Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1479: The beast is coming out soon

Thinking in his mind, Moritz pushed open the door without hesitation, then stepped in.

It was dark in the room, and the smell of blood was even more powerful and straight through the nostrils.

Moritz took out his handkerchief and covered his mouth and nose, and muttered: "Master Koppert, I'm sorry to interrupt your entertainment, but I want to ask, is there any help?"

The words were very polite, but there was no response.

Moritz's brows wrinkled tighter!

Could it be that you played too much last night? Still not awake?

This kind of thing is not uncommon, so Moritz took a few steps forward.

At this moment he suddenly realized that his feet were very slippery and sticky, as if stepping on a pool of slugs, extremely disgusting.

The Gear God is up, what the **** are these guys doing? Moritz, who has a slight habit of cleanliness, slandered.

But at this moment, Moritz stepped on a limp thing suddenly, caught off guard, he fell to the ground.

At this time, his eyes have gradually adapted to the light in the room, so at the moment he fell to the ground, he suddenly found that right in front of his fall, he had his eyes wide open, and he had been dead for a long time. Corpse.

With the gear **** on top, Moritz would certainly not be intimidated by a corpse.

But the problem is that when he saw the appearance of the corpse, a chill suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart, and the hairs all over his body were erected even more.

Because he recognized the identity of this dead body, it was a villain under Copet, who was usually extremely arrogant and brutal.

But now, the thug died with his eyes wide open and his face was full of horror.

Moritz began to tremble all over, and then tremblingly said, "Master Koppert, are you... are you there?"

Still no response.

The room was terribly quiet.

Moritz didn't care about this expensive suit anymore. He got up from the ground tremblingly, almost rolling to the switch next to the door.


When the switch was activated, the weak alchemical energy resurrected along the line, and the soft incandescent light flooded the room.

Then the picture that appeared before Moritz made the director of the blizzard bar, who thought he had seen countless brutality and bloodthirsty, and was already invincible, let out a terrified cry.

I saw that the originally black sofa had been stained red with blood, and the carpet on the floor had become sticky and muddy because it had absorbed too much blood.

The color of blood was everywhere, and under the shining of the incandescent lamp, the originally magnificent box became a slaughterhouse.

That's right!

It is a slaughterhouse in the literal sense.

I saw all the corpses lying on the ground and on the sofa.

Without exception, these corpses were all penetrated by countless bullets.

What is strange is that through all the traces, it can be seen that these people did not die at that time, but struggled for a while, and died in despair until the blood drained.

And in the middle of the **** sea of ​​corpse mountain, Kopet sits in the center like a hill. It is rare that there is no bullet hole on his body, but his left arm seems to be broken by some kind of giant force.

But he was even more dead and couldn't die anymore, because sitting on the sofa was just a headless corpse.

And on the coffee table in front of the sofa, his huge head was placed on it very well.

A trace of doubt still remained on Copet's face, as if he didn't believe that he would die so easily.

And beside his head, there is his mechanical arm.

It can be seen that the person who placed this was very calm, and even had a mood to sort out the position, and strive to be parallel to each other between his arms and head.

But all this can only make Moritz feel deep fear, and the cold sweat drenched his clothes in an instant.

At this time, the men who followed him also walked into the room, and then they were all stunned by the tragedy in front of them.

"Master Moritz, Koppert..." someone stammered.

Moritz leaned on the wall, took a few violent breaths, and then gradually recovered his calm, and said in a deep voice: "Quit all, then block here, no one can come in without my order!"


Then Moritz turned and rushed to the supervisor's office on the third floor.

On the desk in this office is a skeleton of a bird.

Moritz took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself as much as possible, then picked up the flying bird, dipped its beak with some ink, and wrote a few words on the paper.

"Kopet is dead, come quickly!"

After writing, the skeleton of the flying bird trembled a few times, and then the words on the paper had disappeared like a miracle.

Hyacinth is a simple and efficient communication tool, but because it is expensive, it is generally only used to deliver extremely important messages.

It wasn't until all this was done that Moritz slumped in a chair in relief, his face pale after being frightened.

It was not until a long while later that he picked up the pipe tremblingly, but couldn't light the tobacco leaves inside.

Because there is only one thought in his mind.

Something happened!

Although Copet is a heinous bastard, he has a good relationship with his boss. Now that he is dead, his boss will never give up!

In particular, the state of Copet's death clearly carried the meaning of demonstration and warning.

This will make the whole thing unmanageable!

Because in this territory, no one dared to demonstrate to their boss like this!

When the boss is angry, he will definitely do whatever it takes.

Moritz's eyelids jumped at the thought of the aftermath of the brutal beasts of his boss's being released.

The gear **** is on top, don't get involved with me! Moritz prayed softly.

And just when the blizzard bar was boiling because of the sudden death of Copet and others.

Outside Bluestone City!

Xue An drove this giant motorcycle to a halt slowly.

In front of me is a decadent mechanical city.

The huge buildings that used to be a tall skyscraper have lost their former glory, and some have even fallen to the ground and become ruins.

There are huge claw marks on the black alloy city wall that are chilling, showing how dangerous the battle situation was.

But this is also a prosperous The city is full of traffic, and there are endless streams of assembled vehicles.

And along the city walls, there are row upon row of slums that can't be seen at a glance.

On the side of the road, someone lit a bonfire with scrap tires, wearing metal punk clothes, and young people with full-body tattoos were looking dangerously at everyone who passed by.

Like the rest of the world, this is a fallen city!

Xue An's mouth raised slightly, revealing a cold smile.

He doesn't like the taste, but everyone has the right to choose their own way of life.

So Xue An never commented on these people or these things condescendingly.

He has only one idea now, which is to find what he wants in this lost civilization as soon as possible.

Therefore, he turned the accelerator and drove slowly into the city.

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