Those attending the Luo family banquet this time are all well-known families in the depths of the ghost world.

So many powerful elites gathered together, but Xue An ended up in a pot, not even one survived.

Because of this, when this incident spread, it was like a heavy nuclear bomb, completely blasting the entire depths of the ghost world.

"What? The Pan family, the Mo family, the Ren family, and the Tan family, were wiped out and all died in the Luo family?" Someone exclaimed in exclamation, and couldn't believe it was true!

"Yes, they are indeed dead!" Someone looked sad.

"Who did it? Could it be that the Luo family deliberately deceived the wealthy family under the guise of the banquet, but actually wanted to wipe out in one fell swoop, so as to dominate the depths of this ghost world?" This is a conspiracy theorist.

"Although I don't know the specific situation, it is definitely not what you said!"

"How do you know it's not? You haven't seen it with your own eyes?" the man retorted with a sneer.

"Of course I didn't see it with my own eyes, but there is one thing you may not know!"

"what's up?"

"That means all the senior leaders of the Luo family are dead!" the person said coldly.

This sentence made this person who had found the truth on his own, his complexion instantly became difficult to look at, and he couldn't help muttering: "Who did it then?"

"Yes! Who on earth has such a powerful strength to wipe out all the giants in the depths of the ghost world in one fell swoop?" Someone murmured.

This is only the remarks of bystanders, and for those families whose heads, elders, and elite children have been wiped out, this news is even more difficult for them to accept.

"What the **** is going on? No, I'm going to avenge my father!" A youth roared from the Mo family.

And similar voices echoed over the giants.

Almost everyone's eyes were gathered in the Luo family in Ten Thousand Ghosts City, because they could feel that a storm that could subvert the existing pattern in the depths of the entire ghost world was coming.

at last.

Just in the case of everyone's attention.

The Luo family and Ren Tianqi appeared suddenly and made a statement together.

This incident is purely the responsibility of the great family members, and as the master's subordinates, this time they must uphold the master's will, completely change the previous pattern of interests, and control the depths of the entire ghost world.

If anyone is willing to join, they must rush to the city of ghosts to swear allegiance.

As for those who refuse, kill!


When the news is passing, it will turn into the sky!

The uproar caused by this statement even surpassed that of all the giants.

Because it sounds incredible.

The two wealthy and abandoned sons suddenly stood up and said that they wanted to control the depths of the ghost world, and let everyone surrender to it, otherwise they would kill them without mercy.

This is almost as ridiculous as black humor.

Even if many of the rich and elite are dead, the remaining people should not be underestimated. With Luo Jian and the two of them, they cannot do it to the death of exhaustion.

As a result, cynicism and sarcasm were all around for a while, and even worse, Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi yelled at them, believing that they had betrayed the depths of the ghost world.

Only some people with calm minds and careful thoughts can read a different taste from this statement.

Master, subordinate, uphold the will!

These words obviously reveal great secrets.

So these people kept silent very wisely, and even more quietly prepared them....


When the statement was issued the next day.

The door of Luo's house was extremely deserted, and no forces came and ran away.

Many people even wait and see jokes at home.

But at this time, Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi walked out of the Luo family mansion separately.

They did not lead any entourage, they were just wearing white clothes and holding a long sword, and after leaving the gate of the Luo Family Mansion, they parted ways and started their respective journeys.


Ren Tianqi raised her head and looked at this luxurious mansion where she had lived for decades.

There are many memories of him in this mansion, but without exception, these memories are all related to hatred.

That's why he was so resolute in the banquet hall to kill everyone in the Ren family.

Before coming to the house again, Ren Tianqi did not show any sympathy at all, just took a deep breath, and then stepped up the steps.

When the guard in front of the door saw that it was Ren Tianqi, they couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's the second young master!"

"Bah, he is the second young master, a shameless offspring who betrayed the family by eating inside and out!"

"Hurry up and inform the Great Elder!"

These shouts and verbal abuse came one after another.

Ren Tianqi did not continue to walk in, but stood in front of the mansion gate, looking at the Ren family members who were glaring at him in the distance, a sneer appeared on her face.

At this moment.

Just heard a loud roar coming from Ren's house.

"You bastard, how dare you come back?"

Following the roar, a ghost light flashed across the sky and appeared in the field instantly.

After landing, he was an old man in bright clothes.

The old man glared at Ren Tianqi, so he couldn't wait to pounce on Ren Tianqi now and eat him alive.

Ren Tianqi was not moved at all. Instead, she nodded slightly at the old man, "Great Elder!"

"Don't call me the great elder, there is no rebellious son like you in Ren's family!" the old man roared.

Ren Tianqi showed a sneer on her face, "Isn't it my turn to be from the Ren family? I'm here this time, there is only one thing!"

Speaking of this, Ren Tianqi raised her hand to point to the great elder, and said coldly: "You will destroy your own soul, and I will be in charge of the Ren family!"

This sentence caused the expression on the old man's face to stagnate slightly, before turning into infinite fury.

"Suzaku dare, I want to peel off your skin!"

As he said, the old man roared and rushed up.

Ren Tianqi sneered coldly, "Sure enough! Great Elder, what you have done to my mother back then, you should know best, so I let you kill yourself is the greatest forgiveness to you~www.wuxiaspot. com~ If you don’t want it, don’t blame me!"

Ren Tianqi's words caused the great elder's figure to pause slightly, and a look of panic appeared in his eyes, but immediately this panic was replaced by more turbulent fury.

"Ah ah ah ah, it's useless to say more, I will die!"

This great elder is the oldest ghost in the Ren family. He rarely appears, and usually stays at home to guard him. Therefore, he can survive the disaster of the rich.

And this also means that his strength is amazing, and once a ghost emperor-level cultivation base is deployed, it is enough to change the color of the situation.

Compared with this turbulent weather, Ren Tianqi's figure is too thin, like a fallen leaf in a strong wind, which will be blown out at any time.

Many members of the Ren family sneered at this scene.

But at this moment, Ren Tianqi raised the sword in her hand respectfully, flushing on her face due to excessive excitement.

"The master said, don't talk nonsense about the problems that can be solved with a sword, now it seems that it is true!"

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