Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1440: The mystery is finally revealed

She knew that Xue An was definitely not an ordinary person, but she never expected it to be so extraordinary.

That was the combined blow of the Eight Great Hall Masters in the Land of Punishment!

He was actually blocked with one hand!

What a shocking strength this is!

Although it was not the first time, Wei Qing couldn't help but have that question in his heart.

Who is he?

However, if anyone in the audience was the most shocked and unacceptable, it would be Wei Yuhua, the third young master of the Wei family.

He first looked at Xue An blankly, and then roared in anger and fright until a long while later.

"It's impossible, aren't you a cook? Who are you?"

This sentence is extremely stupid.

Because there is no such a powerful cook in the world?

But this also proves that Wei Yuhua is in chaos at the moment.

Xue An smiled faintly, "Why do you all like to ask me this question? Then I will say it again, my name is Xue An! Do you remember this time?"

Xue An!

Everyone looked at each other, then gently shook their heads, all feeling very strange to the name.

Wei Yuhua still failed to wake up from the shock just now, and was looking at Xue An with a dull expression.

Because the blow just hit him was too big!

You must know that he has exhausted all kinds of hardships, and finally he was promoted to the palace master class powerhouse.

At his age, this is already an extremely impressive result.

But even so, he was still far behind these powerful palace masters in the Land of Punishment.

Nevertheless, he was already very satisfied and proud.

Unexpectedly, the white-clothed young man standing in front of everyone at this moment was able to fight the combined blow of the Eight Great Hall Masters with his own power, and seemed to be calm and effortless.

This difference in strength is no longer a matter of crushing or not, but enough to kill him directly.

This is naturally unacceptable to Wei Yuhua, who has always been arrogant and self-esteem.

Just when Wei Yuhua fell into doubt and self-doubt, it was difficult to extricate himself.

The eight hall masters were also staring at Xue An, their expressions fluctuating.

Then I saw Emperor Cuihan took a deep breath and held a fist at Xue An, "Friend, I am extremely cold in the place of punishment..."

Before he finished his words, Xue An waved his hand impatiently, "Don't introduce yourself, I don't want to know you either. They are all very busy.

The arrogance contained in this sentence made Dijun Jihan's complexion extremely ugly in an instant, and even the whole person trembled slightly with extreme anger.

No one has ever dared to despise himself so much, I must shatter the body of this young man in white!

Just when the extremely cold emperor's heart roared wildly.

Xue An raised his eyes and scanned the surrounding fields, and said lightly: "I know you all came for this secret hiding place of Mingjun, but I'm sorry, this secret hiding place is very useful to me, so..."

Xue An raised his hand to the huge door behind him, and said lightly: "Now it's mine!"

This sentence caused a violent commotion in the audience.

The eight main hall masters were even more angry and smirked.

"Boy, don't dare to be so arrogant if you feel that you have a little strength!" The Blood Prison Emperor Jun said gloomily.

Xue An glanced at him sideways and said softly, "I'm so arrogant, what's wrong?"

"You..." The blood prison emperor was about to vomit blood.

At this moment, Wei Yuhua suddenly said loudly: "Why? I discovered this secret treasure first, and it was just after everyone's efforts that the broken ground was bridged. Why did you become yours in a word? No matter how good you are, you have to be reasonable!"

There is a great inflammatory implied in these words, which makes many people's faces become very unkind.

But Xue An just smiled coldly at this, "Why? Okay, then I will tell you now, why should I!"

With that said, Xue An turned his head and glanced at the evil spirit army behind him that had fallen apart because of the shock wave, and said lightly: "Array!"

Give an order.

The ghost fire in the eyes of these evil spirits suddenly flourished, and the scars on their armor began to be quickly repaired, and then they quickly arranged the formation, standing behind Xue An, bowing his head.

This scene made everyone silent.

Xue An said coldly: "Did you see it? This secret store is mine. Why do you say it?"

Wei Yuhua's boss with an open mouth made a gurgling noise in his throat, as if he couldn't believe that everything in front of him was real.

Who is he?

Why can these evil spirits be ordered?

At this time, Xue An said calmly: "I am not the kind of unreasonable person. Now I give you a chance. As long as I leave here obediently now, I can act as if nothing has happened! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

The three words "Kill Wu Amnesty" were exported, and an overwhelming killing intent instantly enveloped the audience.

Someone with a shallow cultivation base was immediately frightened and kneeled to the ground, unable to move.

Even the great hall masters felt chills in their hearts and couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Wen Muling's eyes were colorful, and in her eyes, Xue An's appearance of shouting to make the heroes rampant was really domineering.

Many people looked unwilling, but they could only lower their heads, and then they wanted to turn around and leave.

After all, the gap in strength is so big that they can't resist it.

But Wei Yuhua was anxious.

Because he had agreed to the adult who instructed him to find this secret place, and he would definitely take this secret place completely.

If you can't, Wei Yuhua can't help feeling cold all over when thinking of the adult's shocking methods.

So he couldn't help shouting: "I don't believe it, you must have used some shameful secret technique. Don't believe him, I don't believe that he can really deal with so many of us!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xue An's eyes flashed cold, and an invisible force blasted in front of Wei Yuhua.

"Hua'er!" Wei Jinglong exclaimed, reaching out to save his son.

It may be too late.

Without even humming, Wei Yuhua was blasted out by this powerful force, leaving a bloodline in the air.

Xue An didn't even move, but watched quietly, until Wei Yuhua barely stopped his figure before speaking.

"Why? It's this time, why don't you still refuse to show up?"

What do you mean?

What is he saying?

Everyone couldn't help but be puzzled.

At this moment, a faint sigh came from the void, and then I heard someone speak in a very cold voice.

"Shenhuoguizun, I have been trying my best to avoid conflicts with you, but you have repeatedly forced me to show why is this?"


When these four words came out, the expressions of everyone in the audience instantly changed.

Including all the palace masters who were still full of disgust, after hearing this name, they couldn't help showing infinite horror.

It's not that they are timid, it's that this sacred fire ghost, who was not inferior to Mingjun in terms of strength, was really too big.

Until now, it is still the most terrifying nightmare and taboo in many people's hearts.

Could it be said that this white-clothed boy is really the long-lost **** fire ghost venerable?

All the eyes of the audience suddenly focused on Xue An.

The corners of Xue An's mouth rose slightly, revealing a cold smile.

"If I don't force you, how can someone who is disturbing the situation in the infernal **** like you be willing to appear? Am I right?"

"Ancestor of the Wei Family?"

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