Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1443: Don't sleep, get up and work!

Time exile technique!

A strange and terrifying mystery, once deployed, it can expel people from the wilderness of time, making them lose their original timeline, and become a lonely ghost wandering between heaven and earth, never able to return to the long river of time. .

And because this secret technique involves the power of time, it also has an extremely powerful feature of ignoring defense, even if it is a strong person of the same level, it will be lost if it is careless.

All these characteristics have made this secret technique a big killer with strong ultimate lethality.

But because the time-type secret arts were originally extremely weird, even among those Void Masters, there were very few such inheritances.

So even in the heavens, this is an extremely rare existence.

Only in the dark paradise lost there is a complete inheritance of time mystery.

This is why Wei Li can perform this secret technique.

After all, even if he is the fairy king, it is impossible to cultivate this kind of big-killer-level secret technique by himself.

In fact, he had only obtained certain inheritance of the Dark Paradise Lost, and he was so arrogant.

However, the more powerful this secret technique, the higher the requirements for the caster.

In particular, Wei Li is not descending from the main body now, but to perform such a secret technique as a clone. The pressure this brings to him is naturally more terrifying.

He was trembling all over, and cracks appeared on his body, and his aura fell to the bottom.

The strength is even more of an instant loss!

But even so, his face is still full of cheerfulness.

Because of Xue An's sacred fire, he was extremely jealous.

Being able to pay a price to get rid of it now naturally saves him a lot of hands and feet.

As for the remaining shadow outline...

There was a sneer at the corner of Wei Li's mouth, and he didn't take it seriously.

Because as long as it is a person who is caught in the Great Exile of Time, even if it is a strong immortal king, it will have to fall.

At most, it is just a struggle for a while, but the end result is still to sink into the abyss of time obediently and never crawl out.

What's more, in Wei Li's view, Xue An's current strength is declining extremely severely, so it is nothing to be afraid of.

At the same time, the audience also shook.

"Dead? Hahahaha! Finally dead! Let you fight against my Wei family, now taste the consequences!"

Wei Yuhua was full of blood and laughed happily.

Wen Muling and Wei Qingxiao both shook their bodies and exclaimed, "My lord!"

Then tears came out of his eyes.

But at this moment, a bit of Huaguang suddenly flew out of the only remaining phantom outline, and increased sharply in the air, instantly turning into a small building with extremely exquisite shapes.

Wei Li was startled slightly, Xuan even licked his lips greedily, "Fu Bao?"

For a powerhouse of his level, Talismans are not rare.

But this small building has a unique shape and a very agile breath, which obviously has a sense of autonomy.

Such treasures are rare, and Wei Li is naturally moved.

But before he could take any action, the small talismanic building suddenly began to shake slightly, and suddenly a thousand rays of light were emitted.

In this dazzling brilliance, several figures slowly emerged.

When Guanghua dissipated, everyone was stunned.

Because what appeared in the field was a stunningly beautiful picture.

I saw that standing in the forefront was a beautiful and beautiful woman with a noble temperament, which made many people feel embarrassed just by looking at it.

Behind her, there are two little girls who are exactly the same in appearance and height.

There were two young girls standing beside the little girl.

These two girls have a fleshy bun face, delicate and cute.

The other is born with a pair of thrilling foxes, and looks stunning and exquisite, which makes people fascinated by just the first glance.

Such a sudden scene made the audience quiet.

Wen Muling and Wei Qingxiao looked at them in a daze. It was not until a moment before they came back to their senses. Then they looked at each other and saw the sadness in each other's eyes.

Both of them had seen An Yan, and naturally knew that this was Xue An's wife.

But at this time, An Yan and the others dared to show up. In Wei Qingxiao's eyes, it seemed like a sheep's mouth.


Wei Li also recovered from the slight shock just now, and then a greedy color appeared in his eyes.

Although he had lived for 20,000 years, he was amazed by the beauty of the women in front of him.

So he couldn't help laughing, "Yeah, so many came out after one shot! It seems that my old man is really lucky today!"

An Yan didn't speak. At this moment, she was staring at the outline of the phantom, with a complicated expression on her face.

There is consternation, sadness, but more...anger!

That's right!

It's the kind of anger that can burn everything!

So when he heard Wei Li's ridiculous words, An Yan took a deep breath, raised his hand to stop Hu Ying, who was also falling into anger, and then looked at Wei Li with cold eyes.

"Is my husband beaten by you?" An Yan's voice was calm, without a trace of ripples.

But just under this calm, it contained a turbulent killing intent.

Wei Li smiled, "Husband? Shenhuo Guizun is actually your husband? That's really regrettable, because starting today, you will be widow! Because your husband is dead! Hahahaha!"

"You are talking nonsense, my dad is not dead!" Think about it suddenly yelled out from behind An Yan.

"That's right! My father won't die, he is the most powerful person in the world! You, a big bad guy, will die! And it will die very miserably! Even the dead body will not be left!" Nian Nian waved herself. Said angrily over his small fist and face.

"Hehe, the two little girls' films are really sharp!" Wei Li sneered.

But even he didn't notice it. Just as Nian Nian was speaking, the opportunity between heaven and earth seemed to be quietly changed.

At this time An Yan Very good! Since my husband was beaten like this by you, I naturally want to avenge him today! "

"Vengeance? It depends on you?" Wei Li smiled happily.

He enjoys the feeling now, because he can clearly perceive that An Yan is just a half-step true fairy.

This kind of cultivation is not even considered an ant to him, even if his strength has fallen by half now, he can be wiped out with a single breath.

But in the face of Wei Li's ridicule, An Yan did not show the slightest anger, but became calmer.

I saw that she slowly raised her hand, and a strangely shaped "Weapon Blade!"

It looks like a pan!

Wei Li was taken aback, and then laughed loudly: "What? Do you want to avenge your husband with this pot? It's a real laugh!"

As if she hadn't heard it, An Yan lowered her head and said softly to the pan: "Lei Zun, don't sleep, get up and work!"

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