Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1419: afraid? Why should I be afraid?

After finishing all this, Ren Tianqi turned around, fell to the ground respectfully, and then knocked his head a few times.

"My lord, thank you for your supernatural power, now I have my wish, please do it!"

When she said this, Ren Tianqi's face was relieved, as if she had been relieved of heavy burdens, and there was no more hostility before.

Xue An smiled and nodded, "Well, get up!"


Ren Tianqi stood up respectfully.

Then, Xue An's eyes swept across Tan Xiyao.

Tan Xiyao trembled all over, and then screamed, "No...!"

After speaking, he knelt and crawled over to Ren Tianqi.

"Please don't kill me, I am willing to do anything for you! I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have been like that before, but I am still innocent now!"

Ren Tianqi didn't even lift his eyelids, and said lightly: "Are you innocent, do you have anything to do with me?"

Tan Xiyao stiffened and looked at Ren Tianqi blankly.

At the same time, Wei Haocang suddenly became excited, "Kill!"

The word is very clear.

Wei Qing smiled and looked back suddenly.

Because in the past, Wei Haocang had never spoken actively except for being hungry.

Now he can express his thoughts clearly, and the progress in this is simply unimaginable.

Xue An was noncommittal, "Do you think she should kill?"

This sentence asked Luo Jian.

Luo Jian took a deep breath, "My lord, if you talk about causality, almost everyone here should die!"

This sentence shocked the audience.

Many people look desperate.

Xue An smiled faintly, "Oh? According to you, what about you and Ren Tianqi?"

Luo Jian looked as usual and shook his head, "We are different!"

Speaking of this, a wry smile appeared on his face, "Because the two of us have no chance to do evil!"

Xue An looked up to the sky and smiled.

Amidst the laughter, this Tan Xiyao trembled all over, but there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

If this young man in white can't bear to do something, can he survive...

This thought hadn't fully surfaced yet, Tan Xiyao suddenly felt that the brilliance in front of him flashed, and she flew all over, and then turned her eyes upside down, and actually saw her back.

Strange, how could this be...

In deep doubts, Tan Xiyao sank into the abyss of death, and never woke up.

Tan Xiyao died just like that.

There was another commotion in the crowd.

Especially the Luo family, who was imprisoned by Xue An, all showed fear on their faces.

They didn't know what the white-clothed boy wanted to do, and what his plan was for not killing himself for the time being.

But want to come... there will be nothing good!

When he was suspicious, Xue An turned his head to hide in the crowd, and tried his best not to make himself too conspicuous, Luo Gaoyang smiled slightly.

"Patriarch Luo, I want to ask you a few things, I hope you can answer truthfully!"

At the time of the questioning, the divine consciousness that had imprisoned Luo Gaoyang had already been released.

Luo Gaoyang trembled all over, and then asked a little hesitantly: "What...what's the matter?"

"It's very simple!" Xue An raised his hand and pointed at Luo Jingting, "What the **** is her life experience! And what is it for you to work so hard to deal with the world of Zang Xueling!"

The name Zang Xueling made Luo Gaoyang's complexion pale instantly, and couldn't help but exclaimed, " actually came from that world?"

"Yeah! Is it weird?" Wen Muling preemptively said, and then asked in a cold voice: "Old man, let me ask you again, who else did you deal with Master Mingjun other than your Luo family?"


If all the previous questions only shocked everyone, then this question from Wen Mu Ling is like a blockbuster, causing the audience to be in an uproar.

Even Wei Qing laughed, could not help but be shocked, staring at Wen Muling, Xue An and others in a daze.

Lord Mingjun.......

Could it be that they are actually Mingjun's remaining party?

Thinking of this, Wei Qing's heart couldn't help but secretly tighten.

Although she had not participated in the war that year, the various legends that have been passed down still tell Wei Qingxiao clearly what happened in the first place.

Almost all of the giants in the ghost world were dispatched to target the peerless king who suppressed this world.

There were countless casualties in that battle, and the final result was that Mingjun died and the rich won.

But because the deaths and injuries were so severe, this incident has become a taboo in the ghost world for so many years, and people are strictly forbidden to discuss it in private.

As for Mingjun's remaining party, they are even more frantically sought after and will never be allowed to exist.

These things naturally shocked Wei Qingxiao's mind and couldn't help herself.

Luo Gaoyang naturally thought of this, so he screamed wildly: "Mr Ming, you are actually the remnants of the remnant party of Mr Ming?"

What Wen Muling hates most is that people call herself in this tone, so she furiously said: "Yes, we are Lord Mingjun, but we are definitely not the remnants of the remnants of the party. If you dare to talk nonsense, be careful I will kill now. you!"

At this time, Luo Gaoyang calmed down, because he knew very well that this was no longer a simple battle between giants, but an endless ending.

After all, there is a monstrous enmity between Mingjun's people and the rich.

So at this moment, he calmed down instead, and he no longer had the luck and extravagant hopes he had before.

"Haha, I understand, don't you want to know why you have to deal with Zang Xueling? I can tell you that when she encircled and suppressed Mingjun, she shied away in every way. This incident annoyed the big figures in the central ghost world, so she privately instructed me to wait. Get rid of it secretly!"

"The big man in the central ghost world? Who is it?" Wen Mu Ling asked first.

"Do you think I can say it?" Luo Gaoyang sneered for a while, then looked at Xue An.

"Junior, no matter who you are from Mingjun, I will tell you that this thing will never be good anymore. Soon you will usher in crazy revenge from the real big figures in the ghost world, because the people who encircled Mingjun , But all the giants in the entire ghost world! Hahahahaha!"

Luo Gaoyang laughed The laughter was full of triumph and joy.

"Really? Then I really look forward to it!" Xue An said lightly in the laughter.

His words stopped Luo Gaoyang's laughter abruptly, and then stared at Xue An.

"You...are you not afraid?"

"Afraid?" Xue An shook his head, "Why should I be afraid? And..."

Xue An smiled faintly, "Don't you think this would be more interesting?"

Luo Gaoyang looked at Xue An blankly, and there was a gurgling noise in his throat due to excessive shock.

Facing the crazy revenge from the giants of the ghost world, this young man in white is not only not afraid, but very excited, even very interesting.

What kind of weird operation is this?

Even Wei Qingxiao was a little dumbfounded.

How courage does this guy...

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