Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1466: Demon red lotus, strangling Wei Li

When everything returned to silence, the entire Jiuyou Land, as if experiencing the vicissitudes of life in this moment, suddenly withered and became very old.

Wei Li stared at this scene dumbfounded, unable to believe his eyes.

Ye Hanchang's mouth was wide open, and it was not until a long while later that he took a deep breath and slowly exhaled two words.


At this moment, Ye Hanchang only had the word of admiration in his heart.

Because he asked himself that even if it was himself, he would have to pay a lot of price to overcome Wei Li's attack.

But Xue An took half of Da Luo's cultivation base and only borrowed a drop of his own blood to achieve a shocking reversal.

The calmness shown in this, as well as the unfathomable causal mystery, made Ye Hanchang convinced.

Finally, Wei Li slowly recovered from the astonishment, and looked at Xue An tremblingly, "You...Where did you learn the secret of cause and effect?"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Where do you still need to learn this? Do you think they are all the same as you? Sniffing up, and learning some time mystery, I feel complacent?"

"No...impossible! It's impossible!" Wei Li said in despair.

Because this thing shocked him too much.

In fact, the reason why he plunged into the dark paradise so easily at the beginning and willingly be a running dog was because he hoped to obtain the inheritance of the art of time.

In the end, although his goal was achieved, he paid a heavy price for it.

For example, he is now sealed in Jiuyou Land as an example.

So when he heard that Xue An had realized the power of cause and effect that was not comparable to or even slightly better than the power of time, he couldn't help being shocked and jealous.

"In your eyes it is impossible, but in my opinion, it is nothing more than that!"

With that, Xue An slowly raised his hand and said lightly to Wei Li: "You should be tired of being trapped here as a watchdog for so long, so now I will send you on the road!"

After that, Xue An's hands snapped together.

"Wan Lian is back together!"


The flame lotus that had just broken free from the time beam and regained freedom began to condense together crazily with Xue An's movements.

But in an instant, a huge, crystal clear lotus appeared in the void.

Wei Li's face was pale and could not help but exclaimed, "Xue An, I have something to discuss, I am willing to..."

The reason why he was so frightened was because he smelled death from the lotus flower.

But Xue An obviously did not intend to give him this opportunity.

Xue An raised his hand, "Kill!"

This huge lotus disappeared in an instant [51 Novel], and when it reappears, it has come to the top of Wei Li's phantom.

This phantom could not even struggle, it was crushed directly, and then the lotus fell in the coffin, and the roots of the lotus swayed like a sharp knife, piercing directly into the extremely hard coffin.


But no matter how hard you struggle, you can't stop the erosion of this lotus flower.

at last.

The rhizome of the lotus densely wrapped the entire coffin, and then the lotus began to tremble like breathing.

With every tremor, countless pale golden blood was absorbed along the rhizome.

Every time it is absorbed, the lotus will sway joyfully and comfortably, and the lotus leaves composed of flames become more and more verdant.

"Ah ah ah, Xue An, what kind of monster is this? I'm never ending with you!" Wei Li in the coffin was still screaming frantically.

But Xue An was not moved at all, just watched quietly.

Seeing this, Ye Hanshang couldn't help taking a breath, feeling a cold neck, and couldn't help but step back a few steps.

Because this lotus is too strange and terrifying.

Wei Li was also a strong immortal king anyway, but was suppressed by this lotus, even using it as fertilizer, sucking frantically.

Such secret techniques, not to mention Ye Hanchang, are unheard of even in the heavens.

At this moment, the breath of Xue An's body suddenly fell, and the brilliance in his eyes was also shattered.

This is the drop of blood that Xue An borrowed from Ye Hanshang has been exhausted.

Then Xue An's face showed a tired look.

After all, the immortal king's cultivation was driven by the body of a half-step big Luo. The pressure was so great that even Xue An felt deeply tired.

But even so, Xue An still stood up like a sword, quietly looking at the coffin that was completely covered by lotus flowers.

At this moment, Wei Li has changed from the initial anger and abuse to panic begging and wailing.

Speaking of this, Wei Li is also sad. Since breaking through to become a strong immortal king, after practicing the Secret Technique of Time, he has not enjoyed even a day of freedom and was directly sealed in this place.

After so long of operation, he finally saw a glimmer of hope of getting out of trouble.

The result was strangled by Xue Ansheng.

And if that's all there is to it, the key is that this lotus is madly absorbing his blood and cultivation.

Wei Li tried to resist, but it didn't help.

For the first time, Wei Li felt such a deep fear of death.

That's why he would abandon all his face and beg for mercy frantically, just to survive.

"Ouuuuuu, Master Xue! Please let me go. I am willing to pay my soul contract and become your most loyal servant. I only ask you to let me go!" Wei Li's words were already crying.

The conditions he offered were also extremely seductive.

That's a powerful immortal king!

If you really become Xue An's slave, it would be a precedent among the heavens.

At least Ye Hanshang couldn't help but feel a little moved.

But Xue An was not moved at just watched quietly. It was not until a long while later that Xue An smiled coldly, "Be my servant...Are you worthy?"

The arrogance of this made Wei Li couldn't help but lose his voice, and then screamed frantically again.

"Xue An, you bastard, even if I die, I won't make you wish! Remember, you will die in the darkness!"

This is the curse issued by Wei Li exhausting his final strength.

But as far as Xue An is concerned, Wei Li's curse is like a breeze, without arousing any waves at all.

"The evil gods in Paradise Lost in the dark will not let you go!" Wei Li roared angrily.

"Dark Paradise Lost... Ha ha!" Xue An whispered softly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He remembered a lot of the dark paradise lost old acquaintance he had met when he was an immortal, but more... still remembered that because of the awakening of the dark physique on the earth, he was led to paradise lost by the power of darkness. Fan Mengxue.

I don't know, how is she doing now!

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