Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1415: Believe it or not is your business, say it or not...

Wei Qing's eyes widened with laughter, and he looked at Xue An in astonishment.

It's not that she has never seen the strong, in fact, the strong in the central ghost world can't talk about it, but it is far better than other places.

But she had never seen something like Xue An.

From the beginning to the end, it was deeply hidden. Even now, one person and one sword shocked the audience, there was still no mood swings, as if what was being done was a very trivial thing.

This calmness is enough to be amazing.

But when she heard Xue An's questioning, she was shocked slightly, and then she regained consciousness.

But immediately, she fell into hesitation and confusion.

To kill or not to kill?

This is a problem!

The reason for saying this is not because Wei Qingxiao couldn't bear to kill these ghost world giants.

In fact, there must be her reasons for being able to stand tall among peerless giants like the Wei family.

If Wei Qingxiao is an indecisive and sympathetic person, it is estimated that even the bones are already rotten.

Wei Qingxiao considered that it is easy to kill, but what about after killing all?

What to do next?

Could it be that you just killed it all the way?

You must know that this trip was first to avoid family pressure, and second, Wei Qingxiao wanted to increase his brother's prestige and cultivate power for him.

But if you just blindly kill, you may not be able to solve any problems in the end, but you will fall into a greater crisis.

After all, the root of all problems comes from the Wei family. If the problems within the Wei family are not resolved first, then no matter how many people are killed, it will be nothing more than spectacle and vain!

It is because of these doubts that Wei Qingxiao feels entangled in her heart.

At this moment, Xue An, who was originally sitting on the chair, got up and strode towards Wei's brother and sister.

This sudden move made everyone hold their breath and looked at Xue An with horror.

No matter what status or status, I feel deep fear at this moment.

After all... the wisp of sword light in front of the throat can't be faked.

Not to mention that the ghost clan is not afraid of death, on the contrary, the more powerful the ghost clan, the more afraid of death.

Because they usually impose death on others, when it is their turn, they are naturally full of fear and cannot accept it.

Wei Qingxiao was also shocked slightly, but at any rate, she was also the eldest lady from the Central Ghost Realm. She had seen this in the world, so even though she was surprised in her heart, she did not give in the slightest.

Xue An stopped and stood in front of Wei Qingxiao.

With Xue An's height, Wei Qingxiao needs to raise his face to see him.

But Wei Qingxiao didn't show the slightest sign of weakness, just staring at Xue An coldly.

Under this weird look at each other, Xue An suddenly leaned down and laughed softly in her ear: "I know what you are worried about, but if you still want to cure your brother's disease, listen carefully. My word! Understand?"


Hearing these words in Wei Qingxiao's ears was nothing less than a thunderbolt in a blue sky, shaking her whole body and looking at Xue An in horror.

Xue An smiled faintly, "surprised?"

Of course Wei Qingxiao was surprised.

Because Wei Haocang's illness has been diagnosed by countless magical doctors, and even an expert in the path of ghosts, but no matter who it is, there is nothing he can do about it.

Having experienced such things a lot, even Wei Qingxiao has become numb.

Although Wei Qingxiao has not given up on the surface, in his heart, even she is completely desperate.

As a result, today, this young man in white clothes who does not seem to be a weak crown says that he can cure his brother's disease. This sounds like a fantasy.

Therefore, Wei Qingxiao took a deep look at Xue An and nodded, "Of course I am surprised, because anyone can say anything, but why do you make me believe you?"

"Good question!" Xue An smiled slightly, "You really have no reason to believe me! I won't give you nonsense just to prove myself, but I have to explain one thing to you!"


"Under the world, among the ten thousand realms, if anyone can cure your brother's disease, then I am the only one!" Xue An said calmly.

Wei Qingxiao swears that if other people dared to speak this way in front of him, he would tear it up and feed it to the dog without hesitation!

But somehow, these words came out of this white-clothed boy's mouth, but they were so natural and natural.

As if it should have been.

The powerful self-confidence contained in this kind of speech also made Wei Qingxiao swallow the sneer that had already reached his lips, and then looked at Xue An extremely calmly.

"The tone is not small! But do you think I really believe this?"

Xue An smiled, "Believe it or not is your business, I'm just explaining a fact!"

Wei Qingxiao wanted to ask or sneer again, but she found that she couldn't say anything.

Because the boy in white is looking at himself quietly.

Since childhood, Wei Qingxiao has seen countless ghost realm powerhouses, among them there are many top-level existences that cross the various ghost realm planes, and stomping on them can make the world charcoal.

But Wei Qingxiao had never seen such a deep look in Xue An's eyes.

It's like seeing a bottomless spring water, one can't help but indulge in it, unable to extricate itself.

More importantly, the extreme peace in his eyes.

There are no waves, regardless of life and death, but enough to accommodate everything.

Wei Qingxiao even saw his own shadow in it, but the more so, the more shocked Wei Qingxiao's mind.

Regardless of whether what he said is true or false, judging from his current strength, it is enough to shock people.

Could it be... he can really cure Cang'er? Wei Qing smiled with a thought in his heart.

When Wei Qing laughed and was uncertain, Xue An had already turned his head to look at Wei Haocang, a soft light gradually appeared in his eyes, and he smiled slightly.

"Are the fireworks just now beautiful?"

"Ok... so beautiful!" Wei Haocang said with a grin.

"Do you still want to see it?" Xue An smiled happily.

Wei Haocang nodded That's good! How about letting you set off fireworks in a while? "Speaking, Xue An stretched out his hand and patted Wei Haocang on the shoulder.

"No!" Wei Qing laughed to wake up instantly, screamed, and wanted to stop.

Because she knew her brother's temper too well, since childhood, the only person who could get close to him was Wei Qingxiao.

Anyone else who wants to contact him will meet Wei Haocang's fierce resistance.

But she was a step too late to stop, Xue An's hand had lightly patted Wei Haocang's shoulder.

Wei Qing laughed inwardly with a sigh, and was about to stop it.

But the scene that happened at the next moment made her stand still.

Seeing that Wei Haocang didn't have any overreaction, instead he nodded at Xue An with a smile on his face and mumbled: "Hmm!"

The closeness of words and expressions is even second only to the performance of oneself.

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