Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1420: Lamb to be slaughtered, almost cruel and naive! ...

If someone else is here, even if he is a child of the Wei family, he will not hesitate to retreat after facing this kind of dispute involving Mingjun and the wealthy.

But Wei Qingxiao was different. Not only did he not flinch, he was also faintly excited.

She had already seen the arrogant and arrogant giants in the Central Ghost Realm not pleasing to the eye.

What's more, her status in Wei's family is also in jeopardy.

Now her only hope lies in Xue An.

If he can really cure his brother's disease, then everything will change.

If not...

Wei Qingxiao shook her head secretly, preventing herself from thinking about it, because she knew that, besides that, she seemed to have no better choice.

Xue An said indifferently: "I don't want to know if there are other giants involved. As for the so-called big figure in the central ghost world who instigated you behind, I will also pick him out, so there is only one question now!"

Xue Jingjing looked at Luo Gaoyang quietly, "What is Luo Jingting's true identity, tell me!"

Luo Gaoyang gradually recovered from the shock just now, and said meaningfully: "If I tell you, can you let me go?"

Xue An shook his head, "Of course not!"

"Then why should I tell you?" Luo Gaoyang's face showed a touch of mockery.

"This secret is unknown to anyone except me, and I will never tell it. Then these secrets will become unsolvable mysteries with my death, hahahahahaha!"

Luo Gaoyang laughed hysterically, he was fearless anyway, so he was so crazy.

Xue An seemed to have not heard it, and nodded slightly, "Very well, since you don't say anything, then I will find it myself!"

"Are you thinking of searching my memory through divine mind? Hahahaha, don't think about it! Even if I die, I won't let you succeed!"

Speaking of this, Luo Gaoyang was completely crazy, his aura was disturbed, and his eyes were filled with ghostly aura. The whole body that was urged swelled up, as if it would explode completely in the next second.

"Be careful, he wants to explode himself!" Wei Qing laughed and exclaimed.

Once a strong ghost like Luo Gaoyang explodes his soul, the power produced is even enough to level down the city of thousands of ghosts, and no one will be spared by then.

That's why Wei Qingxiao was so panicked.

Xue An just smiled coldly, "Want to die? In front of me, if I didn't let you die, you couldn't die at all!"

After all, Xue An's eyes flashed with brilliance, and a vast expanse of divine thought rushed out from his eyebrows and hit Luo Gaoyang who was about to explode.

At the same time, Luo Gaoyang has urged to reach a critical point, and will burst out completely in the next instant.

At this time, Xue An's spiritual thoughts also arrived.


It was as if the balloon that was about to explode was deflated, and it was as if the flame that was about to rise was poured with a scoop of cold water.

Luo Gaoyang, who had already reached the critical point, was completely frozen by Xue An's spirit without even humming.

As for the aura that has swelled up, the divine mind that has been urged is like a yellow flower in autumn, and then it disappears.

Luo Gaoyang slowly floated into the air, looking at Xue An with horror.

At this moment, his whole person was completely imprisoned by Xue An's surging spiritual thoughts.

It's like the fish on the chopping board, ready to be killed.

"I gave you a chance, but unfortunately you don't cherish it, so don't blame me next!" Xue An said lightly, and then raised his hand.

An invisible force penetrated directly into Luo Gaoyang's eyebrows, forcibly pulling his soul from the sea of ​​consciousness.

This almost magical trick made everyone's eyebrows aching.

The soul of Luo Gaoyang, who was exposed to the air, was struggling and twisting like he had already guessed his fate.

Xue An sighed slightly, "Why bother! Anyway, you haven't done this to others! Enjoy it!"

In the words, Xue An shook one hand.


Luo Gaoyang's divine soul let out a miserable howl that hit the depths of everyone's souls, and then was directly crushed by an invisible force.

Among the scattered divine soul fragments, those gray brilliance that belonged to the memory flew obediently into Xue An's hands.

As for the others, he tried to reunite, but under Xue An's means, after struggling a few times, he finally broke apart in vain.

With such a simple trick, the Luo Family Patriarch, who once stunned the depths of the ghost world, fell.

But Xue An seemed to have done a trivial thing, absorbed all those memories without moving, and then patted his hands lightly, and said lightly: "Okay, I should also ask what I should ask, and then we should Get you on the road!"

"No!" There was a commotion in the audience.

Xue An didn't pay any attention at all, but turned his head and smiled leisurely at Wei Haocang.

"How about brother Haocang? Do you want to try to set off fireworks?"

Wei Haocang nodded repeatedly, his face full of excitement.

So Xue An patted him on the shoulder, and every time he patted, the sword light in the audience shook.

After three times!

Xue An said: "Okay, now this full sword light is for you to use, you can kill anyone you want!"

Xue An's voice was very calm, but it was like a devil's grin in everyone's ears, which was chilling.

"You devil, you are dead for you like this!"

"Yes, you keep avenging others, but you are purely killing innocent people!"

These desperate rants came and went one after another.

Xue An sneered coldly when he heard the words, "Huosuga life? This should be the life of the ghost! And are you really innocent? Is there a truly innocent person who dares to stand up?"

These words made the audience quiet down instantly.

Those who can stand in this banquet hall are the rich and elites in the depths of the ghost world, and they have hundreds of thousands of innocent lives in their hands.

So facing Xue An’s questioning, they collectively fell At the same time.

Wei Haocang exclaimed excitedly, "Set off fireworks, beep!"

While talking, he pointed randomly in the crowd with his hand.

Every time the finger crossed, the sword light exploded.

The screams also sounded.

Bang bang bang!

A corpse fell down one after another.

The rest of the people shivered and looked desperate, like chickens and ducks in the slaughterhouse, waiting for death.

Wei Qing smiled and stared blankly, she didn't expect to have such a gameplay.

Especially when she looked at her brother, she felt a strange feeling. Because she found that under Wei Hao's bright smile, there was a cruel innocence!

The so-called gentle killing of you is nothing more than that!

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