Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1467: Promotion, the realm of Da Luo

Unexpectedly, this cause and effect went round and round, and finally got involved in the dark paradise lost.

Thinking of this, Xue An sighed lightly, then waved casually.

With this wave of him, the lotus flower that was swaying slightly on the coffin quivered slightly, and then slowly bloomed.

As the flowers bloomed, Wei Li's desperate scream came from the coffin.

"Do not……."

But this scream only lasted for a short time, even if it stopped abruptly.

At the same time, the lotus flower was also completely in full bloom.

But seeing thin black lines faintly appear on the red and white lotus petals, like the sky, exuding a weird and powerful aura.

But other than that, Lotus hasn't changed in any way, and even its body shape hasn't increased at all.

Ye Hanchang gradually widened his eyes.

Because in his perception, Wei Li's breath no longer exists.

This can only prove one thing, that is, Wei Li has fallen.

But after absorbing an immortal king-level powerhouse, does this lotus only change so much?

This is too unbelievable!

at the same time.

As soon as Xue An waved, the lotus flower converged its rhizome, and the eroded coffin was exposed to the air and instantly turned into dust.

Then the lotus flower floated and flew into Xue An's palm, slowly rotating, reflecting a strange light.

Ye Hanshang leaned over and asked curiously: "Old Xue, that's okay! This is your magic fire! It's much stronger than before!"

With that said, he actually stretched out his hand to touch it.

Xue An said lightly: "If you don't want to be absorbed like Wei Li, then you can touch it!"

These words made Ye Hanchang withdraw his hand in an instant, and said with a smile: "Haha, let's forget it!"

"Protect me!"

With that, Xue An raised his hand, and the lotus floated and flew into the center of his eyebrows.


When the moment of complete integration.

The aura on Xue An's body suddenly rose, and then Xue An slowly closed his eyes, and there were countless visions that were transformed by the aura.

Ye Hanchang took a few steps back, and said in amazement, "Break through the realm?"

Then Ye Hanshang nodded and whispered softly.

"Absorbed all the strength of a fairy king, if you don't break through, it will be a ghost!"

With that said, Ye Hanchang sat in the void and protected Xue An.

One day, two days, three days...

at last!

By the fourth day, Xue An's aura became stronger and stronger, and the vision he turned out was even more lifelike, even the persecuting Ye Hanshang couldn't help but step back a few steps, and then slapped his tongue again and again.

"What a strong momentum, what realm is this going to break through? Could it be from the half-step Daluo realm straight to the fairy king?"

As soon as the voice fell, the boiling Qi in Xue An suddenly fell silent, and then crazily converged inward.

In an instant, everything returned to silence.

Xue An slowly opened his eyes, and for a moment, there were countless stars in his eyes that were evolving, and it was so profound that it was too deep to look directly.

"From then on, I am Ronaldo!"

After saying this, Xue An's vitality was only completely subdued, and the various visions in his eyes also disappeared.

Ye Hanchang trembled all over, then slowly exhaled.

Fortunately, there hasn't been such a horrible thing as going straight from Banyan Da Luo to the fairy king!

But even so, Ye Hanshang still felt a deep shock and couldn't help laughing.

"Daluo? But how do I think you are better than when I broke through the fairy king?"

Xue An smiled, "Why? Not convinced? Then should we make gestures now?"

Ye Hanshang shook his head repeatedly, "Forget it! I'm too lazy to start with a guy like you, you are purely a pervert, you can't infer it with common sense at all!"

Then Ye Hanchang looked at the world that had become dull and dull because of Wei Li's fall, and his expression gradually became awe-inspiring.

"Old Xue, Wei Li is dead, but this piece of Jiuyou Land has also suffered a lot of damage. If it can't be solved, the whole ghost world may be implicated. What do you think?"

Ye Hanchang could naturally feel the withering and wilting of this nine secluded land.

And here as the origin of the ghost world, if the vitality is cut off, the impact on the entire ghost world will be immeasurable.

But Ye Hanshang also understood that this Wei Li must be eliminated.

Not only because of his enmity with himself, but more importantly, the longer he occupies the Nine Nether Lands, the more difficult it will be to eradicate.

Even after waiting, he might completely refining himself and the Nine Nether Lands into one. At that time, if he wants to destroy him, he can only completely destroy this world.

So it is the best choice to eliminate it now.

But the most important thing right now is how to properly resolve the crisis facing the entire ghost world.

Xue An nodded when he heard the words, "I had expected this a long time ago, and at the same time I also have a not too mature idea in my heart, but does this require your full cooperation?"

"My cooperation?" Ye Hanshang still didn't understand what it meant.

Xue An nodded, then stomped suddenly.


There was a violent shock in the void, and countless cracks began to spread from Xue An's feet, and eventually extended to the entire world, and then burst into pieces.

Ye Hanchang was taken aback, "You..."

He just wanted to ask Xue An what he was doing, and then he was stunned.

Seeing that the essence of the ghost world gradually appeared in the Jiuyou Heaven and Earth after it was broken.

What a picture this is!

I saw a huge and incomparable behemoth erected in the void, with no end in sight.

This behemoth has a weird shape, but it is extremely delicate.

However, this thing has obviously been destroyed, as can be seen through the broken shell, among which there are countless extremely delicate gears.

These gears bite into each other structure is so complicated that it can be dazzled at a glance.

It is conceivable that once such a giant machine is in operation, it is a spectacular scene.

It is a pity that now this machine has obviously been irreversibly damaged, the gears have stopped rotating, and the whole machine has become dull and dull.

Ye Hanchang looked foolishly, and it was not until a long time later that he uttered a few vulgar words.

"I*, this is an alchemy creation!"

Xue An stood still in front of this behemoth, and said calmly: "Do you know?"

Ye Hanshang nodded, and immediately laughed at himself, "It's ridiculous that I thought I was the king of the world, but I didn't realize that the origin of the ghost world was an alchemy!"

Xue An said calmly: "It's not to blame you! After all, I only discovered this secret from Wei Li!"

Ye Hanshang suddenly turned his head and looked at Xue An with piercing eyes, "Old Xue, this alchemy creation has obviously been severely damaged, causing it to stop spinning!"

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