Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1427: The strong master, entrusted to warn

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the lava river under my feet suddenly violent, and the fiery snake danced wildly, and the earthquake trembled.

An Yan changed suddenly, "Husband!"

Xue An held An Yan's hand and said with a chuckle: "It's okay, there's me!"

An Yan calmed down and asked curiously: "Husband, what's the matter?"

Xue An looked at the boiling lava river in the porthole, and said lightly: "It's okay, it's just that the person in charge here is present!"

"The person in charge here? You mean..."

"Yes, it's the Lord of this lava field!"

"What is he doing?"

"Who knows, maybe it's a ghost passing by here, so come over and say hello hospitably!" Xue An said calmly.

at the same time.

Wei Qing smiled in the cockpit, his expression also becoming very solemn, staring at the strange shape in the front porthole, his hands clenched, his heart trembling.

She naturally saw the strangeness!

And she knows more about it than Xue An.

As Xue An said, the controller of this lava land is a powerful man named Rongyang.

Even in this central ghost world, the powerhouse master level can be regarded as a powerful party.

What's more, Rongyang is one of the top ten hall masters of the land of punishment, and his strength is unfathomable.

Such an existence, even the Wei family, dare not easily offend.

As for Wei Qingxiao, he can't provoke him even more.

But this lava land is the only way to go to the depths of the ghost world, so it can only fly there.

But the last time Wei Qingxiao controlled the ghost and flew past, everything was fine.

Why did the situation suddenly appear after returning home this time?

Wei Qingxiao was shocked and suspicious. At this moment, she saw a huge fountain formed by lava, spraying into the air.

Then above the fountain, a figure slowly emerged.

In the blink of an eye, a middle-aged man in a red robe appeared in front of him.

As soon as she saw this man, Wei Qing laughed and knew that it was impossible to avoid her head, so she bit her head and opened the ghost car, then tidyed up her clothes and walked out.

"Wei Qing Xiao, the daughter of Wei's parents, has seen the Lord Rong!"

The man looked at Wei Qing with a faint smile, "I just saw the Wei family emblem on this ghost, I knew it should be you, so I guessed it right!"

Wei Qing smiled startled.

What does this Rongyang mean?

The tone in the words seemed to be waiting for me.

But Wei Qingxiao had already seen the world anyway, so after a while, he said, "I don't know what the Lord Rong is waiting for?"

Rong Yang looked at Wei Qing with a smile, and said lightly: "Let me ask you, are you planning to return to Wei's house?"

"Yes!" Wei Qing nodded with a smile.

"Is it because of the family letter?"

"Huh?" Wei Qing smiled for a moment, then looked at Rong Yang with a puzzled face, "Hall Master, how do you know?"

"Hehe, don't ask! I am entrusted by a friend, and I am waiting for you here, just to tell you a word!"

Speaking of this, Rong Yang's expression became awe-inspiring, "Don't go back to Wei's house, and immediately escape, as far as you can go!"

This warning made Wei Qing laugh and horrified. He looked at Rong Yang in horror. After a while, he said: "Hall Master Rong, what does this mean? And who is the person who entrusted you to report the letter? In the end what happened?"

This series of questions came out of Wei Qing's mouth like a gun.

Rong Yang only chuckled and shook his head, "Don't ask who I am, I won't tell you! As for what happened to the Wei family, I don't know the truth, but I can only tell you this. The informant will never harm you!"

Wei Qing laughed silently.

There was a fierce confrontation in her heart.

A strong man like Rongyang will definitely not aimlessly, combined with this strange letter from the family to know.

This trip home will definitely not be that simple, and it may even be a trap specifically for one's own siblings.

So is this going or not?

Wei Qingxiao fell into trouble.

If it were before encountering Xue An, she would definitely turn the ghost around without hesitation and escape here.

But Xue An said before that he must return to Wei's house if he wants to cure his brother's disease.

This naturally made Wei Qingxiao be embarrassed.

"What? Miss Wei still doesn't believe what I said?" Rong Yang said lightly.

"Of course not. It is already a great blessing for the Lord Rong to warn me with words. Of course I won't have the slightest doubt!"

"Then what are you hesitating about? Get out of here as soon as it is too late!" Rong Yang said lightly.

But as soon as his voice fell, only Xue An's voice came from the ghosts.

"Sorry, now she has no way to look back!"

With that said, Xue An stepped out of the ghost and smiled slightly, "So no matter how many obstacles ahead, she has to keep going!"

These words made this Rong Yang frown slightly, and then took a deep look at Xue An.

"who are you?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to tell you and the person who asked you to spread the letter, you don't have to worry about the Wei family anymore!"

These words made Rong Yang's complexion gradually sink, and then sneered: "Young man, you seem to be very confident!"

"Confidence?" Xue An shook his head, "No, you are wrong! I'm just explaining a fact!"

"Humph!" Rong Yang snorted coldly, then turned to look at Wei Qing and smiled, "Miss Wei, I hope you can think clearly and let me warn me personally. This matter is definitely not trivial, do you understand?"

Wei Qing laughed and her face changed, but when she looked at Xue An and saw Xue An nodding and smiling at her, a great courage suddenly surged in her heart, which made her look resolute, and then nodded and said. .

"Hall Master Rong, I understand your words naturally! But this matter needs to be ended anyway, so I decided to continue returning!"

Hearing Wei Qing's decision Rong Yang's face darkened, and he glanced at Xue An coldly, suddenly as if he had understood something, he sneered.

"Ms. Wei, it doesn't matter whether you return or not. Anyway, I have already brought the words to you, but I still want to advise you. You'd better stay away from young people who are bragging about it, and don't be confused by feelings. ! Otherwise, you will suffer a big loss!"

After all, before Wei Qingxiao could react, this Rongyang flew away, turned into magma, and merged into the lava river.

Wei Qing smiled blankly at Rong Yang, who had disappeared, and his words were still echoing in his mind. She didn't react until a moment later, and then smiled bitterly.

This Rong Yang would obviously be wrong. He probably thought Xue An was his favorite, so he was so blind!

But this is the end, and the explanation is useless.

She turned her head and said to Xue An, "Go?"

Xue An smiled, withdrew his gaze from the river where Rongyang passed away, nodded, "Go!"

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