
With a loud bang, a ghost near the front was directly blown to the head.

Although before dying, he applied his strongest attack to the evil spirit soldier opposite.

But under the armor's defense, all attacks are so weak and futile.

And all this is just the beginning.

When a large number of evil spirits flocked to the crowd frantically, the faces of all the ghost races changed.

Because these evil spirit soldiers will not be afraid, will not be painful, will only charge forward, they can be called the most terrifying fighters.

In contrast, even if your cultivation base is much higher than it, you will probably be helpless, not to mention that your attack may not even be able to penetrate its armor.

As a result, the muffled sound of the body was mixed with the screams before death, forming a miserable movement, echoing in the entire secret.

Some are timid, have already begun to retreat.

Upon seeing this, Wei Yuhua couldn't help yelling, "Don't be afraid, kill all these evil spirit soldiers, Mingjun's secret hiding place is ours!"

This sentence refreshed many people.

Especially the few palace masters from the land of punishment, all smiled when they saw this.

"A mere soldier, dare to be rampant in front of me? Go to die!" Emperor Jihan let out a low roar, and a cold wave that could completely freeze the soul of a person swept out.

Wherever they passed, the actions of these evil spirit soldiers were instantly slowed down and gradually frozen in place.

one move.

So almost all the evil spirit army was brought to a halt.

Wei Yuhua was overjoyed when he saw this, "A good way to urge the lord!"

But at this moment, the ghost fire hidden by the helmets of these evil spirit soldiers suddenly burst, and then these armors released a little light, shattering all the ice covering their bodies.

The triumphant cold complexion sank, "I actually underestimated you! Take my trick again!"

Speaking of chilling, he waved his hands and formed a mudra, pushing forward.


Countless Bing Ling rushed out like blades.

Although these evil spirit soldiers who were the first to bear the brunt barely stood still in the icy cold wave, after a burst of dense and subtle crisp sound, the armor they were wearing also began to show subtle cracks, and eventually broke apart.

As the armor shattered, these evil spirits instantly vanished.

But this cold-inducing hand only completely wiped out the nearest evil spirit soldiers. As for the others, because of the obstacles in front, there was no serious problem, but they continued to rush forward without fear of death.

Cui Han's expression sank, and at this moment, the blood prison emperor's strange smile came from beside him.

"Huh, brother, it seems that you are still not good at it! It's up to me!"

As he said, he raised his hand and lightly touched the void, "Blood mist across the sky!"

A blood mist that was too thick to dissolve appeared out of thin air, and then suddenly spread.

Wherever they went, the armors of these evil spirit soldiers were corroded by the blood mist and made a sizzling noise, and the original smooth and bright surface also dimmed.

But that's all, because if you want to rely solely on the corrosion of these blood mists, it will take at least a stick of incense to completely eliminate these evil spirit soldiers.

Seeing this, the blood prison emperor couldn't help exclaiming.

"What kind of armor is this that can actually resist my blood mist corrosion?"

At this time, Chilling shouted, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and destroy these evil spirit soldiers!"

Only then did several other hall masters start their hands one after another, wanting to wipe out these evil spirit legions.

Among the ten great hall masters, only Rong Yang showed hesitation on his face and did not make a move.

But people did not pay attention to these at this time.

Because at this moment, the Dao Dao Guanghua gathered by the combined forces of the Eight Great Hall Masters has already attacked these evil spirit legions with a powerful force capable of destroying the world.

A smug look appeared on Wei Yuhua's face.

As long as these surviving evil spirit legions are eliminated, everything in Mingjun's secret storage will be mine!

The breathing of other wealthy families also started to rush, staring at the battlefield, all wanting to know the results of the battle below.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the evil spirit army.

Just at this time, the combined force of the Eight Great Hall Masters had already arrived.

Many people didn't even see who that figure was.

Only Wei Qingxiao and Wen Muling screamed.

Because it suddenly straddled the void, it was Xue An who appeared in the field.

They watched as Xue An's figure just emerged, and even if Xuan was swallowed by this powerful and unparalleled blow, they couldn't help shaking slightly.

What is he going to do?

Isn't this seeking death by yourself?

But at this moment, I heard Xue An chuckle.

"The momentum is quite strong, but it's a pity that you're so stubborn, it's all superficial!"

Following the voice, Xue An put one hand behind his back, only extended one hand, and then slowly erected it on his chest.


When the two collided, there was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, and the glory of Huaguang made people dare not look directly at it.

But no matter how powerful this combined attack is, when encountering Xue An's palm, it seems to have encountered an insurmountable obstacle, no matter how hard you try, you can't save it.

But although the front was blocked, the forces behind were still rushing forward.

This is like a train. Although the front of the train is blocked by Xue An, the carriage behind it is still rumbling forward.

at last!

This combined attack was squeezed into an oblate shape by the surging Juli Sheng from behind, and when the volume expanded to the limit, it burst out.


A terrifying shock wave swept away with a powerful force of thunder, and everything it passed was unbreakable.

There are a few unlucky ghosts and their ghost chariots just within the scope of the shock wave.

If it is normal, they can be regarded as a strong side.

But in front of this shock wave, they didn't even have time to hum, they were directly evaporated into nothingness, and there was not even a bit of fly ash left.

"How... how is it possible!"

All the ghost tribes who witnessed this scene were silly, UU reading, but the most confusing ones are the eight hall masters.

I saw them staring at everything in the field dumbfounded, and couldn't believe their eyes.

at the same time.

The aftermath of the explosion gradually dissipated, and the blinding brilliance dimmed.

Looking at the scene again, in the sky that had been swept away, Xue An stood with a smile, his clothes fluttering, and even his hair was not disturbed.

It was as if the shocking blow just now was just a breeze.

This scene shocked everyone inexplicably.

Rong Yang exclaimed in a low voice, "Is it him?"

As for Wei Qingxiao and Wen Muling, they couldn't help taking a breath.

Especially Wei Qing laughed, only feeling that he was soaked in cold sweat.

But the shock in her heart was no less than that of others.

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