But today Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi still invited her to come to discuss matters together.

Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi understood that Luo Jingting was entrusted to them by Xue An himself.

This also shows that Luo Jingting's position is very important.

So even though Luo Jingting repeatedly stated that he was not interested in these things, the two would still invite him when they encountered the distribution of benefits or other important matters.

Today is no exception.

But just as the three of them were talking hotly, a black letter paper appeared in front of them out of thin air.

Luo Jian was taken aback!

Because this letterhead is obviously the highest grade urgent letterhead, what has happened and it is worth sending this kind of letterhead to inform the news?

But when Luo Jian took a look, his face changed instantly.

"What's wrong?" Ren Tianqi hurriedly asked.

Luo Jian handed the letterhead to Ren Tianqi with a green expression. When Ren Tianqi took a look, he immediately stood up and let out a scream.

"What? There is a big battle in the Central Ghost Realm. It's very possible that your lord will die?"

Luo Jingting was also taken aback by these words, hurriedly leaned over and took a look, then he was also stunned.

"What should I do? The adult is still alive and dead, and it is said that the family members of the adult have been surrounded by Tuantuan led by the Wei family!" Ren Tianqi asked solemnly.

Luo Jian was silent, and it was not until a moment later that he slammed the table.

In a loud noise, this table was directly photographed as a fan.

Then Luo Jian said in a very firm tone: "No matter what, we can't stay out of this matter. Even if the opponent is strong, we must fight them to the end!"

A dangerous light flashed in Ren Tianqi's eyes, and she nodded, "I understand! Now I will dispatch troops and rush over!"

"Okay! I'm going to call up the staff too!"

Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi act separately, and Luo Jingting is the only one left in the room.

She stood there for a moment, suddenly remembering something, she gritted her teeth abruptly, and then took out an ancient mirror from her arms, and tremblingly passed what happened today through the ancient mirror.

When the news spread into the plane of Liao Zhai, Zang Xueling was the first to learn the news, and she was shocked.

"What! It is the ancestor of the Wei family! This is terrible! This old immortal was extremely powerful at the beginning, and now he has become a 100% powerhouse at the Immortal King level! The adults actually fought with him and won. It's his trap, this is terrible!"

Zang Xueling was indeed anxious, and she made no secret of these words.

Que Wenyuan, who was by the side, stepped forward and took a look at the ancient mirror. His face turned pale, his eyes were red, and tears were almost falling.

"Sister Xue Ling, this...what can I do!" Que Wenyuan has completely confused Fang Cun.

At this time, she had naturally cut off all the delusions before.

But this did not prevent her from being grateful to Xue An.

But now this news clearly shows that Xue An is facing great danger.

How can this not make Que Wenyuan fear and worry.

Zang Xueling calmed down gradually, then stood up abruptly, and said in a deep voice, "No matter what, this matter must be over. What's more, when I was imprisoned, the culprit was the Wei family, so this incident is also related to me. Related, I have to go!"

Que Wenyuan immediately said: "Sister Xueling, take me with you!"

Zang Xueling took a deep look at Que Wenyuan, "Aren't you afraid? You have to know that your opponent is probably the number one master in the ghost world. Even if it is me, I dare not say that I can return safely!"

Que Wenyuan shook his head without hesitation, "I'm not afraid! No matter what kind of strong person, I'm not afraid!"

Zang Xueling laughed, "Okay! In this case, let's go now!"

With that said, she flew up, broke through the space with Que Wenyuan, and flew towards the central ghost world.

at the same time.

The whole ghost world is boiling.

Everyone was shocked by this series of explosive news.

"What? The ancestor of the Wei family suddenly appeared, and he was still a real immortal king powerhouse, the existence of Mingjun level?" Someone sucked in a cold breath and said.

"Yeah! Not only that, even the long-lost God Fire Ghost Venerable has reappeared, but this adult doesn't know what he has gone through. The decline in strength is extremely serious, so he was caught in one move. An ancestor of the Wei family sealed it!"

"Hehe, it's a seal. It is estimated that this **** fire ghost is dead and can't die anymore! After all, against a strong immortal king, how can there be good fruit!" Someone sneered.

"But this ancestor of the Wei family didn't pay the price. After hearing that he didn't make any more moves, but commanded the giants to surround the secret Tibetan group!"

"What do you know! Although Shenhuo Guizun is dead, he still has a family, and I heard a friend of mine who was on the scene say that all the families of Shenhuo Guizun are extremely beautiful! Do it, maybe you have his idea!"

There are everything to say at a time, but without exception, almost everyone thinks that Xue An has completely lost, and even many people think that he is dead and can't die anymore.

And because of the sudden appearance of a powerful person of the Mingjun level in the Wei family, he will surely soar into the sky in the future, but the ghost realm may be unified, so all the eyes of the central ghost realm gathered for a while.

There is even a flexible-minded person who actually started the water mirror method before the secret hiding, and relayed all kinds of news in this way in real time.


There was another muffled sound, An Yan showed great power and directly blasted out a sneak attack ghost clan.

Because of the power of Lei Zun hidden in this pan, the ghost clan who sneaked over burst into nothing in the air.

And this is already the twenty-seventh ghost clan who has died under An Yan in more than one day.

At this time, many ghosts looked at An Yan with deep jealousy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Because they have used various methods for more than a day.

But no matter what means, there is no way to calm down a vellus hair.

There was even that non-believers of the ghost tribe who wanted to secretly curse An Yan with occult techniques, but unexpectedly, the guardian power of An Yan's body was inspired at that time, and countless swordsmen directly cut the cursed ghost tribe into meat sauce.

In the eyes of many people, An Yan has already equated with Nanhuang.

Many people were surprised to find that, even though An Yan was only a half-step true immortal cultivation base, he guarded in front of the secret store with the aura of one man as a guard, making it impossible for everyone to save.

Many people secretly admire this scene.

But Wei Li didn't show the slightest worry, he was still sitting on top of the ghost, and even as time passed, the smile on his mouth grew stronger.

Because only he can see that with the passage of time, An Yan's face has become paler and paler, and the momentum of his body has inevitably fallen.

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