This is actually a very normal thing. After all, An Yan is now only a half-step true immortal cultivation base, and it is a miracle that such strength can last until now.

But over time, her spiritual power has inevitably begun to show signs of exhaustion.

When she is completely exhausted, it is the best time to do it.

Then these two little girls will be his best trophies!

Thinking of this, the smile on Wei Li's face grew stronger, and then he waved casually.

"She can't hold it anymore, send a Palace Master from the Land of Punishment over!"

With an order, the eight hall masters of the Land of Punishment couldn't help looking at each other.

Although they are all ghosts, they also have the dignity of a strong man after all.

It's easy to talk about it when I was fighting Xue An before.

But if they were to deal with a woman with such strength, they still felt a little unable to do it.

But they dare not defy Wei Li's words.

Because they only have eight left now, it's because the extremely cold emperor with the hottest temper collided with Wei Li because of his words and was directly sealed by Wei Li.

Facing the strength enough to crush him, these palace masters looked at each other, and finally Rong Yang was sent out with a reluctant look.

He regretted it now that he shouldn't have coveted the so-called secret treasure of Mingjun, but he ended up in the field where he is now.

But the situation is better than others, and he can only rush out of the crowd unwillingly, and then head straight for Anyan.

After more than one day of fighting, Rong Yang naturally understood An Yan’s details, knowing that her strength is limited, and all she relies on is her unexplainable immunity to the secret techniques of the ghost race, and her in times of danger. Guardian power.

So this time Rong Yang didn't use any ghost world secret techniques at all, it was purely to deal with Anyan with strong strength.


Under this strategy, An Yan instantly fell into a dangerous desperate situation, and could only rely on the pan in his hand to barely parry without any fight back.

Rong Yang didn't have any complacency about this, but he sighed secretly before grabbing An Yan.

But at this moment, behind him, Hu Ying suddenly emerged from the void, and then shot it with a palm.

Zhang Xiaoyu frantically waved his tentacles, trying to confuse Rong Yang's attention.

This is also the most effective method that the two of them have explored over the past day.

But all this is so weak in the face of absolute strength.

Rong Yang didn't even turn his head, just a flash of his figure, and the powerful power instantly shook Fox Ying away.

As for Zhang Xiaoyu's tentacles, Rong Yang didn't even look at it, because he was directly shattered before he rushed to the front.

at the same time.

Rong Yang stretched out his hand to catch Anyan.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, a ray of light pierced through the entire skyline appeared in the distant sky, and then rushed here at a very fast speed.

In an instant, a figure dragging a long light tail appeared in the sight of everyone.

Upon seeing this scene, there was a commotion in the audience, and Wei Li couldn't help frowning slightly.

As for Rong Yang, he stood still on the spot like being struck by lightning.

At this time, this figure had already rushed into the field, and it was Meng Yao after the standing.

Seeing it was her, all the palace masters in the Land of Punishment were a little dumbfounded.

"Dian Master Meng?"

Meng Yao ignored everything else, but instead focused all of his attention on the outline of the phantom.

Even though the outline was faint and only fine lines remained, Meng Yao recognized it at a glance.

It is the adult she will miss forever!

But I never expected that after waiting so long, it would look like this when I saw it again.

This couldn't help making Meng Yao's eyes gradually filled with tears.

An Yan naturally noticed this scene, and her heart moved.

Who is this woman...?

Why do you look at the ghost outline left by your husband with that look?

Thinking and Niannian naturally noticed this scene. In fact, these two little girls have not been idle for more than a day, but have been around the outline of this phantom, hoping that their father can wake up as soon as possible. come.

So when I saw Meng Yao, I couldn’t help but timidly asked: "Auntie, why are you crying?"

These words awakened Meng Yao from her grief. When she saw the missing thoughts that seemed to come out of the painting, she was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood that this should be the child of the adult mentioned in the rumors!

Sure enough, even this eyebrow has the shadow of an adult!

Meng Yao raised this thought silently in her heart, and then smiled at her miss.

"Auntie didn't cry!"

At this time, Nian-nian also poked her head out and asked: "Then aunt, are you here to help you beat the bad guys?"

"Yeah! I'm here to help you beat bad guys!" Meng Yao said with a smile, then turned to look at An Yan.

Although An Yan's face was a little pale, when he noticed Meng Yao's gaze, he swept the temples near her ears and smiled at her.

Meng Yao felt warm, nodded lightly, and whispered: "I have seen my sister!"

After that, she just turned around, looked at Rong Yang who was in a sluggish state, and said coldly: "Hall Master Rong, I really didn't expect that with your status and personality, I would be willing to be a running dog for others! "

Rong Yang trembled all over, and then he woke up from the confusion.

Of course he understands what Meng Yao is doing here!

Just as he knew who Meng Yao had been waiting for.

So he knew very well that if Meng Yao knew that the ghosts were respected, he would definitely not wait to come over.

But he didn't expect to come so soon!

Therefore, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said with a wry smile: "Hall Master Meng, I..."

Meng Yao waved her hand and said coldly: "Okay, don't say it! If you want to deal with them, just beat me first!"

With that said, Meng Yao stepped forward, blocking An Yan and the others, her aura gradually rising.

"Is that really the case?" Rong Yang's complexion became more and more ugly, and a look of pain appeared in his eyes.

"Dian Master Meng, don't you see that this **** fire ghost has fallen? You..."

"Shut up!" Meng Yao was furious I don't allow you to say that, adults, and I believe that adults will definitely be fine! Stop talking nonsense, do it! "

At this moment, Meng Yao's killing intent was as solid as the substance.

Rong Yang's face was sad, and an unspeakable discouragement emerged spontaneously.

Of course he knew Meng Yao's thoughts, but he didn't expect his thoughts to be so firm.

But at this moment, Wei Li, who was sitting on top of the ghost, suddenly sneered.

"court death!"

With a sudden flick of his finger, a brilliance rushed towards Meng Yao with lightning speed.

Wherever he went, the space seemed to be plowed out of a deep chasm.

Under this terrifying momentum, Meng Yao's complexion condensed, and then all the cultivation bases were agitated to try to resist the attack.

But at this moment, Rong Yang suddenly raised his hand and smashed the brilliance that was passing by.

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