There was a slight commotion in the audience.

Many people had extremely weird looks, their eyes all focused on Wei Li who was standing in the front, wanting to see how this big guy would respond.

After all, everyone saw the scene just now.

Although he didn't understand why Wei Li, who was able to eliminate all the gods, fire and ghosts, would be beaten out by a woman.

But thinking about this matter will not end easily.

Unexpectedly, Wei Li stood in the void, with a cloudy face, but did not take any further action.

This can't help shocking more people.

Could it be... the ancestor of the Wei family was scared?

The doubts arose in everyone's hearts.

Of course Wei Li was not afraid of An Yan, he was just puzzled by the qi that disturbed his rhythm just now.

But soon, he showed a sullen grin, "Okay! What a heroine! It seems that the old man really underestimated you!"

"But do you think this is enough? The gods and ghosts are dead, and you women will also become my trophy!"

As soon as the voice fell, I thought about suddenly leaning out, pointing at Wei Li angrily and shouting: "Your father is dead, and your family's father is dead! And you, the big villain, are now at the end of the battle. Is it so arrogant?"

These words were awe-inspiring, but from thinking about this little girl, everyone felt a very strange feeling.

At this moment, Nian-nian asked in a low voice: "Sister, what does the end of the crossbow mean?"

"The end of the crossbow means that this guy has no strength!" After thinking about it in a low voice, he raised his head and looked at Wei Li.

"Big villain, am I right?"

These words made Wei Li's face suddenly sink, and his eyelids jumped crazily.

Just as you think about it, he is indeed at the end of the battle at this moment.

Because before using the power of the clone to display the secret of time, the pressure brought by it has made his clone on the verge of collapse, and the strength is even more non-existent.

This is also the reason why he was photographed by An Yan just now.

Otherwise, no matter how extraordinary An Yan is, it is impossible to cross such a large level to pose a threat to him!

But he alone knew the secret, but now that this little girl, who was only six or seven years old, saw it through at a glance, Wei Li naturally felt a bit of deep fear.

At this moment, Nian Nian couldn't help applauding with joy: "Sister is so amazing!"

Then he shouted at Wei Li: "Big villain, I just said you will definitely die, can you believe it now!"

This sentence caused Wei Li to be struck by lightning, and instantly remembered the strange aura that had puzzled him before, and he understood a lot at once, and then the eyes of thinking and thinking gradually became hot. .

Because he suddenly remembered a legend that can only be recorded in some extremely ancient heritage.

Some people are the existence of various weather fortunes, they are born with extremely terrifying talent, and this talent is different.

For example, some people may be just ordinary people without any cultivation base, but they can make life and death in one word.

Or they have the ability to see through all illusions, and one word can tell the essence of things.

And the damage caused by this kind of talent is not defensible by strength or cultivation base.

When Wei Li saw this rumor at the time, he just laughed off, thinking it was just nonsense.

Because he has lived for more than 20,000 years and has never seen a person with this kind of talent!

But now the performance of Missing Nian reminded him of this rumor again, combined with everything that just happened, Wei Li could conclude.

These two little girls are absolutely extraordinary.

These thoughts flashed through Wei Li's heart, and his eyes became more greedy.

If you can hold these two little girls in your hands, then your strength may be even higher.

Even if this talent can be plundered, then he will become the first person among the strong at the same level.

These thoughts caused Wei Li's face to gradually show a strange smile.

Seeing this smile, I felt a little bit cold thinking about and thinking about it, and hurriedly hid behind An Yan.

"Mom! The eyes of this villain are terrible!"

An Yan comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, there is a mother here!"

At this time, Wei Li smiled, then quietly stepped back for a while, and said coldly: "Surround these people, I want to see how long they can last!"

Because of the greed for thinking and Niannian, Wei Li changed his mind and decided not to attack by force, but to force An Yan and others to submit through this siege.

With an order, everyone in the Wei family, as well as many giants in the ghost world, stepped forward and surrounded An Yan and others.

As for the hall masters of the Punishment Land, they also looked at each other, and then moved forward.

After all, no matter how the strength fell, this Wei Li was still a real Immortal King-level powerhouse, and he could not afford them.

In an instant, An Yan and others were surrounded by water.

Wei Li sat there, lying comfortably on top of a ghost, slowly recovering his strength, and then sneered coldly.

As long as one's own strength recovers a little bit, by then, all these women will have to become their own prisoners.

at the same time.

An Yan and the others who were surrounded by Tuantuan were also a little commotion.

Both Zhang Xiaoyu and Hu Ying have been injured, so An Yan whispered to them: "Ying'er Xiaoyu, you two should go back to the Fubao Xiaolou first. I will be guarded here alone!"

Hu Ying shook her head resolutely, "Well, sister Yan, don't worry! I'm fine!"

Zhang Xiaoyu broke off all her tentacles, but still smiled and said: "That's right, this injury is nothing, I used to pull my tentacles to eat at the beginning!"

An Yan looked at the two girls who laughed at Yan, their eyes gradually softened, and then lightly nodded, "Okay! Then we will wait here together!"

At this time, Xiang and Nian Nian asked in a low voice: "Mom, when will Dad be back!"

An Yan took a deep look at the outline of the phantom and whispered: "It should be soon!"

An Yan has not been panicked, because she can clearly feel that Xue An has not left at all, but for some reason she cannot return temporarily!

The sword intent to guard oneself before is the proof, so An Yan will wait here calmly.

She believes that her husband will return safely!

And when the situation here fell into a confrontation, everything that happened here quickly spread through the entire central ghost world at a terrifying speed.

The ancestors of the Wei family were born, the long-lost ghosts respect the new return, and the Mingjun secretly appears!

These explosive news caused a sensation in the entire central ghost world, and began to spread to the outer plane at a hurricane-like speed.

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