This sentence made Wei Li swallow all the words that followed, staring at Xue An fiercely, his scarlet tongue licked his chapped lips, "Shenhuo Guizun, you know too much! And know too much, too. The more dangerous it is, I think you should know this truth!"

Xue An just smiled coldly, "Threatening me?"

Wei Li said: "Do you think I still threaten you?"

Xue An was noncommittal, "The third question, where is Qian Xirui, a kidnapped girl in Feng Devil Town?"

At this time, Wei Li's momentum was like a raging wave, climbing up crazy.

A trembling force appeared in the world.

The sun, the moon and the stars all hid and disappeared.

All the people present were horrified and then retreated. Some of the low-powered could no longer stand, and could only crawl on the ground, shivering.

Even the great hall masters in the Land of Punishment showed infinite horror at this moment.

The extremely cold emperor said in a moaning manner: " is the power of the emperor! He is a true immortal king!"

at the same time.

Under Wei Li's turbulent momentum, Xue An looked like a flat boat in the storm, and was in danger of capsizing at any time.

But even so, Xue An still stood up like a sword, without backing up.

Wei Li Jiejie laughed strangely, "Shenhuo Guizun, don't you think that you are a little too wide? You have to ask even a little girl! Is it worth it?"

Xue An said lightly: "She is worth it, you...not worth it!"

"Humph!" Wei Li let out a cold snort, "In this case, then I will tell you that the little girl has actually awakened a rare bloodline talent, so I have sent her to a place you will never find. The place, there is the dark holy place, the most terrifying and evil place among the heavens, hahahaha!"

Wei Li laughed wildly.

Xue An's eyes grew cold, and he said quietly: "Dark Holy Land...Dark Paradise Lost?"

Wei Li's laughter stopped abruptly, staring at Xue An in a daze, " do you know that place?"

Xue An smiled, "It seems that your main messenger should also come from there!"

"Looking for death!" Wei Li finally became angry.

Originally, he really did not want to conflict with Xue An, because he was also quite jealous of Xue An's sacred fire.

But now that the words have been said, there is an endless feud between the two, naturally there is no room for maneuver.

Especially Xue An broke the secret in a single word, and said the dark paradise lost.

This made Wei Li more and more jealous of Xue An, and even eager to get rid of it.

That's why he didn't hesitate to pay a huge price, but also to release his strength and destroy Xue An in one fell swoop.

What is the real power of the fairy king?

Describe it like this!

If the combined blow of the Eight Great Hallmasters just now was 1, then Wei Li’s blow is now 10!

And this is because Wei Li's ontology hasn't come, just because of the clone.

And this is also the first time Xue An has faced a real Immortal King powerhouse since he was reborn.

Seeing the boundless black flame blasting straight forward, wherever it passed, the space that had just been bridged broke once again.

The violent power even shook the entire secret realm.

Everyone felt that an invisible force was pulling themselves crazy.

This is because the space is shaking wildly because of Wei Li's blow.

"My lord!" Wei Qing laughed and Wen Mu Ling all exclaimed.

After knowing Xue An's true identity, Wei Qing laughed in her heart.

Shenhuo Guizun, that's a legendary character!

He said that such an existence can cure his brother's illness, and his brother will definitely recover!

So when Wei Li's identity was revealed, Wei Qingxiao didn't feel much, but continued to focus all of his attention on Xue An.

Seemingly hearing the shouts of the two, Xue An turned his head to look at them.

Although it was just a glimpse, Wei Qingxiao still felt the peace in Xue An's eyes and a hint of... a smile!

Ok? Smile?

Facing such a blow, he was still laughing?

Wei Qing laughed for a moment.

Xue An murmured: "Okay, the time has come!"

With that, Xue An squeezed his fingerprints, and Wei Haocang, who was standing next to Wei Qingxiao with a silly smile, disappeared in an instant.

When he appeared again, he had come behind Xue An.

Wei Qingxiao didn't react until seeing his younger brother appearing behind Xue An, and she couldn't help exclaiming, "Cang'er!"

at the same time.

Wei Li's attack has already hit the front.

Xue An slowly raised his hands, his fingers connected to the void like a lotus flower, and in a flash, he painted a huge and complicated seal in the air.

As soon as Fayin took shape, Wei Li's blow had already arrived.

Amid the cracking sound of space, Xue An was directly shaken back a hundred meters away, but at the same time, this seal was like a flawless mirror, directly refracting Wei Li's blow in other directions.


What Juli is referring to is the gate floating in the air!

Under the power capable of destroying everything, this door only swayed slightly, and then slowly opened.

"Secret Vault is about to open!" someone exclaimed.

Wei Li's expression also changed. This God Fire Ghost Venerable actually opened the secret hiding door with his own blow. What is he going to do? Do you want to escape into secret hiding?

Just when all the thoughts flashed past in his mind.

Xue An grabbed Wei Haocang, exhaled, "Man, I'll give you a ride, let me go!"

With that, he was like throwing a ball, directly throwing Wei Haocang into the secret door that had just opened a gap.


When Wei Haocang's figure disappeared behind the door, the secret door slammed and closed again.

"No!" Wei Yuhua, who was full of blood, let out a scream, then shouted at Wei Li.

"Old ancestor, the one who was just thrown in by this guy is a fool in the family! If he gets the inheritance of Mingjun, it will be all over!"

Wei Li is also angry at this moment, not only because of Mingjun inheritance, but more importantly, he feels that he has been used!

What's more, he could feel that he could not maintain his current strength for long, so he roared under the anger.

" This is your own death!"

After all, Wei Li's hands formed an extremely complicated handprint, "Time!"


Everything around him stopped for an instant, and even the omnipresent light stayed in the air.

As for Xue An, it seems that it has also been affected, with a sluggish expression on his face.

At this time, Wei Li's face showed a sullen and cheerful smile, slowly chanting in a voice that looked like a nine-day god.


Say what you say!

An extremely dark brilliance instantly fell on Xue An's head and then completely covered it.

In an instant, most of Xue An, who was still standing on the sky, disappeared, and there was only a thin outline of phantom in the field.

Shaky, as if...will disappear at any time!

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