Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1421: I give you 3 days to control this...

at last.

When the last scream passed, there were no more people standing in the banquet hall except Xue An and his party.

The ground was full of dead corpses lying horizontally and vertically, and blood was winding down the ground, and the air of broken ghosts filled it, making this banquet hall look terrifying.

Even as the eldest lady of the Wei family, when faced with such a miserable situation, Wei Qing laughed a little pale, almost nauseous.

Xue An smiled faintly and suddenly said, "Do you know why I chose to help you?"

Wei Qing smiled ugly and did not speak.

"Because even though you are Miss Wei's family, you still have a bottom line, otherwise you wouldn't be so uncomfortable facing such a scene!"

"Know that for these dead guys, this level of blood may just be their usual daily routine!" Xue An said lightly.

Wei Qingxiao ignored these, she finally suppressed the depression in her heart, took a deep look at Xue An, and suddenly asked, "What is the relationship between you and Mingjun?"

Xue An smiled faintly, "What? Afraid?"

"Of course not, I'm just curious!"

"Then if I said that I and Mingjun are friends, do you believe it?"

"Friend?" Wei Qing smiled slightly, then shook his head.

"Do not believe!"

Xue An laughed loudly, "It's not over! Since you don't believe anything I say, then what else are you asking!"

"I'm just afraid..." Wei Qing's joke was not finished yet.

Xue An has interrupted him, and said slowly but firmly: "Don't worry, I can definitely cure your brother's illness, and haven't you found out that he has become much more normal now?"

Wei Qing smiled at the distant Wei Haocang, who was squatting on the ground and playing with a pool of blood with great interest, his eyes gradually widening.

This is much more normal?

This is obviously from a fool with only some intellectual defects to a bloodthirsty monster. Okay!

Upon seeing this, Xue An patted her on the shoulder and laughed, "Okay, don't worry! I will definitely heal him!"

Speaking of this, Xue An looked at Wei Haocang’s back meaningfully, and said lightly: “And don’t you think that a bloodthirsty jackal is better than a lamb to be slaughtered? Especially for his identity, not even more so. Is that so?"

Wei Qingxiao wanted to refute this meaningful sentence, but found that he was speechless.

Because in the ghost world, and even among the heavens, what Xue An said are truths that cannot be refuted.

You can be kind, but only if you have the strength of kindness.

Without strength, your kindness is nothing but stupidity in the eyes of others.

What's more, Wei Qingxiao knows the environment where his brother and sister are now.

To describe it in one sentence, it is a pack of wolves.

So she can only express acquiescence to Xue An's words.

At this moment, Xue An looked around the banquet hall full of bones, and after a moment of hesitation, he turned around and said to Luo Jian, who was pale but full of determination.

"Remember what I said to you?"

Luo Jian shook slightly, and then there was surprise and fear in his eyes, and he bowed his head deeply, "Humble and remember!"

"I said I will help you take charge of the Luo family! Now I have cleared all the obstacles for you, at least no one in the Luo family will dare to oppose you anymore, but whether you can really control it next depends on you Own it!" Xue An said lightly.

Luo Jian looked solemn, suddenly fell to his knees, and said in a condensed voice: "Humble and do everything possible to not disappoint adults!"

Xue An nodded, "Very good!"

However, Luo Jian suddenly did an unexpected thing at this time. He suddenly showed pain on his face, and an imaginary light and shadow flew out of the center of his eyebrows, flew to Xue An, and disappeared.

Then Luo Jian seemed to be fished out of the water, sweating profusely, and even his face became paler, but he spoke very respectfully.

"My lord, I am humbled and dare not forget the kindness of the adult. I will worship this divine mind clone. If I have this divine mind clone, if I have a heart of disobedience, I will burst into death when you think of it!"

Luo Jian said it very seriously, but in fact he really thought so.

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, and then looked at Luo Jian with interest.

Of course he could know that the divine mind clone that Luo Jian enshrined for him was real.

But Xue An didn't care about these at all, because if he really wanted Luo Jian to die, even if there was no clone, it was just a matter of breathing.

But Luo Jian was very smart and still did.

Because he also knew that Xue An wanted to kill himself easily.

But by doing so, he was expressing an attitude and tying himself to Xue An on his own initiative.

I have to say that this hand is very beautiful and spicy enough.

After all, Xue An and the others are clearly Mingjun's people, and the enemy is almost all the giants in the ghost world.

He still did.

Therefore, after Xue An stared at Luo Jian for a long while, a touch of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

Luo Jian naturally felt this too, and couldn't help but sigh in secret.

Because he knew that he was right!

As for the future enemy of the entire ghost world giants.......

Luo Jian had a hunch that in the hands of this young man in white clothes, no existence would be his opponent!

At this moment, Ren Tianqi, who had been standing aside, also knelt to the ground with a plop, and said with a trembling voice.

"My lord, what Luo Jian said is also my heartfelt voice. I am willing to serve you as my lord if I am humble.

When he said this, Ren Tianqi's eyes fluttered with blood, and he actually made a great oath of soul origin.

This kind of oath acts directly on cause and effect. If there is resistance, no matter how deep the cultivation level is, it cannot resist.

Xue An was not surprised by Ren Tianqi's statement.

Because even if he doesn't regard himself as the master now, he can no longer get out.

After all, he is also self-destructive in an indirect sense.

And from the moment he made this decision, he actually couldn't look back.

Because once this news spreads, his situation will be extremely dangerous.

No wealthy family would allow such a person who betrayed the family to exist.

But if he becomes Xue An's subordinate and takes charge of Ren's family with his power, everything will be different again.

Betrayal of the family is not allowed, but if the family seizes power, it is normal.

Because this kind of drama is performed almost every day among the giants in the ghost world.

It can also be seen that this Ren Tianqi is not a fool either.

Xue An naturally knows these doorways, Wen Muling seems to understand but Wei Qingxiao knows well.

But the more this happened, the more she felt shocked, and the more jealous she became towards Xue An.

It didn't take a lot of effort to harvest two loyal subordinates who would never betray him. Could it be that he had calculated this in advance?

If so, then he is too terrible!

Wei Qing laughed with a lot of thoughts in his heart, but Xue An suddenly laughed and nodded.

"Okay! In that case, then I will give you a chance!"

"For three days, I will wait another three days in this realm. In these three days, I want to see you completely suppress this realm and take control of it! Is it possible?" Xue An asked with raised eyebrows.

Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi looked at each other, and then they all put their hands together, "Here!"

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