
Although this was only Wei Li's finger, the huge power gap still shattered Rong Yang's arm directly.

At this time, the audience was silent.

Meng Yao's eyes widened in an instant, "You..."

Rong Yang's complexion turned pale, but he still smiled freely: "You are right. How can I be a running dog for someone with my status and strength! So I want to understand! Even if you die, you have to stand. Go to hell!"

This sentence made Meng Yao startled, then the gaze in her eyes softened, and she nodded, "Thank you!"

"Thank you!" Rong Yang turned his head and smiled at Wei Li in the distance.

"Wei Li, I don't do it! You have the ability to kill me!"

Wei Li's expression gradually darkened.

His current strength has not completely recovered, although he can still crush everyone present, but if he does it brazenly, this clone may not be able to keep it.

This is an unacceptable loss for Wei Li, who has only condensed this clone after a thousand years.

But in the face of Rong Yang's betrayal and clamor, he couldn't remain indifferent, otherwise it is very likely that these palace masters in the Land of Punishment would be strange.

Therefore he sneered a few times, "Very good! Palace Master Rong, I didn't expect you to be a seed of infatuation! It's a pity that the person you like doesn't seem to feel you at all!"

"So what? I like it. As for whether she likes me, what does it have to do with me?" Rong Yang said calmly.

"Hehe, it sounds good, but do you think you can survive?" As he said, Wei Li raised his hand and painted a very strange Yin Talisman in the air.

"Jiuyou, ghost!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw this Yin Talisman exuding an extremely evil light, and then a huge vortex emerged in the void.

From the whirlpool, a dark, hideous ghost stood in front of Wei Li respectfully.

"Kill him and that woman!" Wei Li raised his hand and pointed at Rong Yang and Meng Yao.

The ghost nodded, then his figure flashed before appearing in front of Rong Yang.

The speed was so fast that Rong Yang was shocked.

But at any rate, he was also a strong man at the hall master level, so he shouted angrily, raising the only remaining hand as a punch.

This punch was extremely powerful, but the ghost didn't even move, letting him hit him with a punch.

But then Rong Yang's complexion changed, because he found that his hand could not be pulled out.

at the same time.

This ghost gave out a very harsh and unpleasant laugh, and from the place where he was hit, countless tentacles turned out of resentment stretched out, grabbed Rong Yang's arm, and slammed down.


Rong Yang's arm was also torn off by Shengsheng, and then he saw the ghost picking up the arm and chewing it in his mouth.

After a few moments, this arm was eaten by the ghost.

Rong Yang was shocked and then took a few steps back.

Because he had never seen such a strange and terrifying monster.

But this ghost was obviously dissatisfied with only one arm, so with a mouth, he saw countless tentacles sticking out of his mouth and heading straight for Rongyang.

Rong Yang screamed.

But at this moment, Meng Yao suddenly rushed forward, raising his hand with a hand knife, directly cutting off a tentacle that had been bound to Rongyang.

Fortunately, she was also entangled by a few tentacles in the next second.

The slippery mucus quickly corroded her body.

Rong Yang roared, "Lava hell!"

In front of him, a fiery flame appeared quickly, but before the lava completely appeared, he was directly wiped out by a tentacle.

at the same time.

An Yan also slapped a pan on the tentacles, and a flash of thunder flashed, the ghost uttered a scream, and smoke appeared on the head, but there was no major problem.

Instead, An Yan trembled back a few steps, An Yan couldn't help but said in amazement, "What kind of monster is this?"

Wei Li laughed loudly, "Youkai? No, this is my favorite pet! Kill them all!"

The ghost pounded his chest and yelled a few times, and then the tentacles tightened abruptly, about to crush Meng Yao completely.

But at this moment, I only heard a light sigh.

"Nan Wuwu Buddha, with such a grievance, how many murders should the donor commit!"

With the voice, dozens of Huaguang rushed forward, and the leader was a monk.

It is Jin Jue.

Behind him are Luo Jian and Ren Tianqi from the depths of the ghost world, as well as Zang Xueling and Que Wenyuan.

Although they set off at different times, they met by chance on the way to here. Because they had the same goal, they immediately came together.

Following the voice, Jin Jue appeared directly in front of the ghost, then folded his hands together and turned into Immovable King Seal, and then gave a soft drink.

"My Buddha is merciful and kill all demons!"


Give an order.

Seeing Jin Jue's head suddenly appeared an extremely bright light wheel, like a bodhisattva coming to the world.

But the immeasurable golden light turned into a Buddha seal and directly blasted on the ghost's head.


After a loud noise.

The ghost uttered a terrifying scream, and then it turned into nothing.

one strike!

This ghost is gone!

Wei Li's face sank, and immediately said coldly: "Buddha Xiu? Do you want to take this muddy water trip too?"

Jin Jue's complexion was a little pale, but he still put his hands together, and said softly: "I and Xue Shizhu are friends, so..."

Jin Jue showed white teeth, "I have to wade this muddy water!"

at the same time.

Luo Jian, Ren Tianqi, Zang Xueling and others all stood behind Jin Jue.

"Yes! This time in the muddy water, we all have to wade!"

An Yan looked at these people coming here, her nose was a little sour, almost shedding tears.

At this time, Zang Xueling turned her head and squeezed her eyes at An Yan, and whispered, "Sister Yan, don't worry, Master Xue will definitely be fine! After all, he is the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable!"

An Yan took a deep breath and nodded slowly, "I understand!"

at the same time.

Wei Li couldn't help but sneer when seeing so many people coming, and even Buddha Xiu's end.

"Very good! It looks like this **** fire ghost is very popular! Since you are willing to accompany him to death, then I will fulfill you!"

As he said, Wei Li raised his eyebrows suddenly and screamed: "Jiuyou, this world!"


The vortex that appeared in the void this time was countless times larger than before, and in an instant, hundreds of ghosts crawled out of it.

These huge ghosts occupies the sky densely, and Wei Li stood in front of the sky imposingly and raised his hand.

"Except for the woman and the two little girls, the others... kill without mercy!"


The ghosts turned into a torrent of torrents and came straight to everyone.

Jin Jue folded his palms together and wanted to say something, Zang Xueling couldn't help but slapped him, and shouted: "Monk, don't recite Buddha at this time, go on!"

With that said, Zang Xueling activated his whole body cultivation base and went straight to a ghost.

Jin Jue was startled slightly, then laughed mockingly, and immediately squeezed the lion seal with both hands and joined the battle group.

Although everyone is desperate.

But there were too many ghosts that appeared this time, and each of them had extremely terrifying strength.

So just a few breaths, most of the people brought by Ren Tianqi and Luo Jian were lost.

As for the remaining people, they were also forced to retreat again and again.

at last.

They retreated to the outline of Xue An's phantom, then looked at each other, and they all saw the decisive color in each other's eyes.

"You can't retreat anymore, and the adults who retreat will be exposed to these ghosts!" Meng Yao said lightly.

Rong Yang opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of dirty blood, then nodded silently.

The pan in An Yan's hands has also cracked into a colander. As for the hapless Lei Zun, there is only a trace of divine thought left!

Even Jin Jue, his whole body is protected by golden light, like a Bodhisattva with a purple-ground golden body.

But at this moment, horrible cracks appeared on the golden body, and the halo behind his head was also dimmed a lot.

Zang Xueling gasped and said, "Monk, can you still fight?"

Jin Jue nodded and stretched out three fingers, "There are still three more to be eliminated!"

Zang Xueling laughed loudly, "Okay! I can kill one more, let's do it together!"

As soon as the voice these countless ghosts pounced on everyone again.

Everyone looked solemn and prepared for the final battle.

But at this moment, a bang suddenly came from behind him.

Although the sound was slight, it seemed to have infinite magical power, making all the ghosts who rushed to stagnate, and then they broke into pieces and left with the wind.

This scene made everyone in the audience look silly.

Then An Yan seemed to feel something, suddenly turned his head to look.

But seeing that a little bit of light gradually appeared in the outline of the phantom, and then I heard another boom from inside.

"It's a heartbeat!" Hu Ying said suddenly, her tone filled with relief.


The blood veins began to spread from the position where the heart was beating. Wherever they passed, the phantom began to solidify and the outline began to emerge.

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