
With Xue An's order, all the flame lotus trembles together, and then they split again madly.

In an instant, the number of these flame lotus flowers increased crazily at an exponential rate.

Only a few breaths, but seeing endless flame lotus like a sea of ​​flames, covering the sky and covering the sun.

Wherever he passed, the Qi of Jiuyou disappeared.

And those tentacles retreated step by step with the advancing of this endless flame, and finally hid in the coffin where Wei Li's body was hurriedly.

Wei Li was angrily attacking his heart, his eyes cracked.

"Xue An, this is what you forced me! Time exile technique."

The Shocking Secret Technique reappears again!

And this time because it was a matter of life and death, the power was several times stronger than before.

But seeing Wei Li's roar, an invisible shock wave suddenly spread, wherever it passed, time stagnated, and the swaying flame lotus also stagnated in the air, as if everything had been pressed by the pause button.

Ye Hanchang's face appeared solemn.

He was also deeply afraid of Wei Li's secret technique.

Although this time because of the barrier of the flame lotus, the spread speed of this time secret technique has been drastically reduced, but even so, the shock wave is still spreading slowly but firmly.

At this moment, Xue An showed a mocking smile.

"Wei Li, as a strong immortal king, you should know that using the same trick to deal with the strong will easily fail!"

"Stop talking nonsense, take your life!" Wei Li Zhuangruo shouted crazy.

He was already a little hysterical at this moment, because he knew that this battle was not his own death, or Xue An and others died, there was no third result.

In order to survive, he has given up.

In fact, from beginning to end, his fear of Xue An only came from these red lotus karma.

In his opinion, the biggest threat came from Ye Hanshang, who was on the side.

Because no matter how good Xue An is, now his cultivation base is seriously declining, and he is not afraid of it.

But Ye Hanshang is different. At this moment, Ye Hanshang has recovered more than half of his strength.

Being a strong immortal king, Ye Hanshang's threat to Wei Li suddenly increased.

This big exile technique also came to deal with Ye Hanshang.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xue An suddenly chuckled and whispered: "Little Ye Zi, lend me another drop of blood!"

Before Ye Hanchang could react, Xue An raised the knife and cut a hole on Ye Hanchang's shoulder, then thrust his fingers in, and forcibly took out a drop of light golden light. Of blood.

Ye Hanchang sucked in pain, and then felt that his whole body was weakened.

Because this drop of blood is different from ordinary blood, it is the blood from the heart, which is extremely precious.

He also knew that Xue An must have his reasons for doing this.

Ye Hanshang still couldn't help complaining after being taken blood by Xue An several times.

"Hey, Old Xue, what do you think of me? Beef cattle? Just cut a few knives to get some blood out if you are okay?"

Xue An smiled faintly, did not answer Ye Hanchang's words, but raised his hand to hold the pale golden blood, and suddenly moved a little between his brows.

Essence and blood seeped into it instantly, and Xue An's momentum also surged forward.

Ye Hanshang was taken aback when he saw this, and immediately understood what Xue An was planning to do. Although he didn't say anything, there was still a hint of worry in his eyes.

He was worried about whether Xue An could accept the energy contained in his drop of blood.

After all, he is a strong immortal king, but Xue An now only has half a step of Da Luo's cultivation.

Among them, there is a huge difference in strength. If you are not careful, Xue An may be overwhelmed by life.

But soon Ye Hanshang understood that his worries were unnecessary.

But seeing Xue An's aura crossed several realms in less than a few breaths, and directly came to the realm of the fairy king.

As far as his eyes could reach, the violent aura seemed to burst the world.

But this was just an expedient measure. To put it bluntly, Xue An temporarily borrowed the Immortal King's cultivation base from Ye Hanshang.

This is destined to not last long.

Wei Li naturally saw this, and couldn't help but laughed strangely: "Xue An, if you really regain your cultivation as the Immortal King, I will just die without saying anything, but now you are just What can I do with the cultivation base borrowed from the secret technique?"

Speaking of this, the power of time that had been slowly spreading suddenly accelerated and came straight to Xue An.

Seeing that he was about to be overwhelmed by the power of this turbulent time again, Xue An didn't panic, just raised his head and looked at the sky where the cracks were shaken by the huge energy, and whispered: "It seems that you can Same technique!"

As he said, Xue An raised his eyes and looked directly at the rushing tide of time. He slowly lifted his slender, well-knotted palm, took a deep breath, and shouted in a deep voice: "Cause and effect!"

After that, Xue An's palm suddenly pushed forward.

The power of causality that directly interferes with everything in the world suddenly rushed out and collided head-on with the power of time.

There is no sound!

Because these two forces are not the forces that really exist in the heaven and the earth, but the forces of laws that are above the heaven and the earth.

So this impact was silent!

But shortly afterwards, I saw a white light dazzling enough to blind people, and swept across the entire Jiuyou Land.

Wherever it goes, space is shattered and everything is withered.

Everything shows its essence.

In fact, in terms of the nature of these two forces, time and cause and effect should be inseparable, or even complementary.

But when the two were fighting together, because Xue An had borrowed the power of the Immortal King from Ye Hanshang after all, and had no foundation, the power of cause and effect gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Wei Li, who was in shock because of Xue An's display of the secret technique of cause and effect, finally woke up, and couldn't help laughing proudly.

"Xue You are really amazing. Not only do you have the magical fire of the gods and ghosts, but also the blessing of such secret arts! But you are not the fairy king after all, so you still have to lose!

"Oh? Really?" Xue An raised his head to look at the triumphant Wei Li, and smiled faintly.

"Don't you think it's a bit too early for success or failure?"

"Huh?" Wei Li was startled, not understanding what Xue An meant.

At this moment, Xue An raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

"Because I haven't finished it yet! The power of cause and effect, shattered!"


The two forces that were entangled stagnated at the same time, and then the causal power displayed by Xue An was instantly violent and swallowed all Wei Li's power of time at a nearly crazy speed.

And the moment after the swallowing was finished, a slight cracking sound followed.

Then the karma of the entire Jiuyou Land suddenly dissipated, and the power of time disappeared without a trace.

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