Endless desert.

With the same small bridge and flowing water, the same sunset, time seems to stagnate in this small courtyard.

Meng Yao sat above the flower hall, as always in a daze.

But soon, the tranquility here was broken by a panic of footsteps.

Meng Yao recovered from the memory, and then frowned slightly!

She hates someone disturbing herself when she is in a daze.

At this moment, her personal guard Donghan ran into the small courtyard out of breath.

Meng Yao sighed softly, "What's going on? I'm so flustered. Didn't I tell you, no matter what happens, you have to calm down!"

It was hard for Donghan to catch his breath, and after hearing Meng Yao's words, he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"Yes, the Lord!"

"Now, what's the matter?" Meng Yao leaned on the railing leisurely and said slowly.

"Hall Master, the news that I just received, Mingjun's secret storage has appeared!"

"Oh! Isn't this normal? Although the Broken Land is dangerous, but this time gathered the wealthy of the entire Central Ghost Realm, there must be a solution!" Meng Yao said disapprovingly.


"Then what?"

Donghan took a deep breath, "Then the ancestors of the Wei family suddenly appeared, and there was also the...the long-lost Lord God and Ghost!"

When he heard the ancestors of the Wei family appear, Meng Yao still had a calm face. Until he heard the latter sentence, Meng Yao was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and directly exploded his hair.

"What? You say it again?" Meng Yao suddenly got up and shouted with excitement.

Donghan murmured quietly in his heart, didn't you just say that you should calm down no matter what happens?

How come you are more excited than I am when I hear this news?

But of course Donghan didn't dare to say these words. He just bowed his head and said: "Hall Master, I have confirmed the news. It is indeed the Lord Shenhuo Guizun who has returned! But..."

Before the words were over, the Meng Yao Meng Palace Master was already in tears with excitement. He turned around and wanted to fly up. It was only when he heard the sentence that he was startled.

"But what?"

Donghan hesitated for a moment, and finally said softly: "But Master Shenhuo Guizun didn't know what happened to him, and his strength declined extremely severely, and when he was fighting with the ancestor of the Wei family who was already the immortal king, He was hit with a terrifying secret technique, now... life and death are unknown!"

Hearing these words, Meng Yao's face was as pale as paper instantly, and her figure swayed even more, almost falling to the ground.

Donghan screamed and hurriedly stepped forward to support Meng Yao, "Hall Master!"

"I'm fine!"

Meng Yao waved her hand, then stood still, took a deep breath, layers of murderous intent appeared on her pretty face.

"Winter cold!"


"This desert city is now in your control!"

Donghan was startled, and immediately understood something, exclaiming: "Hall Master!"

Meng Yao waved his hand, "Needless to say, I have decided!"

After Meng Yao waved his hand, a token flew into Donghan's hand.

Meng Yao stomped his foot, and the small courtyard with small bridge and flowing water burst into pieces like an illusion.

Then Meng Yao flew up, stood in the void for a while, and said to Donghan: "If I can't return here, remember to give me a glass of drunken predecessor when I have time!"

After all, Meng Yao turned into black light and went straight to the distant sky.

Donghan stood there blankly, tears suddenly falling down.

"Hall Master, I...I am waiting for your return!"

At this moment, Meng Yao's figure has flown thousands of miles away, but this endless desert covers a vast area, and at this speed, it takes at least half a day to fly out.

At this moment, Meng Yao was anxious, and suddenly waved his hands, the brilliance in his eyes burst, and a long tail was instantly dragged out behind him.

This is a sign that she is madly burning her own cultivation.

And where Huaguang's tail passed, strange flowers and weeds suddenly grew above the desert.

In an instant, the desert that was just a barren land turned into a green sea.

And at this almost crazy speed, Meng Yao's speed suddenly increased by more than ten times, almost tens of thousands of miles away in an instant.

So a scene of wonder appeared in front of everyone.

I saw a bright light that had dragged the entire world and spread across it, and behind it was an endless green sea growing crazily.

Meng Yao, who was on the road frantically, did not know when she had already burst into tears, and her whole heart was plunged into endless suffering.

My lord, you must be sure to... safe!

In a plane adjacent to the central ghost world, Jin Juezheng led his newly-acquired disciples walking on the ground.

After so long of tempering, Jin Jue's aura became more and more condensed, and his eyes were pure and flawless like a newborn baby, like diamonds.

When he hurried on his way, he was three inches from the ground and walked in the air without arousing any fluctuations, as if he had completely integrated into the world.

But at this moment, Jin Jue felt a little bit and stopped abruptly.

The disciples who walked with the wind behind him couldn't help but almost collided together and couldn't help asking.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Jin Jue raised his eyes and looked at a place in the void, the brilliance in his eyes flickered, and finally his palms folded, "Nan Wuyou Buddha, the benefactor is in trouble, how can Jin Jue stand by!"

After that, he turned his head and said to his disciples: "You are waiting here, I am going to help a friend now!"

These disciples nodded one after another, but only stood in the front, and at the same time the disciple who followed Jin Jue for the longest time opened his mouth and said: "Master, are you going to help the previous donor?"

Jin Jue nodded, and suddenly there was a bleak expression on his face, "Apprentice, if Master cannot return now, you will take care of your juniors!"

These words changed the expressions of all the disciples~www.wuxiaspot.com~, all of them looked sad, and then fell to their knees and said sadly: "Master!"

Jin Jue shook his head, "Fool, life and death are commonplace, so why bother! I'll go!"

After all, Jin Jue lowered his eyes and began to chant the scriptures in a low voice.

Afterwards, the golden light emerged from his body, and when it dissipated again, there was no one in the field.

The remaining disciples all looked confused. Only the big disciple who had followed Jin Jue for the longest time remained silent for a moment, then sat cross-legged on the ground and said softly.

"I'll wait and wait for Master to return!"


In the depths of the ghost world, in the Luo family.

Since the giants in the depths of the ghost world were swept away, Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi have been busy reorganizing this world every day and put it under their control.

In comparison, Luo Jingting seemed a lot more relaxed.

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