo family or the Luo family, it doesn't matter at all, because after killing all... it will be yours!"

This is simply arrogant.

At least in the eyes of the Luo family.

Luo Xuan smiled, "It's so funny, you dare to talk like that when you die? What if you really thought you could find Luo Jian?"

Before the words fell, Luo Xuan's whole body suddenly floated, and then within a short period of time, the space suddenly collapsed inward, squeezing the flesh, condensing it into a ball of flesh.

All this happened extremely quickly, but while breathing, Luo Xuan, who had just spoken out loud, became a **** ball, quietly suspended in the air.

Such cruel and **** methods shocked the audience.

Then Luo Qifeng roared, "Sister!"

As he said, he pointed at Xue An hysterically, "Kill him! I want him to pay for it!"


At this time, people already knew that this was no longer a simple rivalry between giants, but an endless battle, so they retreated.

At almost the same time, countless guards of the Luo family emerged from all corners, and Qi Qi launched an attack on Xue An.

The sky is full of brilliance, forming a violent background picture.

Luo Jian and others were all overwhelmed by it.

Only Xue An was still sitting on the chair, smiling at Wei Qing, who was frowning, and said, "Look, I will begin to fulfill your wishes now!"

While speaking, these attacks have rushed to the front.

The attacks of the ghost clan have always been known for their strangeness and unpredictability. Coupled with the combination of these Luo family guards, the attack is more violent and vicious.

Wei Qingxiao asked himself that he had to retreat when facing this blow.

But Xue An didn't even look at these attacking guards, just waved lightly.

I saw a series of sword lights appearing out of thin air, and then cut straight past like a dragon waving its tail.

After a short while, all the bodyguards stagnated, and then they broke apart.

The sword aura was violent, and even the Soul did not escape for a while.

Such a shocking blow made everyone in the audience terrified.

Including Luo Xuan, who had finally reconstituted the body of the ghost clan, was also terrified.

As for Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi, their eyes were almost open.

I thought that even if I could win this time, it would be a tragic victory, but I didn't expect it to end lightly.

But Wei Qingxiao was the one who received the most shock.

She didn't expect such a result at all, and she couldn't help staring in amazement.

On the contrary, Wei Haocang on the side applauded joyfully.

"Ok... what a beautiful firework!"

He used Jian Mang as a firework.

Xue An looked at Wei Haocang with a smirk, a gentle look appeared on his face, "Want to see it?"

"Yeah!" Wei Hao nodded heavily.

Xue An smiled, then waved.

Countless sword lights appeared above the banquet hall, and then went straight down to withstand everyone's throat.

"do not move!"

In fact, there is no need for him to say, the Sen Leng sword intent from the sword light has made everyone stiff in an instant, and they dare not make the slightest movement.

Even Luo Gaoyang, who was furious and about to do it himself, calmed down instantly.

Xue An smiled, "You think it's so good! Everyone speaks peacefully, yelling at the provincial level, and I'm tired of listening!"

No one dared to speak, or even nodded.

A joke, the sword light on the throat is not vegetarian!

Who can guarantee that he will not be killed by this sword light after some action?

Therefore, everyone stood in place with an ugly face, like a wood-carved clay sculpture, afraid to move.

Xue An smiled happily, "Really good!"

Then turned his head to look at Wei Qing with a bewildered smile, "How about? Kill?"

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