The many ghost world giants present were even more disillusioned.

Because the culprit of this whole incident can be said to be this Wei Li, but now he wants to get away, don't people like himself have to bear the double anger from Mingjun and Shenhuoguizun?

So the shouts kept coming and going.

"Old ancestor, you can't leave us alone!" This is the Wei family wailing.

"Wei Li, you can't just leave like this!" This is the other giants roaring.

But at this moment of chaos, Xue An suddenly stepped forward, instantly crossing the distance between them, and came close to Wei Li.

At this time, Wei Li's figure was hidden in the void, so thin that it was almost transparent, so when he saw Xue An rushing forward and backward, Wei Li's face showed a hint of ridicule.

"Shenhuoguizun, why be so polite! Come to see me off at this time!"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Yeah! Of course I want to give it to you! Because Jiuyou Land is not a good place! What do you think!"

This sentence seemed like a bolt from the blue sky, causing Wei Li, who was originally to be the old god, to change a lot, and even his figure that was almost completely reclusive also fluctuated with it.


"How did I know? Hehe, you know? Before I entered the ghost world, I used to go to a place! That piece of heaven and earth was very strange, and various forces canceled each other out. I was puzzled at the time! Until I met you !"

Xue An talked eloquently, "The Land of the Nine Netherworlds is actually the beginning of the origin of this ghost world. There is the origin of all ghost world planes! All the evil spirits and ghost races are born from the souls there. ! But the vision of that piece of heaven and earth clearly shows that there is something wrong with this Nine Nether Land!"

"So if I'm not wrong, the ghost you summoned before is the evil spirit from the land of the Nine Nethers! And your body should also be sealed there and cannot move! That's why you will always walk as a clone. Am I right?"

Wei Li was only a little short of going away at this time, but in spite of this, he could still clearly see the horror in his eyes.

At this time, Xue An smiled faintly, and suddenly leaned down and whispered in Wei Li's ear: "Don't worry, wash your neck and wait and wait, I'll be there soon!"

"Count me too!" Ye Hanshang behind him suddenly said.

Xue An smiled, and then when he raised his hand, a white flame floated on his fingers, slamming forward!


This flame pierced directly into Wei Li's forehead.

There was a faint howl full of unwillingness and fear from the depths of the void, and immediately after Wei Li's clone was like a soap bubble, it shattered with a bang.

There was deathly silence.

Although many people didn't hear what Xue An said to Wei Li just now, many people saw the scene where Xue An broke Wei Li's avatar.

This can't help making many people's eyelids jump.

But the next scene made the ghost world giants present or the many powerful people who watched this scene through the secret technique of water mirrors feel terrified.

But seeing Xue An turned around, quietly looking at Ye Hanshang who had recovered his soul memory.

Ye Hanshang did not speak either.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and then Xue An twitched the corner of his mouth, and a faint smile appeared.

"Welcome back, Brother Ye!"

The corners of Ye Hanchang's mouth also lifted up, revealing a big smile, "Same for you! Xiaoanzi!"

The smile on Xue An's face froze, "Hey! I am the one who rescued you back. If you don't thank me, it's okay if you dare to call me like this, do you have a conscience?"

"Conscience? Haha, you left without saying goodbye back then. After so long, what about your conscience?" Ye Hanshang was suddenly very excited.

"My situation is special, something urgent!"

"Emergency? Didn't even have a message for the emergency?" Ye Hanchang became more excited, even his eyes were a little red, and said sadly.

"Do you know how long I have been looking for you? How much energy did it take? If it weren't for this, I could have been fooled by Wei Li so easily, and then fell?"

These shouts made many people in the audience look weird.

Especially Zang Xueling, she looked a little blankly at Ye Hanshang, who was yelling excitedly in the air like a "resent woman", and then looked at Xue An, who was standing aside with a dazed expression.

Suddenly a lot of indescribable pictures popped up in his mind, and then he showed a rotten smile, thinking that he knew everything.

Ok! It must be so!

Otherwise, how could this Lord Mingjun go so hard to find Xue An!

What a touching feeling!

Just when Zang Xueling thought that he knew everything, Xue An rubbed his nose in a daze. Suddenly, he came to Ye Hanshang, who was yelling with his teeth and claws, and then fell sharply over his shoulders.


Xue An's attack was extremely ruthless, and this time he directly threw Ye Hanchang into the ground, smashing the ground into a big chevron-shaped hole.

Then Xue Ancai said with a black line on his face: "The surname is Ye, can you **** talk so badly! I'm a straight man of steel!"

Soon, Ye Hanchang crawled out of the ground, then wiped the dust off his body, restored his former handsome temperament, and nodded very calmly.

"Understood! Actually, I am also a straight steel man! I was just a little excited just now!"

Xue An looked like I believe you were a ghost, and stepped back a few steps unmovingly, then raised his hand to the opposing giants and powerful men.

"Hey, what are you going to do with these people?"

Ye Hanshang's gaze swept over these people. Everywhere they looked, everyone was terrified, and they rushed back.

After a while, Ye Hanchang lowered his eyes slightly and said indifferently: "The person who had participated in the siege of me now judges himself, and I will not pursue his family!"

This sentence relaxes the originally extremely solemn atmosphere.

Although many people still showed sadness and despair.

But no one dared to have the slightest chance, and even scrambled to self-discipline.

Because they knew that this was Ye Hanshang's greatest gift to them.

If according to normal practice, Ye Hanshang should have wiped out all the giants in the ghost world at this moment.

Even Xue An couldn't help being a little surprised after hearing this but soon.

Those who had participated in the siege of Ye Hanshang were all dead.

Ye Hanchang waved his hand, "Go away!"

"Yes...Yes! Lord Mingjun, Lord Guizun!" Many powerful people shouted tremblingly, and then they left in a hurry.

In an instant.

The people who had occupied most of the secret realm just now all dispersed.

Only Wei Qingxiao was still standing at a far distance and watching quietly.

Xue An raised an eyebrow slightly against Ye Hanchang.

Ye Hanshang naturally saw this scene too, smiled faintly, and then flew to Wei Qingxiao in an instant.

Wei Qing smiled, and just wanted to say something.

Ye Hanchang smiled, "Sister, come with me!"

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