Ye Hanshang closed his mouth with interest.

Not to mention anything else, with Xue An's presenting hand, he is willing to bow down.

At this point, Ye Hanshang understood that what Xue An had said before was not false, even if he really meets Wei Li now, regardless of the difference in strength, the outcome is still between the two.

at the same time.

But seeing Xue An's little blood bead floating in the void, steadily spinning.

The blood bead slowly flew to the center of the rune formation, and fell suddenly.

As if someone had connected the circuit, the runes of the entire rune array began to light up gradually.

While breathing, the entire talisman array lit up with extremely bright light, where the light was, these white mists began to dissipate crazily.

Then Xue An took a deep breath, raised his hand and pressed down suddenly.


The entire talisman array smashed directly into the void beneath his feet.

An invisible shock wave spread out like lightning, and wherever it passed, the mist evaporated and gradually revealed everything that was enveloped.

It was only then that Ye Hanshang could see clearly that in the depths of the void shrouded in mist, a series of gray and dry tentacles appeared.

These tentacles stretched across the world, without knowing how far they were, extending directly into the vast void.

But the number is like the devil's hair, making the scalp numb.

And in the center of these countless tentacles, there was a huge coffin floating impressively.

The shape of this coffin is very simple, with the blood of unknown creatures depicting runes exuding a vast and powerful atmosphere.

Moreover, the coffin is bound by layers of golden chains, which is daunting.

It can be seen that the coffin is extremely old and damaged in many places.

But even so, you can still feel the power of the seal attached to this coffin.

Needless to say, this is where Wei Li's ontology lies!

Ye Hanchang looked happy, and stepped forward.

Xue An raised his hand to stop him.

Ye Hanchang was taken aback, "What's wrong?"

Xue An said indifferently: "Don't you see that the seal on the coffin has strong restraint against the fairy king, especially you ghost tribe fairy kings?"

"Then what to do?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "Naturally it's...cold!"

With that, Xue An's eyes flashed, and a red and white flame lotus appeared between his eyebrows, and then fluttered to the countless tentacles extending into the void.

But although these tentacles are as dry as branches, they seem to have self-consciousness. When the flame lotus comes to the front, these tentacles recede backwards like beasts fearing flames.

The speed is so fast that Flame Lotus can't keep up.

Xue An sneered upon seeing this, "Do you still want to resist this time?"

With that, Xue An raised his hand and shook it.


After a soft sound, the flame lotus was divided into two, then two into four, and four into eight.......

However, after a few breaths, these flame lotus flowers split into countless flowers, and then flew to the countless tentacles like a wall of fire.

At this time, these tentacles were inevitable. When the flames touched them, the whole tentacles instantly ignited and burst into flames.

In the flames, these tentacles struggled frantically, but they didn't help.

However, after a few breaths, many of the tentacles were broken apart by the roasted inch, and turned into nothing.

In this case, the coffin in the middle began to tremble, but even so, it did not reveal the slightest breath.

Xue An sneered when he saw it, "Are you planning to play dead at this time? Well, then I will fulfill you!"

As he said, Xue An waved his hand and the flame lotus turned around and went straight to the coffin.

At this moment, a breath of horror and anger slowly emerged from the coffin.

"Xue, don't deceive people too much!"

Following the voice, a shallow phantom appeared on the coffin.

It is Wei Li.

at the same time.

These flame lotus flowers have also rushed to the front, Wei Li's face showed a look of incomparable fear, and suddenly screamed.

A long, long and deep space crack appeared in front of him, blocking the flame lotus from continuing to move forward.

But this is just a stopgap!

Because these flame lotus flowers did not retreat, but swayed in the front, as if waiting for the opportunity.

"Wei Li, you are right, I just want to deceive people too much!" Xue An stepped forward and said slowly.

Wei Li's face was extremely ugly.

That day before that secret hiding place, Xue An revealed his secret with a single word, and Wei Li was terrified.

But as Xue An said, even if he wanted to hide, it was impossible.

Because his body is sealed in this place.

In desperation, Wei Li had no choice but to do the opposite, and took the initiative to strengthen his seal, trying to hide his body, so that the coming Xue An and others would return without success.

This idea cannot be said to be faulty.

But he never expected that these tricks were just a joke to Xue An.

A drop of blood broke through the fog, causing everything to surface.

Under Xue An's flames, these tentacles transformed from Wei Li's cultivation base were completely vulnerable, and were directly burned into nothingness.

But Wei Li still wanted to play dead.

Until Xue An was about to start with his coffin.

Wei Li was forced to show his face.

This is why he has always been so jealous of Xue An's flames.

So when he heard what Xue An said, he still suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Xue An, you have killed people, and you are almost ready to pay your grudges. What do you want? Is it necessary? Do you want to kill?"

Xue An nodded, "You are right!"

"Xue An, don't think that I am afraid of you now, I just don't want to make the fish die and the net is broken!" Wei Li roared angrily.

"Okay! Then I want to see how you made the fish die!" Xue An said lightly.

Wei Li's complexion gradually darkened, and he sneered: "Xue Have you ever thought about it, if you kill me, will there be any consequences?"

"Oh? What are the consequences?"

"Hehe, come and see!" Wei Li raised his hand and pointed.

I saw an ethereal but real silk thread that firmly connected Wei Li to the world.

"Did you see it? I am completely bound to this world. If you want to kill me, unless you completely destroy this world! But by then, this ghost world will be considered waste!"

Ye Hanchang's complexion changed violently, Xue An's complexion gradually became cold, and there was a dangerous light in his eyes.

Wei Li laughed more and more frantically when he saw this, "How? Now we retreat obediently. The three of us are in charge of the ghost world and live in peace. What do you think?"

"Get on peacefully with you?" Xue An suddenly sneered.

"You..." Wei Li was taken aback for a moment.

But seeing Xue An step forward, raised his finger to the sky, he whispered coldly: "Red lotus industry is on fire, burning the world!"

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