Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1453: Not satisfied? Then go to hell!

When Guanghua dissipated, this figure completely appeared in front of everyone.

The audience that was deadly silent instantly boiled over.

"God, it's really him!" Someone screamed like a groan.

Numerous giants are even more dumbfounded, and their eyes are full of infinite panic.

Because this man used to be the deepest nightmare in their hearts.

I thought that through that shocking battle, he had completely got rid of him, but I didn't expect him to be born again!

And still appeared in front of everyone in this posture.

Thinking of the heinous sins committed by his family, almost every rich and powerful person has a trace of despair in his heart.

As for Wei Yuhua, he was even more stiff, with no trace of blood on his face.

The person who appeared in the void was Wei Haocang.

But Wei Haocang at this moment was very different from before.

Although the facial features have not changed, there is a kind of evil that is almost strange.

And the root of all these changes came from his eyes.

What kind of eyes are these!

There is no trace of calmness, but it contains infinite murderous intent.

This is a paradoxical feeling that makes people want to vomit blood!

Wei Haocang's eyes are like Tai Chi pictures, and the black and white qi flows in it, and the momentum is so strong that it is impossible to look directly at it.

At this moment, Wei Yuhua suddenly felt frightened and desperate, but immediately afterwards, all this turned into monstrous jealousy.


Why can this foolish fellow be the reincarnation of King Ming?

why it's not me?

If it were me, then all of this would be mine!

In this almost crazy jealousy, Wei Yuhua has lost all his sanity.

Because since childhood, Wei Yuhua was extremely conceited and proud.

Therefore, he has never put Wei Haocang's "waste" in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the fool of the past has changed, becoming one of the few big figures in the entire ghost world.

But he... will become the ant under his feet, and it is impossible for him to even look at himself.

This kind of gap, like cloud and mud, easily defeated Wei Yuhua's psychological defense.

I saw him laugh almost hysterically.

"Wei Haocang, no matter how much you change, you are the fool at the time, the biggest trash of the Wei family in thousands of years! And the ancestors are here, what's so great about you? Hahahaha!"

Facing this crazy clamor, Wei Haocang looked cold and slowly spoke.

"Today, I will restore my real name, Ye Hanshang!"

"Stop talking nonsense, what you call is a trash! Why? Are you not convinced? Then you come to hit me?" Wei Yuhua's face was flushed with excitement, and his eyes were full of madness.

Obviously he was completely crazy.

Wei Haocang, no, he should be called Ye Hanchang at this moment, and he frowned slightly.

"Everything you own is given to you by me! Now, kneel down!"

As soon as the voice fell, a strong coercion suddenly fell on Wei Yuhua's head!

With a plop, Wei Yuhua was directly pressed to his knees!

Seeing this scene, Wei Qingxiao, who stood far away, couldn't help covering her mouth with her hand, tears bursting into her eyes.

The many humiliations I have suffered have been swept across my mind, especially Wei Yuhua's humiliation to himself is vividly remembered.

Wei Qingxiao had also imagined more than once, after his brother's illness healed, what kind of situation would it be like!

Unexpectedly, when this day really came, Wei Qing smiled but was not happy at all.

Because she suddenly felt that her brother suddenly became so strange.

The stranger is like another person.

Does the person who called his sister with a silly smile before no longer exists?

Now there is only one Mingjun who is looking at the world and unbeatable!

That's why Wei Qingxiao is so sad.

Sad is like a child who has lost his most beloved thing.

at the same time.

Wei Yuhua, who was forced to kneel on the ground, struggled frantically and tried to stand up.

But under this tremendous force, all struggles are in vain.

Wei Yuhua's eyes became blood red as a result, and he let out a roar like a beast.

"I don't accept it, Wei Haocang, no matter who you are! I will never accept it!"

"Oh!" Ye Hanchang replied softly, then lifted his slender fingers a little bit empty.


A beam of brilliance passed through the sky at a very fast speed.

When Guanghua passed by, Wei Yuhua was shocked and froze in place for an instant, staring blankly at Ye Hanshang, then lowered his head and looked at the big hole in his chest.

Because Wei Yuhua at this moment is the body of a ghost clan, there is no blood flowing out of this hole, but a little black light is constantly dissipating outside.

Wei Yuhua looked dull, as if she couldn't believe it was true.

"You..." Wei Yuhua just wanted to speak.

"Since you are not convinced, then you go to die!" Ye Hanshang didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and his fingers touched the void like a piano.

Puff puff!

Countless brilliance rushed like a meteor shower, Wei Yuhua's eyes widened in an instant, he finally woke up to what he had just done, his eyes couldn't help showing fear and regret.

But everything was too late, he had only time to let out a very short scream, and then he was directly swallowed by these brilliance, and evaporated into nothingness.

That's it.

This Wei Yuhua, who has exhausted his mind and tried to seize the opportunity to achieve an unworldly hegemony, is completely destroyed.

After doing all this, Ye Hanchang patted his hands lightly, as if he had trampled on an ant. He didn't even lift his eyelids, but looked at Wei Li coldly.

Wei Li's complexion was cloudy, and it was only after a while before he let out a sigh of relief, "I'm really a bit puzzled, I've already cut all your souls to death with my own Why are you still alive What? Ye Hanshang!"

Ye Hanshang's mouth raised a cold smile, "Wei Li, you mobilized the entire ghost world to besiege me. The plan is not deep, and the calculation is not poisonous!"

"But in the end you still miscalculated a bit!"

"Oh? Which point?"

"In this world, I am the real immortal body! And you are just a ghost who is messing with the situation behind, but dare not even reveal the true face!"

After finishing these words, Wei Li's complexion instantly became extremely ugly.

But immediately, he laughed strangely, and then his eyes swept over Ye Hanshang and Xue An not far away.

"I admit, I really underestimated you! But this matter is not over! I am indeed a ghost who is messing with the situation behind his back, but what can you do to me? Hahahaha!"

Wei Li looked up to the sky and smiled, and his figure gradually became transparent.

"He's going to run!" Meng Yao exclaimed.

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