Xue An smiled and nodded.

He believed in the methods of these two men.

Because if they didn't even have this ability, they would have died in the midst of the previous giants.

At the same time, everyone woke up and came to this small courtyard.

Xue An looked at Luo Jingting, who looked sad among the crowd, and couldn't help sighing lightly.

Previously, Xue An learned from the memory of Luo Gaoyang, the owner of the Luo family, that Luo Jingting was not a member of the Luo family at all. As for her real life experience, Luo Gaoyang was not clear.

I just know that she bought it through a dealer!

And because of the long time, he didn't know where he bought it from.

This also cut off Luo Jingting's possibility of investigating his true identity.

This naturally made the little girl sad.

Thinking of this, Xue An nodded his hand, "Miss Luo!"

Luo Jingting shook his whole body, stepped forward, and said, "My lord!"

The voice was dumb and haggard.

Xue An said softly: "Although your life experience is unknown, the Luo family is different now, so you should stay in the Luo family. I think Luo Jian will be willing too!"

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Jian nodded without hesitation: "Don't worry, my lord, I will treat Sister Jingting as my own sister!"

Luo Jingting was full of sadness, but in the end he nodded and said like a mosquito, "Thank you, sir!"

"Miss Wen..."

Before the words finished, Wen Mu Ling shook her head solemnly and said: "Sir, don't say it, I won't go, because I swear, I must watch those rich men who harmed Lord Mingjun eat their own fruits. !"

Xue An smiled, "Who told you to go back!"

"Uh..." Wen Mu Ling was a little surprised.

"I know that before leaving, Zang Xueling gave you an ancient mirror. If you tell her through this, you will say that the Luo family's affair is over, and the many rich and powerful people in the depths of the ghost world have been put to death. She can feel at ease!"

"Oh, good! I understand! I will do it now!" Wen Mu Ling nodded.

All that is left is to take care of all the trivial things deep in the ghost world.

Soon, everything was sorted out.

Xue An led a group of people and boarded the ghost car with Wei Qingxiao, and then soared into the air, instantaneously black light, and headed towards the central ghost world.

Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi looked at the ghosts that had disappeared respectfully. After a long time, they let out a sigh of relief.

"Brother Tianqi, do you think the lord can come back safely this time?"

Ren Tianqi glanced at Luo Jian, nodded solemnly, "I can!"

Luo Jian also smiled, "Yes, I think so too!"

Although the speed of this ghost car is not very fast, it is definitely tailored to travel in the ghost world.

There were no bumps along the way, and he escaped from the depths of the ghost world smoothly and flew into the borders of the central ghost world.

This piece of heaven and earth is the essence of the entire ghost world.

There are many ghost races on the periphery, and they may not be able to step into this central ghost world for a lifetime.

Therefore, in many people's minds, this central ghost world is their holy land.

The ghost car slowly passed over the sky of the central ghost world.

It's not that its speed is not fast, it's because the world is too vast, so vast that this huge ghost car becomes extremely small, and even the speed has become like a snail, moving slowly.

An Yan stood in front of the porthole with a look of surprise, looking at the land where the ghost car flew over.

This is a kind of extreme desolation, with a little wild fire floating on the pale land.

There are no plants, no rivers, and the ground is flat like a mirror, without a trace of ups and downs.

Only the thin black mist cruising above the earth, like a giant beast, was crawling lazily on the earth.

The surroundings were quiet and terrible, with no signs of life.

"Husband, is this the Central Ghost World?" An Yan asked in astonishment.

"Yeah! This is the Central Ghost Realm! Do you want to ask why it is so desolate, it can't even compare to those peripheral ghost realms, right?"

An Yan nodded, "Yes! There are still mountains and rivers in those fringe ghost worlds, but there is nothing here!"

"That's just because the edge ghost world and other places belong to the ghost world formed by the day, and this central ghost world is the true origin of the original ghost world!"

"The origin of the original ghost world?"

"Yes! To put it bluntly, this is the root of all ghost races, and the layers of ghost world that surround it are derived from the later erosion and plundering of other planes by the ghost race! That's why such a big picture appears. Different topography!"

"Then how boring to live here?" An Yan sighed.

"Hehe, what we are flying now is only the outermost periphery of the central ghost world. It is so desolate because it is located in an extremely remote area, and there are no strong people. It will be so desolate when you fly in for a while. The difference is different!" Xue An explained.

At first An Yan didn't understand what the situation would be different before. It was not until one day later that the ghost car flew into a wider area, and she understood the meaning of Xue An's words.

But seeing the lava flowing like a river everywhere on the ground, the scorching heat waves soared into the sky, and even the air was swayed.

Even in the ghost car, you can still clearly feel the surrounding temperature rise.

But even in this extremely harsh environment, there are countless naked ghosts on the ground who are doing hard labor.

What they have to do is to take the hot lava from the lava river and use it to build the city.

This kind of work is extremely dangerous. Just for a while, An Yan saw more than one ghost fell into the magma, screaming and disappearing.

These tragic conditions made An Yan look pale.


Xue An smiled faintly~www.wuxiaspot.com~Don't be afraid, you can see! "

An Yan looked around, but saw the magma river, the ghost clan who had just been burned into nothingness began to condense again.

In an instant, the dead ghost clan appeared in front of him intact, and then continued to numbly do hard labor.

And if there is a slight slack in the crowd, a long whip will emerge out of thin air next to it, and then a whip will be drawn, often hitting the ghost clan screaming.

"Husband, what are you doing?" An Yan was frightened when she saw it, and she turned her face away and dared not look again.

Xue An said calmly: "This is where the ghost tribe is punished! If I'm not mistaken, this should be the land of lava!"

"Punishment place? Are you saying that these ghost races made mistakes? Also, this place will be in charge?" An Yan asked curiously.

"It can't be said that all of them have committed crimes! At least there are many abandoned sons who have failed because of the overwhelming and failed struggle! As for the people in charge here...

Xue An said in a deep voice: "Those who can control this place of punishment are basically the powerful masters of the palace!"

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